(Chaki Pov)
"what the heck are you" I scream out to the floating mask as im pushed back by a shove from a suit of armor that i would see only in those fantasy movies.
thankfully i didn't die but it still hurt like hek
i'm not one to give up and i didn't study Judo,Karate and taekwondo for nothing.
I lunched towards my prey like a tiger.
I knew with the amount it must weigh i couldn't move it but that wasn't my goal, my goal was to get behind it.
I knew that this suit of armors movements are based on human anatomy and a weak spot most humans have is the back of their necks where their spine is.
I slipped behind it and made a kick to it's neck.
"f***" with the force of the kick and how hard this thing is my leg broke.my knee slipped out of its socket and became dislocated I can't move it.
In addition to the fact the suit of armor began to turn around i didn't have much time and i my mind couldn't come up with a plan.
sh**,sh**,sh** I have no way out no plan, no body to carry out a plan and worst of all no resources.
(Police chief shinsuke pov)
"5 police officers were killed yesterday sir" says a private tadka solemnly
"what happened"I said as i chug my brewed coffee knowing today was gonna be difficult
when I entered the brief room i got caught up on what happened, the crime scene investigators said that they were killed by a traditional katana, which should not have posed much risk since our police are black belts in judo and are trained to be proficient in bushido in addition to counters for ronin tactics but what really freaked us out was that they were all missing their hearts, and it seemed like their blood was sucked out of them.
i didn't allow myself to believe human could be so cruel until i watched the tapes, what happened horrified me a man ripping out peoples heart and eating them raw.
(Dwragth Pov)
I watched as the last of the rukuza clan flailed before my creations feet, this was my masters legacy i can't believe it my Master the one who tore down the heavens and opened the door to the outside world, a world besides japan, has this weak flailing man as his descendant.
I tell my Oni to kill him he tarnishes the reputation of the razuka clan a clan which despite it's roots saved japan my master that kind fool.
(chaki Pov)
the suit of armor grabs me by my head and pressed down i could almost feel my head explode