Chapter 8 - Interlude: Love


Dictionary definitions include: "an intense feeling of deep affection," "a great interest and pleasure in something," "a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person," "attraction that includes sexual desire," "a strong emotional attachment," etc.

Affection. Interest. Care. Passion. Emotion.

Obsession. Possessiveness. Indulgence. Jealousy. Addiction.


Love is usually seen as a positive emotion. It's celebrated and longed for. When people first bring up a topic including love, most people approach it with a heartening disposition.

But, what about the not so positive version?

The one people avoid talking about.

Like most "bad" things, it is not something people like to bring up, and when it is brought up to be discussed, people approach it with disgust, hatred, pity, skepticism, and so on. With their preconceived notions, they dismiss and bypass this horrid version that they would never admit is also their oh-so-precious "love."

They never try to understand it.

Never, even though it's so simple. Let me show you.

Obsession, a result of loneliness.

Possessiveness, a result of abandonment.

Indulgence, a result of restriction.

Jealousy, a result of no confidence.

Addiction, a result of emptiness.

See? So easy to understand, right?

Such love is, of course, not beautiful. It is not heartwarming. It is not bubbly and tinged pink.


Is that why it's hated? It doesn't meet the societal standard seen in popular media, so it is buried away? I see.

However, I do not think it is hateful nor do I think it deserves to be regarded so. This love is pitiful. It is a sad result of a victim who is desperate. Someone who is desperate for hope and latch on to it with all their might.

Desperately hopeful or hopefully desperate? I don't know. Maybe it's both.

So, I don't think such love should be hated and neither should the one who expresses their love in this way.

The ugliness that lays the base for such love is what is truly disgusting and deserves spite.

It is enraging. It is revolting. It is despairing. It is dreadful. It is heartbreaking.

We see the worst humanity has to offer if we look at the source of the love that is loathed.

What is else is to be born of this grossness if not this love?

Oh, this is not a trick question.

The answer is hate.

They are the 2 sides of the same coin, after all. These 2 all encapsulating, consuming, and extreme emotions are very similar, no? Even some of the definitions from before work for both: "a great interest and pleasure in something" and "a strong emotional attachment."

Which of the 2 is scarier?

That's the trick question.


I already said they are one and the same, dummy, so both are just as scary, of course.

Sure, I understand being on the receiving end of such love is hard, and that's why it gets a bad reputation. Those who can not handle it, which I suppose would be majority of people, can break from such intense, desperate love, whether mentally, physically, and/or spiritually.

With broken people comes broken love. Such brokenness commonly ends up with the other breaking or breaking it off before it breaks them.

A repeating cycle of breaking follows the broken.

How can such brokenness be fixed?

That's a rather difficult procedure.

However, it is not impossible.


Haha, I'm being unclear in my stance?

Well, I've never seen a successful result, but I also don't think it's impossible. That's why I can't take a solid stance on the question. I don't have evidence, but I still want to believe.

I hope to see a successful result one day.


I think such desperate hope should rewarded. Don't you?

It's way too miserable otherwise. Don't you agree?

If all we need is love, shouldn't love be able to fix love?

Am I being too sympathetic? Possibly.


Still, for those with a chance, I wish them the best. Even if it is not a 1 percent possibility, it is not a 0.

Because not everyone has a chance.

That's the truth of cruel reality.

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