*Stomp* *Stomp*
On the 9th floor of the Middle region, the last floor before one would reach the lair of the Kobold King, a large team of players were proceeding carefully as they made their way through the floor. A few of them had scratch marks on their armour and some of them appeared to be a bit drained from stressing their bodies. But their eyes look spirited and the morale of the team didn't seem to have suffered an excessive blow. On the contrary, the spirit of the team was high and everyone looked to be possessed by a strange vigor that was continuously increasing.
"Captain, we are close." A [Ranger] who led the group from in front said.
"Spotted the Exit gate. It's just a few metres away from you guys." A voice uttered in the team chat. It came from one of the [Assassin] scouts that had moved ahead of the party to scour the area in front.