Chereads / The Lost Tales of Sinners / Chapter 156 - Lilian Cummings' Wedding Night

Chapter 156 - Lilian Cummings' Wedding Night

It's Lillian Cummings and Jasper Bradford's wedding night, so why is she with Wendell Holloway and where the hell is Jasper going?


The sun was shining in the sky as guests sat in the shaded pavilion behind the Bradford Tower House. The groom was standing at the front, handsome in his new robes, a dark green that went well with his red hair, and much better, many thought, than his original choice, a completely orange-colored suit! Sure, his fiancée and her best friends knew Jasper was definitely kidding, but it was still funny to see Carmen losing her mind until he told her the joke.

Shelby smiled at her husband as he stood beside Jasper, handsome as ever in his dark black robes, the crests of House Holloway and Azulle prominently displayed. He looked back and gave her a quick wink, and then that damn grin that made her want to jump him right in front of everyone. Not that she actually did that, she and her co-sister wives preferred to keep her husband's leap out of the public eye. Well, she and Long Ling did, Andressa Blake always said she would be willing if Wendell really wanted to. But that was just Andressa Blake being Andressa Blake, Shelby didn't think her co-brother wife would really want to get laid in the public eye, but you really could never be sure. But even if it were true, it wouldn't be happening anymore this year, as the three of them were still recovering from giving birth at that time!

Not that they were the only ones, Rose and Elyas certainly wasted no time putting her in the pudding club after Pendragon and Aylbhathat were taking a long vacation in the depths of hell. In fact, the way her best friend was squirming, it would be a miracle if she survived the ceremony and reception.

Luckily the ceremony began and Lillian walked down the center aisle, her white robes modest enough to be appropriate, but still doing a good job of showing off her voluminous, attractive figure. Shelby had to hide a smirk, knowing what would be happening to those robes, and the bride who wore them, later that night.

Looking across the aisle, her eyes met Astoria Wilkison's eyes, and the brunette witch looked back, her eyes gleaming with amusement as her hand rested on the barely perceptible baby belly beneath her robes. Shelby smiled conspiratorially at the other woman, her own hand rubbing her stomach. Vincent, sitting next to his wife, looked over and realized what was going on, and just rolled his eyes, his lips curling up slightly.

Shelby gave the blonde a polite smile and nodded before heading back to watch the ceremony. She had to admit that Vincent had improved a lot, both after Talion had been executed, and in the situation with Jasper, but she still really didn't like the jerk! Of course, part of the problem was that he and his brother hadn't realized the truth before the marriage contracts with Astoria and Lillian had been properly signed in their own blood. If they had realized that their fight was futile and acted on it, things would have been much simpler. It had made a big difference to her and Long Ling when they found out. Sure, Mom and Dad would be upset to learn that their youngest son was gay, but considering how close her uncle Fabian had been to Florence's uncle Josiah during the first war, Shelby was sure her parents would accept the situation. eventually.

Shelby really loved her brother, but it was times like this that she could happily strangle him by dragging her and Wendell into their mess! Not that she really had any issues with Wendell helping the two couples, frankly, she and her co-sister wives enjoyed the ability to get a good night's sleep, but it was the damn secret that bothered her. Her entire world suffered because of Aylbhathat's obsession with keeping secrets, and although it wasn't on the same level, it would still be a mess if the wrong people found out about it. But they just had to keep the secret until Lillian's baby was born, Vincent had already adopted Astoria's baby by blood as soon as she turned up pregnant. Jasper would do the same when Lillian joined the Pudding Club, hopefully in the morning.

Fortunately, Dania DaLiahn had mysteriously disappeared after she died more than she could handle, and she was the worst of the garbage pickers, and Wendell had enough power to eliminate her imitators, but it was still annoying. But they would all go to Azulla Island after the reception, and the wards would keep out anyone not specifically invited, with some pretty severe punishments, so they could waive the secrecy, at least for the next few days. Sensing movement ahead, Shelby turned her attention to Minister Cobb and watched the ceremony, her mind wandering only occasionally to what was going to happen that night.


The ceremony was over, and Liliam could finally take off those damn robes! Sure, they looked fabulous, but they were too uncomfortable to want to wear any longer than necessary. And they were a bigger bitch than Minerva ever imagined to be to escape! Beatriz was happily there to help her, and soon Lillian was breathing a big sigh of relief as she took off her bra and scratched her breasts.

Beatriz giggled and Lillian looked at her. "I don't know why you think this is funny, you try to wear this damn thing all day!"

Beatriz shook her head. "No thanks Lili, when Bella and I get married, it will be in traditional attire and, believe me, a sari is much more comfortable than that."

Lillian nodded. "I can see that, I remember how they looked at the Yule Ball. But speaking of marriage, how's it going? Have you made any more arrangements?"

"Let's just wait until Shelby and the others have their babies so they can enjoy the festivities. I admit, I was surprised when Long Ling approached Bella and me, but after that night with Wendell, I can understand why they are looking for more wives! It really sold out all five of us and was ready for more! I'm not sure whether I envy you or not, having him all to yourself tonight. And at least you'll have a first time most women would kill!"

Liliam grimaced. "I admit, I'm nervous about this, and I could happily kill my parents for following the traditions so closely, otherwise I'd be there with you two that night. At least Astoria was with Melissa when Wendell spent the night, although it must be weird for her to have sex with her sister in the same bed."

Beatriz smiled. "It wasn't weird for Bella and me, we really had fun, although I'm not as crazy about being mistreated as Bella is, it was still fun to have Bella kiss me while Wendell slid down my ass!"

"That's another thing, why does he have to piss me off? It's not like this will help me get pregnant, is it?" Lilian muttered softly.

Before Beatriz could say anything, another voice interrupted as Jasper walked into the room from the bathroom, his hair wet from the shower.

"Actually, there's a good reason for it, Lilian, believe it or not. It's the same reason you're going to get down on your knees with him in your mouth to start the night." Jasper said quickly. "It's a requirement of your magic, you know how stupidly powerful he was before he even killed Pendragon, and when he did. absorbed the bastard's magic, he also got all the magic from his loyal followers who were still alive at that time. You got to lecture on Jeremiah's Law Corollaries the same way we all do, so you know what so much magic did to him."

Lillian gave her husband a slight smile. "I know, I'm just complaining because I'm nervous, I've heard the girls gossip about how big he is.

Beatriz shook her head. "It doesn't, no way, he made me so relaxed, and then the prep spells to clean and stretch me felt weird, but after a while I started to really feel wonderful! You don't have to worry about him hurting you , and anyway, it's only once, unless you ask them to invite you back."

Lillian shook her head. "I don't think that will happen. If it hadn't been necessary to stay with the family, I wouldn't have even thought about it. I fell in love with Jasper without any physical business, and that hasn't changed."

Jasper smiled, pulling her into a hug. "And I fell in love with you in the same way. But I don't want you to feel unhappy, from what Shelby and the others have said, and believe me, I really didn't need to know much about my little sister's sex life, but Wendell he's an excellent lover, and if he can give you what I can't, I have no problem with that. We both understand now that you can't give me what I need physically, and Vincent can, and you don't have the problem of I spend more time with him, right?"

Lilian gave Jasper a wry smile. "No, no, not me. It's not like I can complain after the nights Beatriz, Rose and I spent cuddled up in the dorm, but I still feel like I'm cheating on you. I know, I know, it's not cheating if we all agree , but damn it, I told you about the problems with my parents and their jumping into bed.

Jasper quickly nodded his head understandingly, and that was hell, he probably understood, but then he smiled. "Okay, how about this, we both swear we won't go out to see our lovers while we're mad at each other? It's not something we have to do tonight, but when we're relaxed, we can work the words into something. that we both feel comfortable. Would that make you feel better?"

Lilian thought about it, and yes, if they could be sure they weren't avoiding dealing with things, then it would be different than what their parents did. Giving him a bright smile. "Thanks Jasper, yes I could easily live with that."

Beatriz cleared her throat. "Ok you two now that you've had your moment you need to finish getting dressed so we can get to the reception, I'm starving and I want to dance!"

They both laughed and Lillian greeted her before finishing dressing.


Dinner was over, and he had gotten his godfather's obligatory speech, now it was time to relax and have fun! Wendell smiled at Shelby as they twirled around the dance floor. "So what are you, Andressa and Ling going to do while I'm busy tonight?"

Shelby gave him a smoky look, before grinning. "The same thing you, Ling and I have been brewing gender-switching potions based on you for weeks, Bella and Beatriz and the Guzman sisters are going to be pretty tired in the morning!"

Wendell chuckled: "So that's why you wanted some of my hair? I'll want to see the memories, so be sure to put lots of mirrors around the playroom."

"Already done, the Azm-07 and Azm-726 that were cleaning all day. And Andromeda has been supervising Azm-0282 and the other Azms to make sure we have energy-rich foods for when we take a break. "

"You mean Patrick actually let her out of bed? I'm shocked! I'm shocked, I tell you!" Wendell said, with a look of surprise on his face, which made Shelby laugh, just as he intended.

"Prat! And I think Patrick was about to die of exhaustion and dehydration when Narcissa finished celebrating Talion's birthday by getting her last kiss. Not that I blame her, we celebrated a lot that night, if memory serves. "

Wendell smiled and nodded, before leaning down and kissing her. "But we have much nicer birthdays to celebrate now, so we can leave Talion and Tobias and all the rest of them behind where they belong. .. "

Shelby actually blushed! But she smiled reminiscently: "I'm glad we were all drinking the potion that night, sure enough, otherwise we would have gotten pregnant a lot sooner than we did, and Mom and Dad would have really freaked out! It was bad enough Fred and George got Alicia and Katie pregnant before they graduated, but what if I was pregnant too? Wow boy! That would have been a scolding for sure!"

Wendell laughed. "I think Charles's reaction was actually the most embarrassing, I really didn't like hearing about his wife's favorite positions and being asked if Andressa liked the same thing. But my little moon bunny just responded like they were discussing the time."

"We love her anyway, and it's not like the rest don't have our quirks, is it? Between Ling and her submission, me and my love of showering, not to mention her own perversions, neither of us is exactly vanilla. I'm really looking forward to finding out what presses Melissa and the twins' buttons, aren't I? "

"Miss! But speaking of Melissa, I better take her to a dance, she's looking bored enough to start bewitching Fred and George. And while I'm sure it would be fun, I'm sure Arthur and Carmen they would prefer their house still standing at the end of the night."

Shelby laughed, but as soon as the song ended she went back to his seat and he found himself with a frowning blonde.

"Thanks for rescuing Wendell, I was getting so tired of being polite to those nosy witches! As if it was their business who I chose to continue the Guzman family? And that bitch Rubens was the worst! I think she was planning to marry me to Alan so he could add our safes to her safes. It won't happen, not even in a million years."

There wasn't much he could say about it, love life didn't interest him much, and he just smiled.

"I know, I know, if you're not sleeping with them, you don't care about other people's sex lives. Forgive me, but keeping track of that sort of thing was how you kept yourself alive in the Dungeons, at least during the Tobias years. But, let's talk about something more interesting. Did Shelby tell you what she planned for us?"

Wendell smiled. "I told her to make sure there were plenty of mirrors so I could see all the action in the memories, it must be quite an experience for all of you."

His smile was wicked. "I'm sure Lillian will be able to say the same thing, well, when she's able to talk anyway. You think she will."

Wendell nodded thoughtfully. "Not very often, to be honest. She and Jasper really do love each other, unlike the situation with Astoria and Vincent, and she would probably be uncomfortable. She really wasn't happy with the solution Shelby and Astoria found, but she was even less so. comfortable with the idea of ​​using scientific methods like glass fertilization, although I told them I could cover the expenses."

"Well I don't blame her! I talked to Rose about these methods when you mentioned them, they don't sound good. Making a baby is supposed to involve getting naked and sweaty with someone you want to be with, not something a healer does at the hospital. I much prefer the way we did it, and I think you do too, don't you? "

"If I didn't want to avoid scandalizing Arthur and Carmen, I would take you right here on the dance floor to show you how much I prefer! As it is, I'll put you on my knees tomorrow and we'll see who's laughing then. "

Melissa lightly blushed a lot and licked her lips. "I'm looking forward to it, but the music is almost over and you have other women to dance with."

Looking up, he saw that Andressa and Ling were looking at him with twinkle in their eyes, and he walked over to the tables to let Melissa sit as he took Ling in his arms, with a quick kiss and a promise to Andressa. He spent the rest of the night on the dance floor, including a waltz with Carmen, and it was finally time for them to leave.


Azulla Island

Everyone had already arrived and taken off their clothes to enjoy the early afternoon sun when he and Shelby arrived. It took longer than he expected to get out of Expectant Granny Carmen's clutches, but they both put up with it in good spirits, Carmen was surprisingly understanding about the fact that Shelby was only one of three public wives, and was very welcoming to Andressa and Ling when they all got married. But now they were thousands of miles away and no one who didn't belong could even see the island, so everyone could relax. Shelby was already pulling the dress off her shoulders and belly, leaving it with her panties in the sand, eager to join the others and get as much sun as she could.

Wendell shook his head at his little hedonist as he walked more calmly to the row of bungalows on the beach. He was surprised to find that he was actually looking forward to the rest of the day and night, because he was more than a little uncomfortable with it before. He could tell that Lillian was just following her plans out of a sense of duty, and that really bothered him. But Lillian pulled him onto the dance floor before she and Jasper said their goodbyes and said that she and Jasper had found a way around what was making her uncomfortable with the situation. This was more than a small surprise, and when she explained about the problem with her parents, and the idea of ​​the oath Jasper had taken, he understood.

As they danced, Lilian smirked and put her face close to her ear and said, "After hearing the way you put Beatrice and Bella out of your minds, my pussy is soaking my panties, and I'm really looking forward to you rip them out and fuck my virgin body in every way you can think of until I can't walk anymore!"

Wendell practically gasped in surprise, Lillian wasn't normally the one who was known for a foul mouth, but he could tell she wasn't pushing herself, so maybe she actually spoke like that in private?

But once he understood that she really was excited about the two of them having sex, Wendell was much more excited about the idea as well. Hell, he'd masturbated many times thinking about six tits and ass more than once, and the night Shelby and the others had taken the potion to transform into Rose, Beatriz and Lillian? That was a night to remember! He wasn't sure he wanted to know how his grumpy little rocket had managed to pull out Rose's hair, but it was still a hell of a night, and it gave him plenty of experience in how to get Lillian out of his mind of pleasure.

Speaking of Lillian, she was standing at the door of the bungalow he'd chosen, wearing a sheer white robe, and it was open enough that he could see she was naked except for her panties underneath. Smiling broadly, he hurried down the beach toward her, and the two of them slipped through the open door and closed it behind them, the silencing spells rising automatically.


Lillian took a deep breath, enjoying the way Wendell's eyes focused on her breasts as they pressed down on her robe, before tugging at the belt that held it closed. Shrugging her shoulders, her cloak slipped down her arms to land on the floor, leaving her standing there with only her soaking panties. She wasn't lying about getting excited, once she and Jasper figured out a way to get around her worries, it was like a dam had burst inside her, and she spent the rest of the afternoon wondering what Beatriz had told her about her nights. and Bella with Wendell.

And now he was in front of her, and sweet Merlin, his power! Was he… was he holding this all this time? She moaned softly as he pulled her into her arms, and his lips were on hers, his tongue demanding the entrance she eagerly gave him, her knees buckling as she felt him claiming her. Gods up there could kiss that man!

Then her hands were fumbling with the laces that held her panties together, and the cloth was falling to the floor as she spread her legs, offering herself to him, desperate for him to touch her, and then he was! Her rough hands were between her legs, his fingers rubbing hers and she moaned into his mouth, the feelings when he touched her sending pleasure signals all over her body, her magic dancing with joy from toe to ear!

Lilian originally thought Jeremy's Law and Corollaries were just a bunch of shit when she was in high school, a way for wizards to be able to bed more witches, but now? The way she was feeling he could have her if he just said the word! She never considered herself submissive in any way, but all she wanted to do was get down on her knees so she could worship him! "Bed! Now!" she gasped, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him toward the bed that took up most of the room.

Wendell laughed and followed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Lillian moved in front of him and reached down, spreading her legs and reaching for his belt. She was very happy to have practiced with Beatriz's toys, otherwise she wouldn't have a clue what she was doing! She unzipped his belt and pulled down the zipper on his pants, her hand working its way to the opening. Her hand wrapped around his shaft and her eyes widened at the size. Using her other hand to unzip his pants completely, she pulled down his pants and moaned as she got a good look at the first dick she had personally seen in her life!

Licking her lips, Lilian tried to remember everything she had done and began to caress him. Opening her mouth, she leaned forward and used her tongue to lick the head of his cock, extracting appreciative sounds from Wendell. Feeling a little more confident, she opened her mouth wider and wrapped her lips around the swollen bulb, taking it into her mouth as she began to suck. Her hands were stroking the part of him that wasn't in her mouth and stroking his balls, enjoying the way Wendell was stroking her hair as she sucked on him. But then her hands moved and she felt him rubbing behind her ears, and she moaned around his cock, his fingers touching her in places she didn't think anyone knew, making her pussy even wetter and her nipples tight. painfully. The way he touched her only made her more determined to have all of him in her mouth, and she kept moving forward, until her cock head pressed against the back of her throat. She pulled away, her lips closing around him, doing her best to suck him, but she had to let him out of her mouth so she could breathe, he was filling her so much. When she was ready, she started wrapping her lips around her sac, her hands stroking her shaft, enjoying the way he pulsed in her grip and her satisfied moans. Taking it back into her mouth, she licked the little bit of her cum oozing from the tip, letting it rest on her tongue for a few seconds before swallowing.

Breathing through her nose, Lilian took him into her mouth again, her head shaking as she took more and more of his cock, her tongue licking the vein under her shaft as she pulled away. She kept moving, sucking on him greedily as she got more comfortable, until finally, she felt her balls tighten in his hand and he gasped for her name. Realizing what was about to happen, she backed away until only her head was in his mouth and it opened wide.

The first shot hit her deep in the mouth and rolled down her throat as she swallowed, the second closely followed and falling on her tongue. She was still swallowing when the third explosion filled her mouth and down her chin, she was starting to struggle to swallow it all down, and she backed away so that the last explosion hit her in the throat and down her chest, covering her breasts.

Lillian had just swallowed the last gulp of Wendell's semen when she felt the pleasure bubble through her body and she felt as if every bit of magic in her body ignited at the same time, washing her over in oceans of bliss as her magic welcomed your. She looked up at him, smiling weakly before the pleasure overcame her and everything went dark!


Wendell cursed under his breath as Lillian rocked into her position, her eyes glazed over with lust as she climaxed. He had thought he had his power repressed enough to avoid such an extreme reaction, but he was wrong. Either that or Lillian was just more susceptible to his magic than Astoria or the others. He really hoped that wasn't the case, because that would just lead to complications neither of them needed. He levitated the happy girl onto the bed to let her enjoy the feelings as he got up and took off the rest of her clothes. When he was naked, he climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Lillian, cradling her as she came to.

While Lilian was adrift, he used his wand to clean her, a gentle, refreshing spell removing sperm from her breasts as well as cleaning her mouth. The magic made her stir, shifting in her arms as she snapped back to reality.

Lilian chuckled softly. "Damn it! No wonder you need all those wives, Wendell! It almost wiped me out, and so much pleasure on a regular basis would probably kill me.

Wendell laughed lightly. "Sorry about that, I thought I had everything under control, but yes, after we had been together for a few months, Shelby and the others sat down and convinced me they needed help to keep up with me. Another consequence of Aylbhathat keeping secrets. if we knew how taking Pendragon's magic would affect us, I would have released the magic as soon as he definitely died. But by the time we found out, it was too late and I had fully absorbed it."

"Well, we can complain about Aylbhathat later, in case you haven't noticed, you have a woman in your arms who is naked, wet and ready to have her brains fucked." There was laughter in her voice, but Wendell wasn't about to reject it.

Casting muscle relaxation and barrier-smoothing spells, he lifted her leg and rubbed the head of his cock against her swollen lips before she reached down and guided him into her pussy, sighing happily as he thrust into her. "Ooh yes, much better than any of Beatrice's toys." she whispered, moving back against him. He moved slowly to let her adjust, but Lillian had other ideas, reaching out to grab him as she rolled onto her back, with him on top of her, still buried in her pussy.

"Come on, fuck me, Wendell! I've been looking forward to it since we arrived on the island! "

With a smile, he braced himself in her arms and pulled away until only her cock head was inside her, then he pushed forward, burying himself as far as he could in her clinging pussy. She cried out happily, tightening around him, and he began stroking her, adjusting as she began to move back against him.

"That's it! Oh fuck yes! Fill my virgin cunt, fucking me like a veela bitch!"

Wendell continued to pump into her, one hand slapping her on the fleshy globes of her ass, which made her tighten even more around him. She continued to encourage him until the words trailed off as she was babbling nonsense. He could tell she was climaxing steadily and feeling the pressure building, he wanted to send her completely over the edge. Remembering the reaction she'd had when they'd been having fun with the transformation potion earlier, he reached down and put his mouth to her ear. Catching her earlobe between his teeth, he gently pinched the flesh and was almost thrown off the bed at her reaction!

Lillian cried out in ecstasy, her body arching under his as she practically convulsed from the force of the orgasm that hit her. The way she tightened around him triggered her own release, and he moaned loudly as he flooded her belly with his cum before sliding out and pulling her into his arms again. She finally calmed down and turned to face him, her body pressed against his and a satisfied smile on her face. Lillian just lay there, cradled in her arms, until the girl's soft breathing told him she had fallen asleep. With a wry smile, he leaned back against the pillows and closed his eyes, a short nap wouldn't hurt, would it?


Lillian woke up slowly, wondering where she was, but then she felt Wendell's arms around her and it all came back to her. Smiling widely as she remembered how amazing he made her feel, she blinked when her bladder suddenly realized she was awake and started screaming for attention. Stepping out of Wendell's arms, she grabbed her wand and ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later, greatly relieved, she stood up and pointed her wand at her belly and cast the spell she had memorized. When a bright blue glow appeared, she squealed happily, it worked! She was going to have a baby!

Running back to the bedroom, she saw that Wendell was sitting up, looking around. With a big smile, she caught his eye and said, "Congratulations, it's a boy!"

Wendell smiled back and started to get out of bed, but she said, "I hope you're not planning to leave yet, Wendell. We have all night and I'm ready to feel that monster slide down my ass!"

There was no conversation for quite some time after that.