It all started with a manual. A semi spiritual set of instructions and an activation key that was supposed to imprint the human mind with the proper knowledge needed. It was almost similar to how the tablet of Thoth; properly known as the Emerald Tablet, behaved. It was meant for anyone and everyone to read so when the first distribution came out in print it was sponsored enough to sell regularly. The origin point of the book came from the assimilation of many classical texts brought by the new age hooligans who were flaunting the rebirth of a new spirituality or so they believed. All good writing begins on a good foundation and frankly a person is entitled to their belief systems but the book was a plain reprint of nearly 11 pages long and the rest was celestial star maps. The book was not received to be overly popular but modest that it seemed to be available at almost most mom and pop places.
With that kept in mind and the nature of business added with the factor of the magic that books have on people to innately draw them in interest to the sources of information they need. An avid reader who reads three books a week could simply miss this book due to the uninteresting description while a newbie would be inspired by the clarity and information of this book. One would take a look at the first page and see a warning from the company and author stating openly and honestly the intents and purposes. Folks of a religious faction may find the book offensive or not but that's simply ensuring that there's no need for a disclaimer. That the right mind may attain therein the code of ascension for the ensoulment of one's dreams.
So all those that obtained the code were divided into two groups. Group one recognized that they innately needed to return to a similar state prior to an incarnation of their lives so for that matter will be called Inators. Group two were those that met the conditions of life that were simply right timing, proper reaction, and a tad bit of curiosity in a sense that chance and luck were the only reasons that the book travelled into their hands.
Properties of the book was not intended for the misuse of anyone who just happened to take a peek across the classrooms to read it were not affected by it. The magic of books provides assistance to one's soul by consuming their entirety. If one who never attempted to pick up a book in the subject of interest then they will never read it. Everyone likes books because it records the flaws of mankind and their successes. The purpose of this particular book for the folks who needed an answer to their mysteries. This humble 11 page manual described to anyone a new possibility of other worlds within the scope of living inside the body and outside the normal range of the mind.
the book's code breaking on brought to light the untapped potential a human has. It was indeed a humble book that did not ask for more than it's maker intended. It was not in the book's wishes to dress in a fancy shiny glitter cover. It did not exist to make others money. Just to share. Only did it become wider known it still was selected by the unique inmates and fatesworn. This essentially the story of such people who managed to invoke the code which unsealed them and how they learned to adapt to the new mystic bodies which were granted from their inner consciousness. Not all those participants were prepared for what was to come and only by chance did reading one flick of a page they they get drawn into a beautiful journey of harrowing events..