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14 years ago

Chapter 1 - 1

Staring at the numbers Athena still felt disappointed. She had hoped this would be something new. For nearly six months now she had gotten nothing new.

After having spent nearly her whole life being obsessed with science she finally was at a dead end. Pushing herself up quickly she walked out the door and to one of the subjects bedrooms.

"Hello mr. Rodeny. How do you feel today," though he was a kind old man Athen always thought he was also fairly boring.

The room had white walls white floor. There was a wooden desk in the corner with puzzles on it. A white matress with a sky blue blanket over the top sat against the wall to.

A small kitchen set could be seen. It had a mini fridge microwave and a simple electric oven. Otherwise it was mostly empty. Even the old man that lived inside didn't make it feel any more full.

Mr Rodeny was completely bald. wrinkles made up most of his face. Almond shaped eyes where the most life full thing about him. There green was almost the same color as Mr. Fai. The fern she kept in her office. His clothes hung lose on his body. Even his teeth seemed to be dying.

"My joints have been hurting a little but, over all today has been good," Athena quickly scribbled several notes and medications for the arthritis. Along with ways to make sure he was comfortable throughout the day.

"On a scale of one to ten how is the pain today and for the overall week," Athen looked away from the sheet of paper to the kind old man. His wrinkled skin around his face looked paler than normal.

"For today I think only a 3. For the week though maybe um 6," Noding to himself he smiled up at Athena. In return he just got some head shaking before she left without even saying goodbye.

He of course was used to it. But still he wished she would pay more attention. Athena though was paying attention. Quickly she jotted down his emotional reaction.

"Bye Mr. Rodney," Athena said poking her head back in. Though her only reward was a sweet old man smile. Athena walked back to her office.

Her office was small. It had filling cabinets covering one wall. The other wall had a white board with notes sparticaly written across it. Her desk was metal with an odd wooden chair.

Beside the desk was a large fern. She smiled at it. The green leafs casting shadows on the floor. Beside the door where two chairs. Though meant for sitting she used them for storage. Both had books and files piled on top.

"Hello Mr. Fai," the fern of course didn't respond. A sad smile slide across her face. "Hopefully today I'll find something new," After years of not having friends she talked to a fern.

Had she gone mad. Or was it just the fact she isolated herself for so long she didn't undertale human interaction. She didn't feel mad. Labs had been her version of an escape.

Sense she was twelve Athena had been working in labs. It started as a field trip. The school she went to had annual field trips. One year they went to a big lab. They saw some experiments involving chemicals.

Some how Athena got separated from her group. She spent awhile just wandering around. After awhile she ended up in a office. It had plush carpet. Two sofas with a table in the middle. At the back in front of a large window was a desk.

Behind the desk was a tall man. Athena just squeaked. At this point she was scared and wanted to go home. The man just looked up and gave her an utterly confused look.

"I'm sorry," Her voice sounded so panicked she was worried he would be mad.

"Where are your parents. Oh wait you came from that school right," His smile was kind and concerned. His auburn hair fell into his dark eyes. She could see he wasn't mad.

"Yeah I got lost," The fear she held in dissolved when she saw he wouldn't yell at her.

Looking around she remembered her goal. Looking threw the papers covering her desk. Most where junk. Others where results from tests. After beginning this experiment she learned two things.

The first was different chips caused different responses. Some where emotional while others where much more logical. This fascinated her. She particularly was interested in which was better to have. Logic seemed the obvious choice.

Humans though need to have emotions. Those without where sociopaths. Not that didn't know human emotions they just didn't understand them. They acted for themselves without others in mind.

Often they where thought of as dangerous. They could kill without guilt. That typically wasn't the safest trait. If nobody felt guilt they likely would kill each other for there own safety. Cannibalism would become normal. They would only think its food.

The whole world would become kill or be killed, Eat or be eaten. Society wouldn't exist the world would collapse. Though emotions where only chemical they where there for a reason.

Without them the body itself would stop functioning. Without melatonin we wouldn't be able to sleep. The lack of serotonin would mess up the whole nervous system. Removing norepinephrine would remove love and would greatly reduce the energy our body has.

Second she was a complete failure. Reaching up she brushed her fingers lightly against a hard rectangle. If she properly felt it she would be able to feel small bumps along it.

Nearly a hundred years ago a scientist found a way to make humans far smarter. They implemented chips. They at first only released chemicals that made you happy when you learned.

Later as technology got better they developed ways to advance. They learned ways to allow the chip to store memory then tell the brain when they needed them.

Though the different chip models caused different responses. Some caused more emotional response and more chemicals being released into there brain.

Others though were far more logical. Thinking and with less chemicals in there brain. Athena sighed before she got up and streched. All day she hadn't been able to think. Looking down at her watch she realized she managed to spend the whole day on paperwork.

Quickly she gathered up her stuff before standing up. Leaving behind the messy room she walked down the white hallways. Though they if you looked to close were a faded white. Closer to the color of ivory.

When she was younger she had done research on torture. One type was white room torture. They put the prisoner I'm a white room. No noise nothing. The bed was white there clothes white as well. They even only fed them white food.

They even came out completely different people. It fascinated her. The way something so simple could drive someone mad.

It also made her wonder. What if you were put in a purely black room. Everything an inky black. Just from thinking about it Athena shivered with delight. When she became a researcher she wanted to study the effects of torture.

She shoke that thought from her head. Not the time or the place for that. She needed to get home.

When she stepped outside the world seemed dim. compared to inside it was. She shivered a little in the cool autumn air. Clouds floated lazily above her. Fading rays of sunlight filtered threw. Pigeons perched on power lines far above.

The salty smell of the ocean drifted towards her in the breeze. Having lived near the ocean her whole life she loved it. The sound of the waves hitting the high cliffs. The cliffs that had been carved out from years of abuse.

Seagulls floated lazily in the air. They looked down at the people below for possible food. From her house she could hear sea lions far below on the white beaches.

She wonder what would happen if you submerged people in water without escape for long periods of time what would happen

'No,' she told herself over and over. Torture was bad and she shouldn't think about it. A hard thump and she realized she was at her house. Rubbing her noise she cursed at herself and walked inside.

The house was far warmer than outside. White furniture filled the living room. Though fake green plants and fake flowers covered the room as well. Several paintings hung on the wall. She never looked at them.

A black 90 inch tv sat on one wall. Dust could be seen covering it. Closing the blinds and curtains Athena stepped into the kitchen. Opening the fridge she took out some deli meat, cheese and mayo.

As usual she made herself a sandwich. Extra mayo. The cheddar cheese tasted good. Walking into her room she looked threw her books. Taking another bite every once in awhile.

Groaning she only had three books left she hadn't read. Since the worlds population had hit 9 billion pandemics had become almost common. two many people to little space.

Sometimes at night she wonder if she would be next. Whether it be her being eaten by another human or of a horrible sickness. Cannibalism had become a severe problem.

Taking the final bite of her sandwich she stood up. There was a path that lead down to the beach nearby. It went through the woods as well. Being born into a rich family had its advantages.

As a gift for graduating top in her class her parents got her a house by the beach. The forest beach and house were located on nearly thirty acres of land.

Hoping up she grabbed her pink coat and stepped outside. It was already dark. Few stars lit the sky. Most where covered with fluffy white clouds.

'When was the last time I had a moonlit walk,' She thought to herself. After a minute or two she found the trail. When she first moved in she walked along it every day.

Athena walked along the dusty trail into the forest. Twisted trunks of oaks loomed above her. The leaves rattled from the salty breeze. The damp smell of decay settled over her. The chatter of squirrels faded as the animals of the night woke up.

Far above an owl let out its battle cry. Eyes peered out at her from the underbrush before hurrying away. The distant sound of the waves made her feel at home.

Another breeze blew at her. She inhaled deeply before choking on the air. The smell of smoke hit her. Immediately her eyes watered. Was there a forest fire? No. No when she really listened she could hear voices.

She didn't mind they were here on her property. More curiousty went threw her than anger. The only place on the property where a private property sign was posted was, down on the beach. The beach was hers.

Lots of people wandered around in the forest mostly drunk teenagers. Every sunday she even cleaned up the woods and beach. Carefully she moved toward the direction of the voices.

As she got closer she saw a warm flickering glow. The light clearly was coming from a fire. Flashlights wouldn't have the same softness to them. Crouching down she hide behind bushes.

Over twenty people sat before a raised area. A fire burned near the front. They all chattered full of excitement. Slipping out of the bushes she walked carefully to the outskirts of the crowd.

"All hail Algorithm," The crowd yelled out together as a girl came out. She wore a long flowy dress. It was a deep blue with golden spirals stitched on. The sleeves long as she moved her arms. It even made her look as if she was floating.

Her skin pale. With two large round striking blue eyes. Long jet black hair flowed around her. Something about her seemed so other worldly. She walked with grace. Her movements fluid but crystal clear.

"Thank you everyone," her voice spread across the crowd quieting them. They each sat in anticipation. For what though Athena had no idea. Why did they praise the algorithm?

"Tonight I send you off to your true homes once more," Her eyes looked at the crowd with love and affection for them all. Until she looked at Athena standing in the back of the crowd alone. Her eyes narrowed for a second.

"It is time to go home. To see your mother's and fathers. Your brother and sisters, aunts and uncles every one. Its is time. Begin," As soon as she said begin her the crowd began to chant. There voices blurring together.

It sounded like another langue. What's more is the girl whistled a strange tune. It spread eerily across the crowd but there chanting never stopped. Finally the girl hit a particularly high note and a bright light flashed. Before she could think Athena dove behind a tree.

Silence filled her the light faded. The flickering fire was the only light source. An odd silence covered the forest even the animals seemed silent.

Peeking out from behind the tree Athena was, horrified. Everyone was dead but a little boy the strange girl on the stage and her. Every one else lay lifeless smiles plastered on there face. Unseeing eyes staring at the clouds drifting across the sky.

The girl jumped off the stage and ran over to Athena. Eyes bright and a large smile plastered across her face. Did Athena really want to talk to this girl.