Chereads / The Man Who became a God / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Help

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Help

The sun had risen yet again and the light shone through Kami's closed eye lids resulting in him waking up. Although he was slightly groggy he was excited for the near future. Kami before he died loved RPG games and his life in a guild reminded him dearly of how it felt playing a game and building up from level 1. In fact, his whole life so far in this fantasy world felt like that.

He quickly got changed and headed out to the adventurers guild hall with the quest board in mind.

Shortly after arriving, Kami was observing each part of the quest board from the simple and easy D ranked quests to the challenging and hard S ranked quests. Kami smiled after finding a quest he liked. Kami thought it seemed to mention orc lords, orcs and goblins. It was given A rank priority.

Kami started to think about how the lives of people was purely dependent on a strong person such as a knight or spiritual user found their problem whilst exploring or the more likely thing to happen whether an adventurer likes your quest and the amount of money being offered.

Kami peeled it off the board and brought it to Alice at the front desk.

Alice looked at it then said "This quest wants the extermination of an orc lord with a lot of orcs and even more goblins. They kept terrorising nearby towns and killing villagers. Your an absolute beginner adventurer right? You can take at maximum 10 quests at a time, I recommend you take a few D ranked ones first so you can get a feel for how strong most of the monsters you will fight are individually or how strong they are in smaller groups. However this is only a suggestion, if you think you can handle this quest though, I can't stop you."

"Okay thanks Alice, I will take your advice, I'll add a few other quests with this" Kami responded heading back over to the quest board.

Here is what he picked up:


Goblins inhabiting a cave

Orcs attacking a village

Orc lord sighting


Zombie horde sighting

Rare materials gathering

Skeleton army


Giant removal from area

Wolf pack removal from area


Orc lord, Orcs and Goblins

Dungeon Subjugation

Every quest that Kami picked up was straight forward, and all but 2 wanted monsters to be killed because of town attacks. The 2 odd ones out were the C rank quest for the retrieval of materials specifically 20 rainbow flowers that had healing properties and the Dungeon subjugation.

Dungeons are special cases, they can end up on any rank depending on the size of the dungeon but since the dungeon hasn't been cleared its size is predicted. S ranked dungeons can have anywhere from 150 to 200 floors and A rank have usually 100 floors there might be a few extra or less but it's usually 100. The lower down the ranks you go the less floors and less stronger monsters are in the dungeons.

There are also Labyrinths to be cleared that work under the same premise but the difference is there is only 1 route to go. In a dungeon you could be on the 10th floor make a few turns and end up on the 40th, it is completely unpredictable and similar to a maze. Of course Kami knew this but he let Alice explain anyway.

Dungeons and Labyrinths are generally cleared in parties, they are rarely ever cleared solo although it is possible and has been done before. The thing that separates these quests from the rest is that there is no reward, when a dungeon or labyrinth is found the closest head guild is notified and they spread it to other head guilds and they all get it posted on all adventure guilds quest boards. Although there is no reward, adventurers and people in general who clear dungeons become well known in their country and it is a very fast way for an adventurer to rank up. They also get to find and keep any loot in the dungeon.

It is unclear who made dungeons and labyrinths, but the purpose was clear, to guard precious items. Whoever makes one wants to guard something that is as precious to them as it is dangerous to the world. Someone who cleared a S rank dungeon solo long ago claimed a weapon so powerful it raised him to that of an A class calamity. No one seems to remember whether he became a solar or planetary calamity but it doesn't matter as he was an A class calamity, no matter which one he was he could nuke the planet with his bare fist. And as the gap between calamities get higher the more dangerous the disaster level. It just goes to show how dangerous these weapons were, I'm the narrator and even I am wondering why the head guilds didn't decide to collect whatever is being stored at the bottom level of A and S rank dungeons but who cares. It will be a nice power up for Kami who has been listening carefully to ever word Alice said about each quest.

[Feels kinda hard to go back to being a normal narrator after that. Oh well, someone has to do it]

Kami thought the dungeon was a quest he just may die from so he planned on doing it last. Kami decided to do each quest in order of easiest to hardest. The first quest he was going to do was the C rank quest that required him to collect 20 rainbow flowers. Conveniently for him the location with the most amount of rainbow flowers happened to be in a meadow that was near the cave the goblins lived in and near the town the orcs raided, orc lord was also sighted by the same towns people so Kami thought he may be controlling the other orcs.

Kami accepted the quests and put them in his backpack and left the guild hall.

"Wait" shouted three voices in unison

Kami turned around was greeted with three very busty women. He knew they were adventurers. One wore a simple green dress that had been modified for ease of movement and wore black thigh high socks. She had blonde hair that reached hair waist and long thin ears, her green eyes and pretty face complimented her outfit. Next to her was a girl who wore black pants and a red shirt, these had metal armour covering various different parts of her body. The final girl was in total blue wearing what something that seemed to be similar to Kami's own outfit minus the cape.

Their most prominent features were their staff(the girl in green), huge metal gauntlets(the girl in red) and a bow(the girl in blue).

Kami was taken aback and lost for words in both their beauty and weapons. As well as the fact they were the first people to talk to him that didn't look like they were ready for a fight or he didn't instigate a conversation somehow. He thought that all 3 were waifu material, he briefly thought about starting a harem

[waifu is wife, to save you the effort if you don't know, a harem is basically polygamy but harems vary from this slightly]

"Please let us join you" began the girl in blue "I promise we won't hold you back, you plan on clearing that dungeon right? Please let us join you"

Kami thought for a second about the pros on cons of this, he was more of the solo type, we was completely planning on doing everything by himself though other people are useful and will speed up the speed he will beat all the quests.

"Tell me your name, ranks and how you fight" Kami said rubbing his goatee with his fingers

"h-hi" stuttered the girl in green "My name is Pyria, I am a healer, I am a mid B rank in the guild"

"Call yourself lucky Kami!" began the girl in red confidently " I am Tama the fighter and I am amongst the 10 top B rankers of the guild, consider yourself lucky I have blessed you with my presence. I fight using these gauntlets to totally crush my opponents" Tama said raising her hands and shaking her gauntlets.

"I'm Liliana, I apologise, Pyria is a bit shy with new people and Tama is just incredibly over confident, though she can back her talk. I'm also within the top 10 B rankers, I fight with my bow" Liliana said tugging on the bows strings.

Kami thought for a bit. Then spoke.


"Yes" she said shaken

"Can you use magic"

They all looked at Kami funny.

"You know the use of magic in ruminate countries is forbidden right" Liliana said with a slight nervous chuckle that made Kami feel uncomfortable.

"I throw potions that heal or give buffs when... asked" Pyria said smoother than before.

Kami thought he had a way of being healed if he was injured a few buffs he could squeeze out of Pyria, a vanguard in Tama with her gautlets and support from Liliana's bow who would be next to Pyria also defending her at the same time. This could work he thought.

"We can form a party on the one condition that the loot at the bottom of the dungeon is mine, everything else from reward money from my quests to the drops in the dungeon can be split equally" Kami said

"That is fair, we did ask you after all, it would be wrong of us to take the final drop when you could've probably cleared the dungeon without our help, and your making the quest rewards be split evenly and letting us get drops, that is more than enough" Liliana said thankfully

"If you didn't declare that I probably would've reached the final floor first and claimed the loot for myself" Tama said smuggly. Kami was unsure where this boundless amount of confidence came from but he wanted to find out later.

They had a brief conversation about parties and the girls explained to Kami they had to state to the guild that they had formed a party, meaning more paperwork.

After this was completed they headed out of town. Kami had 4 months to do as he pleased before he was collected and he planned on using it to learn the one thing that generates income, keeps people safe and can bring fame... adventuring, which was why so many did it, although the majority of people who became an adventurer were D and C rank and barely any made up to B ranked adventurers.

The squad of 4 headed to the open meadow to conquer these rainbow flowers.

Since there were 20 flowers and 4 of them, they each went off into different directions with the plan of collecting 5 each and returning to where they came from. It took 20 minutes but Kami finally returned to the meeting point and was surprised to on see the back of only one person waiting with flowers.

"Pyria!" Kami shouted whilst waving "You been here long?"

"No not really, maybe 4 minutes, I wasn't waiting long" she responded. During the time they all walked over to the meadow, Kami got to know each of them a little better which resulted in Pyria getting more used to Kami and stuttering only when she was shocked by him.

They talked for a while and eventually Tama returned joining their conversation, the flower count was 15. However a whole hour passed and Liliana was still gone.

"Hard to believe Lily is still gone" Pyria pondered

"Must of stumbled across an opponent that I would've crushed with a single punch" retorted Tama

"For five flowers, anything more than half an hour if your struggling seems odd"

"Maybe Tama was right about her meeting an opponent" Pyria replied

"Well, we are near the goblins, orcs and orc lord sightings, it could be anyone one of them" Kami remembered

With those words, all 3 were adamant on looking for Liliana. And fast. If the orc lord met the other monsters and put them under its control, the quests would rise to an A rank quest. Which would be a problem for the average B rank.

They all packed the flowers away and ran in the direction of Liliana through a small forest.

"Asura, how is she"

[Do need to say he said she said for these, only Kami can interact with Asura after all. And it telepathically so just remember that]

"To know it would use up your first wish for the day, do you still wish for the information"


"Understood, wish granted. She is currently attempting to fight a small army of goblins and orcs led by an orc lord slightly left of the direction you are heading"


"I live to grant your wishes"

"We are going in the wrong direction follow me" Kami said as he altered his trajectory

"How do you know" Tama said exhausted

"You could call it intuition, hurry, she is fighting them all"

Pyria and Tama followed Kami but soon fell behind. They could not keep up with his supernatural stamina. He soon saw Liliana who was near the cave of what he assumed was the goblin hideout prancing around in the trees firing arrows at all the goblins. She didn't have time to fire more than 3 shots before a few orcs hacked at her tree causing her to jump to another.

"Liliana!" he screamed running closer "Fall back and don't interfere I will handle this. I need to know more about each of these monsters anyway. This makes it easier"

The tired Liliana jumped a few trees directly behind Kami.

In front of Kami was a huge team of green of different shapes and sizes. The goblins were wielding daggers, the orcs swords and the orc lord a large club that reminded Kami of a caveman. He cracked his knuckles as he looked at the huge amount of attackers in front of him.

"This will be a good opportunity to learn how to fight multiple attackers at once" Kami muttered. The army could pillage a huge town successfully, a truly daunting group of enemies.

For a normal person that is.

The goblins charged at Kami mindless and were easily swatted away by his fists, however there was a huge amount of them and he was cleaning them up slowly. Kami battered endless waves of them continuously with their blood spraying everywhere around the outside of the cave.

"Hmm, this might be a bit faster with Asura" Kami muttered.

He began to draw for his sword when he heard rustling in the back of the trees.

It was Tama, she soared through the air and took out a huge number of goblins.

"Leave these small fry to me, you deal with the orcs and orc lord" she told him.

Kami let go of Asura and charged towards the orcs hiding behind the goblins, Liliana picked off any goblins that tried to interfere with Kami until he was facing the orcs.

The orcs were way larger than the tiny and abundant goblins but there were less of them making it easier for Kami. 10 orcs and an orc lord. He could handle them. The orcs slowly waddled towards him trying to slash him with their swords but kami easily evaded and destroyed each of them until he was facing the ring leader of it all the orc lord.

Kami jumped up and with full force punched the orc lord in the face sending his head flying off his body before he had time to react. The speed that his head was moving at resulted in 6 trees being destroyed after colliding with the orcs head.

After this the extremely tired Pyria had finally caught up, she began throwing buffs at Tama allowing her to crush all the remaining orcs.

Though the threat of all those monsters were minimal to Kami, since he wasn't able to use any spiritual power, the monsters would've taken him a while to defeat solo. He was happy he decided to form a party when the opportunity revealed itself.

After this battle, all the D rank and one C rank quest had been done. The crew headed over to the location the next mission they planned on doing was. The zombies, though mindless, they can kill any adventurer ill equipped to face them.

They didn't have to search long when they reached the area as they could see the zombies marching to a nearby town. The zombies proved to be no match for the sheer skill of the team of 4 and were quickly removed. The villagers of the town happily thanked them for saving their town at the literal last moment.

They slowly cleared each and every quest allowing Kami to see the extent of the monsters strength, the only one that posed somewhat of a threat being the giant who dealt extreme amounts of damage if they got to hit you.

They were now starting the A rank quest to take out the orc lord and his underlings, Kami after having a run in with these monsters before understood their formation and how they worked. However this knowledge was pointless, even though Kami had known how they would fight, they were way tinier in group size than when all the D rank quest monsters ended up merging. Kami deduced that the only reason this quest was A rank was because there was an orc lord who could lead the orcs and goblins and make them more dangerous. Kami sat down in the grass and let Tama take them all out. He could see her bragging about this before she even did it. Kami had lost interest in goblins and orcs, he knew they were fairly weak but was expecting to be able to have a more exciting battle with them.

Tama was done in 5 minutes and there where the monsters once were standing with grass, flowers and smooth land had now been replaced with Tama's personal Terra forming of with layers of dirt and huge dents the size of a small swimming pool. Kami thoroughly enjoyed watching Tama wreak havoc on the land and watching dirt fly everywhere along with her enemies blood. He compared it to a professional dancing watching her movements.

With the dungeon quest being the only quest left to be completed, they decided to head back to and cash in their rewards at the guild, rest and meet outside the guild hall to beat the dungeon.

Each of them pulled in 3 gold and 20 silver which wasn't bad for the type of quests they had just done. As promised, they all met up outside of the guild and headed out of the city once more to clear the dungeon.

"Oh wait, how could we forget" Liliana said whilst slapping her forehead "We are going to need a lot of supplies, I can't believe we almost tried to clear an A rank dungeon with nothing"

"Supplies?" Kami asked

"A dungeon can't be cleared in a day or two. And definitely not an A rank, it could take anywhere from three to four months to clear so you have to come well stocked up in food and water"

"Whaaat" Kami quickly responded "I know its a huge dungeon but I thought we could take it on in a day or two"

"Kami even I the great Tama could not clear a dungeon in a day" Tama exclaimed

"It takes about a day near the top of the dungeon to clear a cave, closer to the bottom it takes a few days so we will need a supply of food, we should probably head back" Pyria said

"Wait a second, lemme see if I can solve our problem" Kami voiced

He thought for a short while, but then contacted Asura

"Asura, can I have a bowl of water that will not empty until we leave the dungeon and a pack of bread that regenerates?"

"Understood, wish granted. When you turn your cape into a backpack the items will be within it. I also made the bowl unable to spill"

Kami thought having the bowl be anti-spill was a smart decision from Asura as if the bowl ever happened to be upside down in his bag it would forever make him wet until he left the dungeon, making it highly inconvenient.

"Okay watch this" Kami said whilst positioning his cape and turning it into a backpack "Inside here is food and drink that will last" Kami showed the contents of the backpack.

"Last? What do you mean inside is only a loaf of bread and a bowl of water" Liliana retorted

"It is not that simple" Kami pulled out the bowl of water and drunk the water inside and showed the bowl to the girls.

When they looked inside there was water still inside up to the brim, but they watched him drink it all.

"Here" he said handed the bowl over "If your thirsty drink as much as you like, the bread is the same, I don't think I need to show you, I assume you believe me"

The girls began passing around the bowl of water to test it whilst nodding. It left a bad taste in Kami's mouth knowing his meal was going to be the exact same for 3-4 months. It rubbed him the wrong way.

After the girls filled themselves on water, they returned the bowl and headed to the dungeon whilst have a miscellaneous conversation on how Kami might be the messiah sent by God to save the people of the land purely off the fact that Kami had regenerative water and bread.

After a few hours of walking the four arrived at the entrance to the dungeon. It was a cave which was blocked off by metal bars that covered the entrance of the cave, next to this was a chain pull system that would lower the metal bars and allow entrance into the dungeon, all dungeons and labyrinths had this outside of them making it easy to recognise and report one. It also made it impossible for monsters to spill out as that would probably be bad for the towns nearby but Kami correctly assumed its main purpose was so that the monsters inside didn't escape and leave what they were protecting unguarded.

They were all prepared and Kami pulled the chain whilst watching the metal slowly fall down and entered. They were ready to conquer this dungeon.