Summary: Realizing that her attempts to attract the attention of a certain wizard do not get her anywhere, Juliette decides to enlist the help of the person who spends most of her time with Kristin, preventing herself, who reluctantly decides to help after some persuasion. However, things don't go as planned and after a night of drinking, your relationship changes forever.
"Oh, Kristin-sama, what should Juliette do to get your attention?" Juliette sighed as she watched the boy from his eyes fight his rival. Juliette was currently hiding behind a pillar, chasing the dark-haired man as usual. She was confused about how she couldn't get the man's attention. The blue-haired woman tried to change clothes, hair style and even stopped talking in the third person. Unfortunately, none of them managed to impact or even be noticed by the ice wizard. Even trying to make the man jealous by going out with his colleague from the same master proved ineffective. While Kristin will pay attention, it only lasted as long as the ice wizard was around. Juliette blew out another breath and sat down against the pillar.
The woman stayed there and sank into her self-pity before looking back at the ice wizard. Unfortunately, she didn't feel any better looking at the black-haired man and she couldn't even imagine a new plan. This made the water wizard worry, she was a little dry lately and just made her feel worse. Juliette continued to watch the men fighting, waiting for her to think of something, and to her surprise, she did when her eyes landed on Kristin's combatant. While Juliette hadn't spent much time with the Star Destroyer, she knew that he and Kristin were two of the closest to the guild, no matter how much they denied it.
The blue-haired beauty couldn't believe she hadn't thought of that before. 'Kyoden-san knows more about Kristin-sama than I do, so if I get close to him, I can learn more about Kristin-sama.' Juliette thought, her dark mood disappearing instantly. However, she needed to be sure that she could spend some time alone with gold. She knew it would be a little difficult, as the Star Destroyer always seemed to be interacting with someone. If he wasn't fighting Kristin or any of his guildmates, he would be talking to his team or the lovely, charming white-haired waitress. Fortunately, Juliette had the patience of a saint and was more than willing to wait if that meant she would come close to a certain ice wizard.
~ Outside the Tower of the Gods ~
Juliette started watching the gold-haired man for a week, which was much longer than she expected. This was mainly because the Star Destroyer was much more difficult for Juliette. Not only was he more observant, but his improved sense of smell was one of the biggest obstacles she had to overcome during the week. She almost got caught on several occasions, but with luck she was on her side, she managed to avoid detection. "According to Juliette's note, Kyoden-san should leave the basement with Rana-san and leave the guild." Juliette murmured as she looked at the book of extensive notes on the starfire wizard. Just as she said, the goldman left the guild moments later. She quickly followed Kyoden out of the guild and into the streets of Re-Union
Juliette was amazed that someone like Kyoden had something like a routine. Knowing this had made it much easier to chase the goldman. However, today was a little different, as he followed a completely different path today. Obviously, this took the woman by surprise and she had to follow the man much closer. If she hadn't been so focused on following the man, she would have noticed that she was being led. She soon found herself in the forest that led to the Star Destroyer house, but could no longer see her target. "Where's Kyoden-san?" Juliette wondered.
"Right here." Kyoden said as he showed his presence, causing the woman to scream and stumble backwards and fall on her butt. Juliette looked at the gold-haired man, who was looking at her. A huge blush formed on the beauty's face when her embarrassment overwhelmed her. When the Star Destroyer looked at her, her pale skin only became redder. "Why are you following me?" He said.
"How long has Kyoden-san known?" Juliette asked when she got up. She began to wonder what she had done wrong, Juliette had asked Vazimir for advice. The water wizard desperately needed to know what she had done wrong and that was painfully obvious to the Star Destroyer, thanks to the intense glow it was receiving. Feeling a little strange about the situation, Kyoden decided that it was better to tell the woman the truth.
"Rana told me a few days ago, I didn't believe her." Kyoden replied, making the woman let out a sigh of relief. Kyoden was sure that Juliette was more relieved that her chasing skills were not in question than being caught. "You still haven't told me what is following me, I thought you liked Kristin?" He asked, looking very confused. He was not well versed in how the opposite sex thought, especially strange women like Juliette.
"Juliette was trying to get your help for something." Juliette replied, further confusing the Star Destroyer. Juliette was one of the few people that Kyoden did not know so well, which were his shortcomings. The water wizard was too busy obsessing over his self-proclaimed rival, which was a heavy enough deterrent for the goldman.
"Why didn't you ask me? You really didn't need to follow me, if you wanted a please." Kyoden said, looking a little annoyed. Contrary to popular belief, he liked her privacy and there was no telling what she could have discovered. The goldman quickly shook his head and concentrated on the woman in front of him. "So, what's the please?"
"Juliette needs Kyoden-san to help her get closer to Kristin-sama." Juliette replied with a charming look on her face. The look on her face made it pretty obvious that he didn't have much of a choice in the matter, but he really didn't like the idea of finding out more about the ice wizard. In his mind, he already knew too much about the black-haired man.
"This looks like the opposite of fun, so no." Kyoden denied it. Unfortunately, that was the wrong answer, which was made obvious by Juliette did not seem disturbed. The water wizard stayed there for a few moments before she took out a notebook. Once the book was in his hand, a malicious smile appeared on his face.
"What is it?" He asked.
"It's just a notebook with everything Juliette discovered Kyoden-san this week ... Including Kyoden-san's very special relationship with a busty member of a dark guild-" Juliette explained, interrupting when she saw the expression on the goldman's face. She had never seen the Star Destroyer get so upset before, she was sure that the man didn't understand the concept of shame. She started to laugh a little, which only made the wizard more ashamed. "Kyoden-san must really want to keep this a secret, so Juliette suggests that he help her."
"I really don't have much of a choice, just don't tell anyone!" Kyoden said as he ground his teeth. Juliette didn't seem to mind the reaction, she was happy to be getting what she wanted. "Let's get this over with, I don't want Kristin to have any ideas." The goldman added, annoying the blue-haired woman. However, she kept her composure, she needed the help of the Star Destroyer.
"Juliette is going to meet Kyoden-san tomorrow at breakfast, Juliette knows that Kyoden-san can't work on an empty stomach." Juliette said that before he started to make her leave. Kyoden stayed there, not knowing what to think. He knew the woman was determined to get close to Kristin, but he never thought she would go this far. He just hoped he could get over it quickly.
~ Three weeks later ~
Kyoden and Juliette were sitting at what had become their table in the past few weeks. Despite not being successful in his search, Juliette did not seem discouraged. The goldman was not sure if he was impressed or felt sorry for the woman. He saw the woman adopt almost every approach over the weeks, but she had the same dismissive reaction. Kyoden found himself disliking his rival even more. It wasn't that bad, Juliette ended up being a lot more fun than he expected. "We're not getting anywhere, Juliette, and you've tried everything." Kyoden sighed.
"Maybe it's Juliette? Kyoden-san thinks Juliette is weird?" Juliette asked. Although she had been with the Star Destroyer for less than a month, she approached him. Beauty could now understand how people were able to trust the goldman, despite his seemingly 'immaturity' and 'idiocy'.
"Yes, you are very strange." Kyoden replied. From the look on his face, she realized that the man was not kidding. While she was happy that her friend was being honest with her, she felt a little overwhelmed by the comment and threw her head on the table. "It's not a bad thing, it makes you have fun out there." The Star Destroyer added, improving the young woman's mood.
Wanting to thank the man for cheering her up, she looked up, only to realize that he was looking elsewhere. Juliette did not interrupt the wizard and decided to let him do whatever he wanted. While watching the goldman, looking at another woman, she found herself becoming jealous. Unable to cope with the feeling, her magic started to ignite and a small rain cloud began to fall on her.
"Hey, are you all right, Juliette?" Kyoden asked, taking her out of her mood. "You have been doing this a lot lately." He added. The concern in his friend's voice was enough to make the rain woman blush and the clouds disappear almost as quickly as she had arrived. Glad that his guildmate was in a better mood and still happily unaware that he was the cause of her bad mood, he stood up. "I'm going to get something to eat, do you need anything?"
"Juliette will be fine." Juliette replied as she watched the man leave. When the man was at the bar, she let out a little sigh and fell on the table. Juliette felt a bit divided recently, she had enjoyed her time with the Star Destroyer, so much so that she had not been able to truly concentrate on her task, despite having a bigger vision than the ice wizard wanted. Juliette was not sure what was going on. She was sure she was in love with Kristin, but she still couldn't define how she felt about Kyoden. The feeling was strong and she will try to compare it to her brotherly relationship she had with Minerva, but Juliette knew that was not the case. Unlike the frighteningly beautiful Godslayer, the water wizard was jealous whenever he saw Kyoden talking to another woman. 'Juliette shouldn't be feeling this way, she should love Kristin-sama.' She told herself, trying to chase her thoughts away.
While Juliette was struggling with herself, Kyoden found herself dealing with her own problems. "I didn't understand, everything was great, but now things are getting weird with Juliette." Kyoden snorted when he looked back at the dark woman. Rana chuckled and leaned over the bar. A small flush appeared on the wizard's face when he was treated with his friend's cleavage. He quickly calmed down and his blush disappeared as quickly as they arrived.
"My charms must be running out, it used to make you excited enough to grab me and take me to the warehouse." Rana said, her voice remaining sweet, despite the obscene subject. That was enough to get the oldest Stars the reaction she wanted. However, her attention did not remain on the agitated wizard for long, while she noticed the storm cloud over Juliette's head. "Now that I think about it, I think it is better to postpone today, ensuring that the city does not suffer from a tsunami and is not flooded is more important than my pleasure." The woman said.
"Wow, thanks for being a huge help!" Kyoden commented, irritated that the woman full of wisdom could not help him. However, he was not sure why he expected help from the waitress. They had a very strange relationship, so Kyoden was never sure when he would receive incredible advice or if she would tease and tempt him. It was obvious that he was not receiving help from the woman, so he decided to try one more thing. "Please, Rana, what should I do, I like being with Juliette, but I don't want things to be weird." He said, hoping to get something from the woman. Unfortunately, it was the opposite of useful.
"I never thought I would see the day when the dense Kyoden Koezuka would find love, and with the potential love interest of his rival ... What a scandalous case." Rana passed out mockingly. Kyoden left the bar with a huge blush on his face. He wasn't sure if what Rana had said was true, all he knew was that being around the waitress was bad for his mental health. "All you have to do is be honest." She applauded.
"Sorry I'm late, Rana was just being… good Rana." Kyoden said as he sat down. The rain cloud over the woman slowly went from a heavy, dark to a light white. The magician liked that about the water magician, just like him, Juliette had a hard time hiding her feelings. "So, what's the plan today?" The mag asked. He wasn't sure if he would be able to deny what the waitress had said. Maybe he wanted to be closer to Juliette, but he wasn't sure how he would do it, considering the current situation.
"Juliette thinks we should take a day off, following her rival can't be fun for Kyoden-san ... Juliette would be a bad friend if she made him do it for much longer." Juliette said, surprising the wizard. It was a welcome surprise and the idea of spending a day with Juliette seemed very good. "So, what does Kyoden-san want to do?" She offered. There were so many things he wanted to do with the woman that he needed a few seconds to think.
"Why don't we see how the day goes?" Kyoden said with a smile. This made the woman smile too. Juliette didn't really care what they would do, she was happy to spend more time with the Star Destroyer.
~ Later ~
Just as Kyoden had said, the two had just followed the flow and really enjoyed themselves. Since they approached, the magicians knew exactly what the others wanted, so they made a mix of the two. The two were sitting in a booth at one of Kris's favorite bars. They were both there long enough to start working a little. "Hanging out with you is so much more fun when we don't have to follow Kristin around." Kyoden said with a big toothy smile.
"Juliette agrees, sometimes everything you pursue can be tiring." Juliette replied with a cute little laugh. Kyoden would never have imagined himself in this situation a few weeks ago. He doubted he would have this reaction if he hadn't spent so much time with the woman, he was sure he would be scolded by the woman.
"So you finally admitted that you were chasing this exhibitionist." Kyoden blurted out. It was clear to Kyoden that alcohol was starting to affect Juliette. Despite how good she was, Juliette always denied that she was a stalker. Kyoden wasn't sure if she was in denial or if she was just playing with him, but he didn't care because her excuses always made him laugh.
"Kyoden-kun ~ ... Juliette will not admit that she is a stalker, she is incriminating and Juliette doesn't want to talk about him anymore." Juliette whimpered. The man's smile only got bigger with that. He wasn't sure why, but hearing it from the water wizard made him happy. "Juliette is already quite undesirable, and being called a stalker makes it even worse." She added when a cloud started to form. Kyoden found himself angry with Kristin and sorry for Juliette. He made a mental note to punch the man with all his strength tomorrow, before going to console the water wizard.
"You know this isn't true, what about all the guys who got you here? I'm sure they didn't think you were undesirable." Kyoden asked. While he could understand why so many guys approached her, he still found it quite irritating that they were cutting his time with Juliette. However, it made him happy with how cold and quickly she rejected them.
"Kyoden-kun, getting the attention of a bunch of excited drunks doesn't make Juliette happy." Juliette replied, still looking down a little. So Kyoden decided to ask what kind of man she wanted. The magician had a good idea of what she would say, and as much as he didn't like it, he knew it would make his friend happy. The rain woman thought for a few seconds before drinking the contents of her mug, a drunken blush showing on her face. "Kyoden-kun, Juliette doesn't know what she wants anymore ... Spending time with Kyoden-kun confused Juliette, she thought she wanted someone nice and calm, but lately, she longs for someone who is warm and passionate." She said, approaching the goldman and resting her body against the man. Juliette whimpered when she felt the heat emanating from the Star Destroyer and snuggled closer to the man. The woman already had a very strong personality and the alcohol just seemed to reinforce her even more. "Kyoden-kun, are enough questions for me, what kind of woman are you interested in?"
Now it was Kyoden's turn to drink his drink. The fearless man knew he needed a little extra courage before going on with the woman. "I like the strong, sexy type." Kyoden declared. As he expected, the woman was not happy with his statement. The water wizard pouted and decided to make a bold move. "Juliette?" The wizard asked when he felt the wizard's cold hands turn to face her.
"Shut up Kyoden-kun, you are a coward!" Juliette said before giving the goldman a kiss. To her surprise and delight, Kyoden did not try to stop her and the two shared a short kiss. Although it was very short, both liked the feeling of the other. Kyoden loved the cold sensation of the woman's lips, while Juliette loved the warmth that only a fire essence wizard could provide. After they realized their feelings, the two looked at each other for a few seconds. Juliette wasn't sure if it was the kiss or the silence, but her heart was beating frantically and that she desperately wanted the man in front of her. "Juliette will get what she wants this time, and nothing stops her this time." She told the man.
Being drunk made the wizard even slower than normal and he was a little confused there. Seeing this, Juliette made her move, she mounted the goldman, making sure to face the man a little confused. Despite being very well dressed, the woman was undeniably sexy. His coat could barely hide the fact that it was stacked or a very desirable hourglass figure. Her eyes went to the feature that Juliette's outfit failed to hide, her lovely thick thighs. Being a normal teenager, full of hormones, Kyoden grabbed Juliette's pale thighs. While they were incredible on their own, he remembered something important that Nishiya had said to him. "With every big pair of thighs, there's an even bigger butt behind it. Wait and squeeze tight !!" Kyoden remembered when his hands slid under her coat and moved to her big, round ass. "Dear Artorias, this thing is on another level." He stated when his warm hands started to caress Juliette.
"Thank you Kyoden-kun, but Juliette wants to have fun too." Juliette moaned before giving another kiss. Long and lustful was the only way to truly describe the kiss, which Juliette managed to master. Kyoden didn't care that the woman was taking the assertive role, in fact, he found her more attractive because of that. Besides, he was still very concerned about her ass. Before a few seconds ago, the Star Destroyer was sure he was a dizzy guy, but Juliette's almost perfect girlfriend was doing an impressive job of converting him. This was obvious to Juliette when she felt something hot and hard press on her. Despite being outdoors, she decided to entertain the man. She slowly started to move her hips along the man's groin, which not only made the goldman more excited, 'Oh my.' She thought when an embarrassed blush washed over her face. The woman did not expect the wizard to be so well-endowed, and, surprise, she broke the kiss.
His surprise quickly turned to excitement when he saw the hungry look on Kyoden's face. "You are mine!" Kyoden snarled, taking his lover and forcing her to sit at their table. Beauty was delighted when she heard the possessiveness in the goldman's voice. She also enjoyed the difficult treatment. "I can't wait to get that damn coat off you." The goldman said, struggling to contain his lust. Juliette loved the intense look she was receiving from the man. He looked ready to rip off her clothes.
"Come on Kyoden-kun, do something about this jacket, Juliette is getting all hot and uncomfortable under it." Juliette said, persuading the man even more. The two had completely forgotten that they were in a very public place and engaged in another passionate kiss, with Kyoden taking on the dominant role this time. Unfortunately for them, the owner of the bar was not very kind with her public display of love and affection. The woman banged her fist on the table, winning the attention of the two teenagers. Juliette became more disturbed and regained her reason, and Kyoden did the opposite. When the woman went to apologize, the drunk Star Destroyer spoke. The effects of the drinks became painfully obvious when the wizard talked about doing nothing wrong before changing the subject to all the things he would do with the blue-haired maiden.
Therefore, it was not surprising that the two met in the cold streets of the moonlight moments later. "This is a family establishment, I better not see your guild here again." The rude woman screamed when she returned to the bar. Kyoden barked back at the woman, only to have Juliette try to calm him down. Unfortunately, she failed and the magician continued to talk drunk until he passed out.
The goldman passed out left the water wizard with a bit of a dilemma. Not only was she not sure what to do with the flabby body, she was also unable to overcome the feeling of having taken advantage of the man. "Maybe it was just lust and alcohol speaking louder ... Juliette may have ruined things with Kyoden-kun." Juliette thought aloud. She certainly didn't regret what had happened, but she wasn't sure what the goldman thought. Juliette blew out a heavy breath and decided that the best course of action was to take the man somewhere safe and comfortable. "Juliette hopes this is not a mistake." She told herself as she struggled to get the man.
~ The next morning ~
Kyoden woke up in an unknown place, with a throbbing headache. The goldman groaned when he realized that he was suffering from the effects of a hangover. Kyoden looked around the blank room and he found himself mostly confused. That was only until he smelled a very pleasant and familiar smell. The smell was so pleasant to the Star Destroyer that his pain started to disappear. Rain has become one of his favorite non-food scents over time with a water wizard. Thoughts of the rain woman entered the magician's head. However, he barely had time with his thoughts before his head started to hurt again and he was remembered last night. "Juliette". Kyoden murmured as he rolled over, landing on something soft and warm. Following his basic instincts, he approached the soft, fleshy sphere and grabbed it.
Due to the fact that he was still sleepy, he just smiled and continued to feel the mass of warmth and softness. While his hands were busy, the magician began to murmur and groan the name of the rain woman he liked very much. The Star Destroyer continues to do this, still completely unaware that he was groping Juliette, whose pale skin turned red. Juliette was not eternally sure how to react to this. It was the first time she had woken up next to a man and she had never been aggressively felt before. Beauty could tell that the sleepy sleepy girl was having fun, but it turned out to be too much for Juliette and she decided to talk about it. "Kyoden-san, could you please stop touching Juliette like that." Juliette asked.
Hearing the woman's voice made Kyoden appear in his scenes. The goldman opened his eyes to see a very upset water wizard. She was as naked as the day she was born and Kyoden realized that he was in the same state of clothing. The location of Juliette's naked body was a feast for the eyes. At first, all he could do was face the beauty, but it didn't take long for his instincts to manifest and he approached the woman. "Good morning Juliette, so are you going to tell me where we are?" Kyoden asked, looking at the confused woman. This was another novelty for Juliette and, from the look on her face, this trend would continue, not that she cared.
"We are in my room, Kyoden-san." Juliette replied, doing her best to stay focused. She was always aware of the Star Destroyer's incredible physique, but since he wasn't in the habit of undressing, she hasn't been able to see it until today. Juliette was unable to admire the wizard for a long time, while talking and asking why he was there and why he was naked. "Kyoden-san and Juliette too drunk last night Juliette brought you to Juliette's room, since you were closer ... So Kyoden was naked before inviting Juliette to her own bed, on the condition that she slept naked with he." The woman explained with a furious blush on her face.
Kyoden smiled and decided to tease the woman a little. "You know, my memory is a little fuzzy at the moment, can you remind me why we were expelled?" Kyoden asked with a smile on his face. He was happy to wait as long as he needed, he could face the woman forever. Juliette knew this and wondered what to do, she quite liked the hungry look in the wizard's eyes, but was still confused about the location of their relationship.
"Kyoden and Juliette were being inappropriate at the bar." Juliette confessed, looking away from the man. Last night's events started playing in his mind and his blush only deepened.
"Come on, Juliette, this is not going to help, I need you to tell me what I did to you." Kyoden replied when one of his hands started to get busy. He started to run along Juliette's shapely thighs and even his well-sculpted ass. At that point, the Star Destroyer was sure that the water wizard's estate had done him well and really made him an idiot. He could feel and feel it forever, if need be. "You know, I'm sure this perfect thing has something to do with it." He added, giving Juliette's pale ass a hard squeeze.
Juliette let out a little moan before speaking again. "Juliette kissed Kyoden-san, so things got hotter, Juliette even asked Kyoden-san to rip off her clothes and deflower her on the table where we were sitting". Juliette explained, she could feel a stir in her maiden in remembrance. Kyoden smiled when he heard that, continuing to rub his friend's seductive ass. While he was happy that his attraction to Juliette was mutual, he would have preferred to find out in a better way, but that was enough for the man.
"You know Juliette, everything I said yesterday was the truth ... I still want you." Kyoden said, moving in for a kiss. Beauty was more than happy to accept the kiss. It was as hot as the last one, and Kyoden was even more playful than before. While one hand remained firmly placed on Juliette's back, the other caressed one of her large breasts. While his hands enjoyed Juliette's smooth skin, he mastered his lip block. "So Juliette, will you be mine?" He asked when he started to splash the woman's neck with kisses.
"Yes, Kyoden-san, Juliette will be yours." Juliette replied, disappointing the Star Destroyer. This left the water wizard a little confused.
"I expected you to call me Kyoden-sama." Kyoden replied with a pout. Although he never admitted it, he was jealous that the water wizard would not give him the same suffix as his self-proclaimed rival. Juliette blew out a sigh of relief, she should have expected that. She had forgotten how childlike the magician could get. As soon as she went to speak, the Star Destroyer interrupted. "Maybe I haven't won yet, how about you leave me." The wizard said when his hand started moving the core of his new lover. Wanting to see how good the goldman was, Juliette decided to go with her.
"Juliette wants to ensure that her first lover is satisfactory." Juliette said, seeing the challenge before her, Kyoden's hand moved to Juliette's tearful femininity. A sense of pride grew inside the young man when he realized that his morning antics had warmed his wife up a bit. However, he knew he could do much more, and he wanted to find out if the rumor about female magicians was true. The goldman's fingers found their destination and he plunged into the woman. Juliette couldn't contain a moan when she felt the Star Destroyer's warm fingers explore her damp cave. He didn't stop for an instant, the man continued, earning more groans, even if they were softer.
"Are you moaning yet? I barely started." Kyoden said as he looked at his lover's flushed face. She was adorable and Kyoden couldn't stop having fun any more. After a brief examination, he found his target. He swallowed the hard, pale pink peak and started sucking on it. The goldman quickly discovered that the woman had sensitive nipples. Knowing this, he could not stop exploiting the weakness. While he sucked and nibbled on his right, while his free hand started to move and pull his twin. The poor maiden had never received so much encouragement before and she was loving it. She had played many times before, but none of this compares to what Kyoden was doing to her. Juliette and never expected to feel so good in her life.
However, this was not enough for her, she was a greedy woman and still wanted more. "More, give me more give more to Juliette." Juliette pleaded through her moans. The wizard drank the lascivious expression on Juliette's face. He knew that the woman was almost calm, and then seeing her with her beautiful face contorted in such a way that it was an addictive thing to see. The teenager decided to increase his efforts, his fingers went deeper into the woman, finding Juliette's weaknesses. The woman's body jolted with pleasure when her lover began a vicious attack. Forgetting his roommates, Juliette let out a loud cry, which only made the Star Destroyer want more. Fortunately, the blue-haired teenager was more than happy to give the man what he wanted, especially after he started working. Kyoden's fingers started pumping at the woman at an even faster rate. 'Kyoden-sama must think badly of Juliette, she's moaning like a bitch in heat.' She thought, her masochistic mind turning her on even more.
Kyoden worked his mouth harder with his fingers. Just as he expected, the woman was receptive to him, her moans were louder and a thin sheen of sweat began to cover her. The Star Destroyer to tell by his heavy, labored breathing that his lover was getting close. He didn't hesitate and, with a few more stimuli from his sweet spot, gave Juliette his most powerful and confused orgasm to date. Kyoden looked down when he felt the moisture cover his hand and Juliette's pussy squeezed tightly. "I think it's true, they are hunters." Kyoden watched as Juliette's juices sprayed over the sheets. Although she was still enjoying the effects of her climax, she was unable to contain the embarrassment that came with Kyoden's comment. She was always unsure how her first lover would react to the way she came. Her embarrassment only continued to increase when he lifted his fingers and his mouth. "You taste good too, just one more advantage, I think." The teenager said as he savored his wife's essence.
Juliette was too busy recovering from her mental climax to protest the man's comments. She has never been so upset before and Kyoden saw her chance to get what she wanted. Without a moment's hesitation, he spread Juliette's legs before moving between them. The hormonally charged man began to press his masculinity against his lover's femininity. The hot tip of the Star Destroyer member caught his eye. Her eyes widened when she saw the long, thick beast between Kyoden's legs, her vagina trembled with excitement and her folds moistened further. "Kyoden-sama is so ... great." Juliette gasped as she looked at the big phallus that was ready to claim its virginity. She felt a mixture of fear and emotion as he looked at her. "Will this all fit inside Juliette?" She asked herself out loud.
"I think we should find out." Kyoden said with a mysterious smile on his face. The woman's face shone with pleasure at the response, but when he was about to move, an alarm went off. This caught the attention of the young couple, especially Juliette. Acting quickly, Juliette pushed the man away from her and looked at her watch. "What is happening?" The teenager asked.
"Sorry, Juliette needs to take a shower." Juliette exclaimed, reminding the goldman that she was a very programmed woman. Kyoden was unhappy to find himself on his back, with his new girlfriend about to get out of bed. However, his discontent did not last long. An idea popped into his mind as he watched her wide hips sway and her bottom sway as she walked to the bathroom. The goldman jumped out of bed and followed his lover. "What are you doing, Kyoden-sama?" She asked.
"I want to take a shower with my girlfriend, is that a problem?" Kyoden asked when the two entered the bathroom. The room was quite small, containing only a shower and a bathtub, but both looked large enough for at least two people. Juliette blushed, if following her into the bathroom wasn't enough to indicate what he wanted, the thing that poked her in the back certainly was. If that weren't enough, Kyoden approached his lover, hugging her from behind before giving a small kiss to her sensitive neck. "So, which one do you want Juliette?" He questioned. "Bathtubs are more intimate, but we can be much more careful in the shower." He added.
Juliette's face lit up with excitement before she grabbed the man's wrist and stepped into the shower. She looked back and saw the big smile on Kyoden's face, reaffirming that she liked assertive women. The shower turned out to be the perfect size for them. Just enough to move around, but small enough to keep them nice and close. "Juliette hopes that Kyoden-sama is telling the truth, if Juliette is very clean, Juliette will ensure that she returns the favor." Juliette said, turning on the water before giving her lover a kiss and hugging him. Kyoden returned the kiss and hug, only his hands landed on Juliette's big fat ass.
Until recently, the woman was very shy about her body, especially at the rear, which she considered a little too big. However, Kyoden's constant groping and appreciation by his teammates made her very confident. Wanting to thank the man for his confidence, she lowered her hand and began to gently stroke the man's penis. To her surprise, she was barely able to run her hand through the man's thick flesh, but she started to stroke it anyway. "We're not really doing much cleaning at the moment." Kyoden said.
"You're right, Juliette needs cleaning and Kyoden-sama claimed that he would do a thorough cleaning on Juliette, and his favorite soap is there." Juliette said to her ardent lover when she turned. Easily taking what he wanted, Kyoden took the soap and started rubbing the woman's soft body. He loved every moment his hands roamed her body, he was going to make sure that not an inch of her wonderful body went unaccompanied. However, he would leave his favorites for last.
Then Kyoden started cleaning his lover, starting on her flat stomach and eventually he made his way to her amazing alabaster ass. He kept his promise to clean every inch of the woman and she was blushing a storm. "I didn't know you were so sensitive, I will have fun with that when we get back there." Kyoden stated, more excited than ever. Juliette knew that the man was hungry for his touch, which became very apparent to him how much time he spent "cleaning" his lower regions. At that rate, she would fall behind on her agenda, so an idea entered her mind.
She turned, pushed the man against the wall before falling to her knees. She took the potent musk that emanated from the beast of a Star Destroyer. As he looked at her, he felt a strong stirring in his loins. The agitation only intensified when she grabbed it. "So thick, Kyoden-sama is truly a man among men, Juliette will do her best to treat him as such." Juliette said, looking at the man. Juliette felt the masculinity pulse in her hand with excitement. Kyoden could see the lust in Juliette's beautiful blue eyes and he knew he would delight. "Juliette has never been with a man and certainly not of that caliber, but Juliette will do her best." She stated before giving a kiss on the tip of the man's cock. Despite the indecency of the act, Juliette did not turn into a stuttering mess.
Kyoden did not have enough time to be impressed by his lover when she started to work. Juliette's full lips were unique because they had a chilling effect. He would feel it when they kissed and he liked it a lot and he liked it even more now that he could feel the same chill running down his thick shaft. Juliette didn't stop there and started using her tongue. She used it to spin and lick the magician's penis, making sure that no part of her lover's penis was unattended. The water wizard felt a strong sense of pride when he heard a small groan escape from Kyoden. "You are good at that Juliette." The Star Destroyer groaned when he started to run his hand through Juliette's wet, wavy hair. The water wizard appreciated the compliment, but it was not enough for her.
Then Juliette started sucking harder and shaking her head faster, getting closer to swallowing the entire length. His efforts were not undervalued, the Star Destroyer's moans echoed through her bathroom and he tightened his hair. She didn't care so much about the stronger grip, she was stronger in the water, so it didn't affect her much. Before long, the small room was filled with moaning and lustful sounds. 'Kyoden-sama isn't close yet, which means Juliette should be doing better.' Juliette told herself when she couldn't feel the signs of a climax. As she continued to serve the man, she thought of the many ways in which she could improve the man's experience. While Juliette did this, Kyoden did his best to contain himself. He was loving what Juliette was doing to him, so much so that he never wanted it to stop. It was like nothing he had ever felt before and the feeling only improved with each passing moment.
Unfortunately for her self-control, Juliette figured out what to do. The water mage sat down a little, resulting in most of Kyoden's manhood leaving the cold edges of his mouth and throat. The goldman let out an unpleasant moan when he looked at his shaking, saliva-covered penis. Kyoden already missed the woman's sensation. "Juliette". Kyoden groaned before the woman smiled at him. The magician was surprised at how sexy his lover's smile was. Juliette used her enchanted trance to her advantage. She wrapped her melons around the man's needy and pulsating masculinity as she took what was left in her mouth. She went straight to work, rubbing her breasts along the length of Kyoden and sucking on the man. "Fuck, you're the best." The Star Destroyer groaned, completely in love with Juliette's body.
'Kyoden-sama's cock is heating up even more.' Juliette thought, trying to use her magic. Although unintentionally, Kyoden's magic also began to enter and the small room quickly began to fill with steam. Juliette's heart sped up with the physical representation of their union and she was even more determined to please him. Juliette did just that, making sure not to break eye contact as she did. She loved the lust and passion she could see in his eyes. The teenager loved the dedication and love he could see from them. The two soon lost themselves in stimulation and in each other's eyes.
Their connection was only broken when a familiar crash could be heard from the other room. Juliette's eyes widened and realized that she was late. Although she was a little conflicted, she decided to make her lover climax, and luckily for her, he was already getting too close. She started to slide her breasts faster as she took it out of her mouth, now using her tongue to focus on the sensitive head. Juliette could feel the teenager's member swollen and trembling between her breasts and against her tongue. A blush appeared on his pale face and his own lower regions began to shake with excitement. To his delight, the expression of lack on his face was enough to push his beloved to the limit. "Fuck, I'm coming." Kyoden groaned when he came to the water wizard.
Moments later, the woman whimpered as more of it erupted from the magician's penis and sprayed over her breasts. She was not sure if the man had been seriously supported or had just done an incredible job. Anyway, she was very satisfied and gave the white substance an experimental taste. She found herself addicted and did her best to swallow as much as she could before the water cleared it. "Kyoden-sama is fine." Juliette said, her expression becoming incredibly wicked.
"Are you sure this was your first time!" Kyoden snorted when he caught his breath. Juliette pouted at the comment before getting up.
"Juliette will take that as a compliment." Juliette said, getting out of the shower and wrapping herself in a towel. Kyoden was a little confused. He was as hard as a rock, but Juliette was leaving the room. The blue-haired woman looked at the Star Destroyer. She felt a little bad about leaving the man, but she had her reasons. "Juliette wants to wait a little longer before proceeding, she wants to make sure that this is not going to be a purely physical relationship." She added, reminding the wizard of their peculiar relationship.
"Don't worry, you are the only one I want." Kyoden replied, bringing a blush and a smile to Juliette's face. As he watched the woman leave, a smile appeared on his own face. No one made him feel like Juliette, and there was no way he was going to let her get away.
~ A week later ~
"You've been in a good mood this whole week, have you and Juliette finally closed the deal?" Rana asked, making sure her favorite Star Destroyer received a healthy dose of her cleavage. She laughed when she noticed the quick look he gave her. "I thought you said that you and Juliette were exclusive, but you still can't take your eyes off me." The woman played with a bright, ironic smile. The Star Destroyer stared at the woman, who just laughed at it. "You are so fun to tease Kyoden, just know that Brandi and I are always willing to have some fun with you and Juliette ... Maybe we can all compare notes later." She added, looking very pleased with herself. As tempting as the offer seemed to the man, he did his best to hide it from the bartender.
"Can you tell me where Juliette is? It's late and I want to see my girlfriend and didn't you say you two wanted to be exclusive too?" Kyoden replied, making the woman pout at him. He had a strange relationship with Paladina and Succubus for a few years, so the change was difficult for him, especially with the fact that Juliette was abstaining. While Juliette was more than happy to give sexual relief to the man, Kyoden still did not get what he really wanted.
"I always wondered what would make you give up great sex with two beautiful women ... It turns out it was love." Rana laughed. Kyoden blushed at that, but kept looking at the woman. He hadn't seen his lover since the afternoon and was really missing his blue-haired baby. She ran away and told him to wait, and now it was too late, leaving only him and the bartender. Even the guild master had finished the night.
"So are you going to tell me where Juliette is?" Kyoden asked. Rana smiled and pulled out a key that she threw at the man. He recognized it instantly, but it left him confused. "The pool key?"
"She is waiting for you, I would not keep you waiting." Rana said. Kyoden sat up instantly when he heard that. Rana felt a little jealous, in the time they spent together, she never had that kind of reaction with the man. Fortunately, she still had her favorite oxygenated blonde to make her feel special. "Please clean up any messes you two make." She added as she watched the man run. Despite the man's enhanced hearing, she was sure the man could hear her. He clearly had Juliette in mind and nothing more. The demonic wizard found it quite cute and started finishing his cleaning.
Kyoden walked to the guild's indoor pool before locking the door behind him. He was never at the pool at night, not alone. The way the moonlight reflected in the pool was beautiful. However, his attention remained only on the water quality for a few seconds. He was surprised when Juliette graduated in front of him. He was completely impressed when he saw the back of his lover's voluptuous, pale body. Her figure was embraced by a blue one-piece swimsuit with white details. Not only did he delineate his figure perfectly, but he also mitigated his greatest asset, his big, heart-shaped ass. Beauty looked over her shoulder and cast a lascivious look at the lover with the blue eyes. "Wow." Kyoden said, almost drooling at the sight. He had seen many girls in swimsuits, including the most beautiful on the continent, Jakeline Closedoor of the Mermaids of Athens women's guild.
The Star Destroyer found itself unable to do anything except look. Juliette smiled at that reaction. She was happy that the teenager had appreciated her input and a smile graced her face. Juliette turned and started walking towards her lover, making sure to show off her long legs and let her big breasts jump with tight clothes. She moved until she came face to face with the man. "Good night Kyoden-sama, could you please sit down?" Juliette asked, her voice soft, but her words powerful. He had no willpower to say no and sat down the instant he was told. Although he didn't like the hard tiles in the pool, he completely forgot when Juliette sat on his lap. The hardness of the tiles was easily countered by Juliette's soft body. "Juliette will take over, she expects Kyoden-sama to be understanding."
Still completely fascinated by his lover, Kyoden nodded, speechless. Juliette's influence on him was overwhelming and she knew it very well. She loved how the man couldn't take his eyes off her, the primitive look she gave him and the intense heat he was giving off. "I didn't know you had such a controlling side, I like it." Kyoden said to his lover before giving a kiss to the beauty. As Juliette expected, the kiss was full of love and lust. The two teenagers tried to control lip block, which only made the experience more enjoyable.
Kyoden tilted the scale in his favor when he wrapped his arms around his lover. This not only brought the blue-haired woman closer, letting him feel her hardened nipples through her waterproof clothes, but it also gave her fat and poorly covered ass access. Kyoden's hot body made her already sensitive body even more and she moaned in the kiss. He took advantage of this and his language began to dominate. From the way things had happened during the week, he knew that his control was only temporary, not that he cared, he liked to stand. 'Kyoden-sama is even more voracious than usual, this swimsuit is certainly effective.' Juliette thought as she felt her lover's hand squeeze her ass even more. She was no longer shy about her bottom, Kyoden had made her quite confident. The magician was grateful for that in the form of Juliette boasting more when they were alone.
Remembering how weak for her booty the Star Destroyer has become, she started grinding her wide hips against her lover's. The wizard knew that the water wizard was ready for much more and so was he. He pulled away from the kiss and looked into his lover's dear eyes before speaking. "You're more excited than usual. Haven't I done a good enough job?" Kyoden asked jokingly. After years with Paladina and Succubus, he was confident in his ability to please a woman and the week he spent dating Juliette will only reinforce her. Juliette laughed at the man's joke and continued.
"Kyoden-sama, Juliette feels quite exposed in this swimsuit and Juliette wants some eye candy too." Juliette said to the man. Kyoden did not have much choice, as the woman took off her blouse, leaving her upper body completely naked. The water magician groaned when he felt the man's exposed chest. She loved the warmth the man gave her, it made her feel even closer to the Star Destroyer. However, it was not enough for the blue-haired woman. Juliette pushed her lover on her back and began to assert her dominance over the man. Kyoden loved it and his manhood began to rage in his pants. "It looks bigger than normal." She moaned when she started grinding her groin against the man's swollen erection. Since they started dating, she has become very familiar with the wizard's stick. Juliette had become very good at pleasing the man and she looked fantastic. "Do you like that Kyoden-sama?"
A slight blush appeared on Kyoden's face, the women were delighted to provoke him. The magician allows the woman to do whatever she wants, she looked great while riding him. He couldn't say what he loved most, what he was seeing or what he was feeling. He loved the way her breasts bounced and swayed as she moved and her rigid nipples pressed against the bathing suit. However, he was also delighted with Juliette's lower body. He couldn't get tired of how his big flexible ass and thighs moved against his rigid body.
"Fuck, you're sexy ... Breasts, thighs, ass, you have everything, Juliette" Kyoden cursed. Juliette blushed a little when she heard that and started working even harder. The woman was a very uninterested lover, she always seemed to put his needs on top of hers and all she wanted was some praise here and there.
The voluptuous vixen really worked and things got even hotter between the two. As before, Juliette began to crave more of the goldman's touch. Kyoden saw this and decided to take the role of giving what she wanted. Kyoden was not sure what he would get at the beginning. He loved the feel of her ass, but he could see that her breasts were desperate for attention. The goldman made a decision and went to free Juliette's breasts from their limits, so that he could actually see them bounce. "It's not that fast, Kyoden-sama." Juliette told her boyfriend. Tendrils of water erupted from the tiles and tied his hands to the floor. He tried to move his hands, but the restrictions proved to be much stronger than he thought, he could barely move. He doesn't really question how the water kept him in place, as he was very distracted by Juliette's change in behavior. "You're from Juliette and she'll do whatever she wants."
Juliette came down, pressing her clothed breasts against Kyoden's fiery upper body before placing a quick kiss on the man's cheek. She then sat down, looking at the man. "Come on, Juliette, let me go, I already miss that ass." Kyoden said to the woman. The woman smiled at him, her hand moved down and pulled the fire respirator's pants down, finally releasing the man's cock. Kyoden blew out a sigh of relief, being teased and teased by Juliette was hot, but he wasn't sure his pants would hold if they persisted. A small sly smile appeared on Juliette's face and she moved the bottom of the swimsuit enough to expose her maiden. Kyoden's cock hardened further when he saw the woman's pink soaked slit. However, he didn't see him for long, as Juliette pressed against the man's cock, forcing him against Kyoden.
Both teenagers gasped when they felt this. Kyoden loved the refreshing sensation that Juliette provided and Juliette did not get tired of the heat that came from Kyoden's penis. The woman was not carried away by the feeling and went on as she intended. Kyoden groaned when his lover started to move again. Without the layers of clothing between them, Juliette's sharp sensual grind seemed even better for both of them. Juliette's sense of femininity against him was incredible. It was able to reach the most sensitive areas of its length. "Come on Kyoden-sama, moan for Juliette a little." Juliette said to the man, between her own moans. 'Blackmailing Kyoden-sama was the best idea you've ever had Juliette!'
Kyoden found it adorable that Juliette was trying to save her face. Her maiden's sensitive lips had been even more and her swollen clitoris was receiving some necessary attention. Kyoden liked to watch his futile attempt to maintain his facade. He was sure that Juliette was trying to appeal to his affinity for strong women, so he wasn't going to stop her. In fact, it intrigued the man, and he wanted to see how long she lasted in her position of power. However, by his fast pace, he could say that his lover would tire.
As he expected, Juliette started to slow down. From his long breaths and flushed face, he realized it was a combination of pleasure and exhaustion. The goldman was not going to have this, he loved what she was doing and was getting very close. Kyoden knew how terrible it was to be left high and dry thanks to a mistake he had made with a certain oxygenated Paladin. There was no way he could experience it again and it would have been worse, considering he was linked. "Come on, Juliette, don't slow down, move that sexy ass." Kyoden said to the woman. He was fine to learn that his words had a very strong effect on his lover.
However, he could not predict the size of a fire that will light under Juliette. She supported herself on the Star Destroyer's hard body and moved her hips once more. Juliette increased her speed in a short time and her technique improved a lot. She wasn't as fast as before, but the way her hips moved outpaced her previous efforts. "Juliette should have used Kyoden-sama as a support from the start, Kyoden-sama is so tough." Juliette told her lover when she approached her climax. She was not bothered by this, the increase in heat and the pulsations she could feel revealed how close the teenager was. "Wait a little longer, Juliette will make up for Kyoden-sama." She told the man.
Kyoden wasn't sure what Juliette could offer him, but she never let him down. So, he did his best to contain his impending climax. This was an almost impossible task for the Star Destroyer, as he had to watch his lover enjoy her climax. Her melodic moans were not just music to his ears, but the expression painted on his face was one of pure euphoria. He was desperate to appreciate the same feeling. Unfortunately for him, he just had to watch how Juliette had fun. Juliette fell on him, her blush deeper than before and her breathing irregular. That sight and the feeling of Juliette's limp body just made it harder to not come. Just looking at her made him want to explode, and if it weren't for his promise, he would have. However, he waited for the woman to calm down and cool down. After she did, Juliette started to get up slowly and left her lover. "Juliette". Kyoden murmured, hoping he hadn't fallen into a cruel maneuver.
Juliette smiled and repositioned herself. She now had her back to Kyoden, with her boyfriend's big throbbing member nestled tightly between her big, round ass. "Just sit back and enjoy Kyoden-sama." Juliette said to the man as she looked back at the man. Kyoden let out a small groan when his wife wielded her ass a little. She groaned when she felt a very noticeable increase in the heat. "Juliette is going to start moving, Kyoden-sama can come whenever she wants." She added, her lust obvious. Unlike their previous relationship, the balance of power was not so clear. Sometimes he completely dominated his rival's former stalker and at times like this, Juliette wrapped him around his finger.
Kyoden was mesmerized by the way the blue-haired woman moved. He thought she looked great when she rode him before, but what he was seeing now was something else. The way Juliette's ass jumped when he smothered his cock and the way his hips moved was something he couldn't get enough of. "I could watch this forever." Kyoden groaned, doing his best to contain himself. Juliette just smiled at the failed attempt and pressed her cheeks closer and she started jumping even faster. "Ah, fuck." The Star Destroyer groaned, much to the woman's amusement.
Juliette loved to have control over the man again, but previous experiences had taught her not to be too comfortable. She had heard many stories of the man turning the table and would no longer become an example of why not underestimate the Star Destroyer's breath. Juliette tightened the tendril's grip and her hips went in within seconds before her lover looked ready to explode. All confidence and pride were drained from the goldman's face, which the water wizard enjoyed. However, Kyoden was even more stubborn than usual, but that didn't matter to a woman as determined as Juliette. "Come on Kyoden-sama, you don't want to come all over Juliette's big ass ... Besides, Juliette wants to take things a step further". Juliette offered.
His smile lit up when he saw the fire in the goldman's eyes. She squeezed her cheeks tighter, resulting in a very confused climax for the wizard. Juliette whimpered when Kyoden's hot seed rained and splashed all over her bottom. She could tell that there was more than usual, as she could feel a little in the back. "Dear Artorias, it was worth the wait." Kyoden sighed as he watched Juliette's sperm-covered booty. The sight alone was enough to bring him back to the full mast, so the fact that she was still squeezing him was just an added bonus. "You are good at this, you need to do it again sometime." He added as he watched his lover clean himself of the white substance.
While the woman cleaned up, she decided to free Kyoden from her restrictions, not that he noticed, he was still busy admiring her. Juliette loved it, she decided to enjoy the attention and fleeting dominance. "All done." Juliette boasted proudly, although there was still some leftover on the back of the swimsuit. But Kyoden didn't bother to tell him that, mainly because he saw his state of pride as his perfect chance to regain control.
Kyoden sat down, causing the woman to fall forward and, thankfully, she fell on her hands and knees. However, she didn't have time to compose herself when the Star Destroyer forced her to turn her back. Juliette Leroux was sincerely surprised at how well the wizard managed to maneuver her into her new position. Her eyes widened when she saw the pure look of lust in the goldman's eyes. "I'm going to miss this thing, your ass was amazing on it." Kyoden told his lover before he tore and burned the woman's tight clothing. Juliette was distressed when she saw her expensive bathing suit reduced to ash. Once again, the magician gave him no time and gave a quick kiss before stepping back. Kyoden began to line up with his lover's damp, shaky crack as his hands rested on his broad hips. "Ready?"
"Juliette is ready for Kyoden-sama's big meaty cock," replied Juliette. The woman's words grabbed the pink-haired teenager and he shoved his penis into the water wizard's tight wet depths. Juliette's maiden invited the great intruder, allowing most of them to nest within her. "Kyoden-sama is so big." The water magician groaned, instinctively wrapping his arms and legs around him. Even with all his preparation and his unique body, the circumference of the man's long penis was still a little overwhelming for the woman. The way she clung to the wizard made her discomfort very obvious to the aforementioned wizard.
Hating the discomfort he could see, he decided to give her a slow, comforting kiss. The kiss seemed to work, Juliette relaxed and even tried to control the kiss. Kyoden didn't let that happen when he pulled away, so that he could see Juliette's face flushed and wanting. "I'm going to start moving." Kyoden said to his lover. He began to move slowly away from his lover until only the tip remained before he re-entered her. Taking it slow with the recently deflowered woman was really a test of self-control for the teenager. Much like the rest of her, Juliette's vagina was unique. Unlike her former lovers, she was not hot and instead had the same addictive coldness as her lips, she also wrapped around him tighter than anything else, while pulling him like nothing else. So, while trusting like crazy was tempting.
Kyoden's restraint did not go unnoticed by the woman, she already knew that Kyoden was not a selfish lover since she dated him. She made a mental note to reward her lover, and just hoped she wouldn't be lost in the pleasure that spread quickly through her body as the goldman continued to penetrate her. After finally adjusting to the man's size, she really started having fun. His breath started to accelerate and small moans started to escape his mouth. This hindered the Star Destroyer's ability to maintain a slow pace. Fortunately for him, he didn't have to keep the agonizingly slow pace for much longer, all thanks to a word from his lover. "Faster." Juliette groaned.
The goldman was more than happy to obey, increasing the speed of his movements. Juliette let out a little cry when she felt the sudden surge of pleasure, which only seemed to be increasing for her. Her moans started to get a little louder and her breathing got even longer. However, Kyoden still wanted one more reaction from his lover and he knew exactly what he needed to do. Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed one of his big naked twins before giving it a squeeze. "You are so cute when you moan like that." Kyoden told his lover that he could only respond with a lustful groan. Kyoden didn't stop there, he still wanted more reaction from the beauty, so he pointed to another weakness he had discovered and started to bite his neck. They developed a habit of leaving marks on her neck, all of which went unnoticed thanks to her conservative clothing choices. "All mine." He growled as he sank his sharp teeth into her soft neck once again.
While she found the man's fixation to bite and mark her a little awkward at first, but she had loved the very possessive act. Juliette even gave her boyfriend love bites from time to time. However, love bites were not his main concern, as Kyoden's impulses continued to increase in speed. "Kyoden-sama, fuck Juliette harder, Juliette no longer wants Kyoden-sama to be kind." Juliette pleaded. As she expected, the goldman plunged his cock into its deepest depths, producing a loud cry when he felt Kyoden's burning tip hit the entrance to his uterus. Juliette welcomed the new feeling, which was very good for her, as Kyoden continued to penetrate her with increasing speed and strength.
Before long, the two were approaching a shared climax. Juliette was very happy with their timing, which was obvious from the look in their eyes. The way she looked at him made it much harder for the man to hold on, and it would have been impossible had it not been for his previous experience. "Where do you want?" Kyoden asked through his grunts and moans. Beauty was unable to respond adequately when she locked her long lust-inducing legs around his hips, pulling him further. "Inside." He groaned as he felt Juliette's walls close around him. Juliette let out another groan when she came and twisted the goldman's penis for everything it was worth. Kyoden exploded inside his lover, flooding his womb with his seed.
"Ah ~ incredible." Juliette moaned as she felt her loneliness being filled. It was more news for her and it was a little overwhelming for the woman. She had never felt anything so intense and seemed ready to pass out. "Juliette is so full of Kyoden-sama's seed." She whimpered as she touched his hot belly. Kyoden pulled away and watched as she slowly but surely composed herself. However, the woman's observation made it impossible for him to compose himself and he quickly became impatient.
Her impatience became clear to Juliette when she saw the man's penis go rigid once again. So hearing what the man said next was not a real surprise for her. "Hey Juliette, do you want to go again?" Kyoden said to her lover with a bright and slightly wicked smile. Juliette Leroux was amazed by the man's vigor and made no effort not to resist the advances of the Star Destroyer. "I think a change of position would be a good idea and I even have the perfect one." He declared.
Even without being informed, Juliette knew what the magician wanted and was more than happy to try the most primitive position. She had heard that the Star Destroyer was too playful and was not the type of woman to leave extra fondness. The woman did not hesitate to change her position, getting on her knees and hands before presenting her big, round ass to the rose. "So much shit is escaping, Kyoden-sama better turn it on before there is too much mess." Juliette said as she shook it, but to the man.
"It's like your psychic or something." An impressed Star Destroyer said. The two continued to enjoy their night, it was full of moans, grunts, all matter of fluids and a lot of steam.
~ Five years later ~
"Hey Rana, do you mind taking care of our kids tonight?" Kyoden asked when he and his blue-haired wife arrived at the bar. Despite the five years that have passed, the two have barely changed. They had obviously grown up, but in addition to the addition of children and marriage, the intensity of their relationship remained the same.
"Juliette would also appreciate it if Rana-san did that, Galileo-san is out and we really can't have the kids around." Juliette added. The woman's lust was as obvious as her husband's and Rana decided to have some fun with the couple.
"You two are still so energetic, even after all these years ... I think it should be expected when you have a very adventurous sex life." Rana sighed, receiving a groan from the Star Destroyer. Juliette looked away with a blush and tried to hide her embarrassment.
"Please don't say things like that in front of the kids, they can hear everything ... Remember." Kyoden reminded the bartender. The goldman then looked at the four children running around the guild.
"They are so cute together, who knew that a foul and lustful quartet would do something so cute?" Rana laughed. Kyoden still couldn't believe that Rana had convinced him to get pregnant both she and his girlfriend, at the same time that Juliette was pregnant. She was truly a master with the language in every way imaginable. Fortunately for him, the children he had with Rana and Scarlet pursued their mothers with just a few tips that pointed to him as a father, especially his signature magic, which will clearly mark him as a father. "Don't worry too much, I love spending time with these two ... Just know that I will want something in return."
Kyoden and Juliette looked at each other. The Star Destroyer had been inclined to deny the woman since he hated making deals with Succubus, but the look on his wife's face convinced him otherwise. Unfortunately for him, he had lost the ability to say no to Juliette. He wasn't sure if it was a bad thing, considering it kept his sex life interesting. "Sure, Rana, come on, Juliette ... I managed to track down that piece of clothing you were wearing all those years ago." Kyoden told the woman that she gave Juliette's ass a quick squeeze.
"Kyoden-sama, we are still in the guild and the children are there." Juliette whispered. The goldman took his lover, snuggled her over his shoulder and ran out of the guild with a glow. "Juliette loves Kyoden-sama." She said. As embarrassing as it was at first, she had loved the man's public displays of affection. Even after five years, it was still not uncommon to see Kyoden lift her off the ground and take her on an adventure or date.
"And I love you, Juliette, too." Kyoden replied with his striking smile. His life has only improved since he started dating the woman, and he knew it would only get better if he stayed with the woman. He couldn't say what his and Juliette's future contained, but he was excited about what it contained.