So yeah as barely anyone knows me they are still looking for me, and I don't know why these businessmen looking people want me?
So everyday I wear black and a face mask and stay quiet, But their convinced that I come to this school after 1 WHOLE FREAKING
MONTH! Of looking. I really just think I should turn myself in to them to see what's up.
And I end up going to the grocery store to get food when I when I walk out I find A flyer of a picture of ME! And it says have you seen him..... I'm just speechless now. So I run back home to find like 20 more flyers of me. but since I'm a nobody, nobody will notice me, But still it's sooooooo freaky why they want me so badly?
And I'm sitting on my couch making MAYBE! The biggest discesion in my life! And I think I made up my mind of just confessing, but on the other what will they do to me?
That's it I'm confessing tommorow!