Dear Mother,
I had a nice day, today.
The weather was really nice. The sun was shining outside and it was quite windy. I really loved the feeling of that warm air blowing over my arms. I tied my sleeves up and decided to eat my lunch in the park.
Maddie called and we talked about what had been happening recently in town. A new shopping centre is being built, and whenever she walked past it, a whole load of sand and cement dust ends up flying into her eyes, even on the other side of the main road.
I know you're probably tired. I'll stop now.
I'll send another letter soon.
Yours sincerely
Dear Mother,
A storm hit us quite badly in the middle of the week. Some of the roads on the way to work and school were completely flooded. One of the boys in my class tried to climb a tree and jump to the other side but fell in and got dragged away by the current, until his friend pulled him out.
Maddie sent me a picture of her in the new raincoat you bought her. She looked really nice in the picture, and I was wondering if you bought yourself a raincoat as well. If you did, could you send me a picture of you in yours? I know you're busy, and it's a bit of a hassle, so it's alright if you don't but...
I'll keep in touch.
Yours sincerely
Dear Mother,
It's been months now!
I send you a letter with money every single week.
Why can't you reply? Are you getting these letters? I'm kind of struggling for food here. If you could send me a sign that these are at least being opened, then I know that I can keep sending them to you.
I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you. I know that you didn't want me to go to University in the city. And I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you.
Just please send me a sign that you're at least opening these.
Yours sincerely,
Your Sammy
Dear Mother,
I'm sorry for my outburst last week. I was being silly and childish.
I'm sorry for re-opening old wounds. I know that you've been hurting a lot, and that it's my fault.
I'm sorry.
The weather this week was mostly cloudy, and the leaves are starting to turn red and fall. It'll be getting much colder soon. Mrs Banes' apple trees are probably all full of apples. If you make any apple pies, apple strudels, or apple crumbles, send me a picture, alright?
The boiler in the flat malfunctioned the other night, and the pipes began making a racket. I barely slept all week, but the landlord's got his friend to come round and fix the issue in a few hours. A plumber lives three doors down from me, and he offered to fix the problem in exchange for his rent being lowered for the month, but the landlord refused, so we've all been suffering.
I'm sorry again.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mother,
The boiler's been fixed now, and I've finally gotten the best sleep I've ever had. I didn't want to wake up in the morning, it was that good.
It's quite funny really. I've not felt that way ever since I was home, but for some reason, the feeling of wanting to sleep forever came back to me. It's a weird feeling. I've been eager to get up every morning ever since I came here, so it's strange and a little nostalgic to have that feeling again.
I can practically hear you getting mad at me for being so lazy. Your shouts have to be one of the most terrifying things in the world to wake up to. Do you remember the time you kept hitting me with a metal hanger until I woke up, and ran to the bathroom? I do. That was the most terrifying thing to wake up to.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mother,
It's starting to get colder. I've not been able to buy a proper blanket yet, but by the end of next week, I'll have enough money to, and if I'm lucky, I'll be able to buy you a present with my Christmas bonus. I'm sorry that I'll be only giving you one present instead of two, but your birthday and Christmas are so close together, so...
Maddie called. She offered to give me her son's old blanket, which she still kept in case she adopted another child, considering Lucas is too tall now, and needed a newer, bigger blanket. I said no, because I knew what you would think. I'm telling you this so you don't get mad at her.
You can blame me for everything, alright.
Yours sincerely,
Dear mother,
The trees in the park have started to shed leaves properly now, and you can't stand anywhere on the pavement without stepping on a leaf. Some of the kids were playing conkers, and were going round trying to find the biggest ones and smashing them against each other.
Do you remember how father loved to roast chestnuts in the garden around this time of year? I do, and they were delicious. It's a shame that I won't be able to this year.
Yours sincerely,
Dear mother,
It was raining all this week.
I remember how you used to love the rain. You sat there with the garden door open with a mug of coffee, and watched the rain. It got really, really cold sometimes and Maddie and I would just cuddle under blankets in the living room where we watched DBZK.
How's it feel to be the only coffee drinker in the family?
Yours sincerely,
Dear mother,
I can't send you more money, I'm sorry.
I know that I hurt you really bad when I left for university against your wishes, and I know that you deserve some kind of compensation for raising me, but I'm sorry. I can't really send you any more money. At the end of the month, if I've got some left over money after all the essentials, I'll give it to you instead of my savings, but that's just all I can do at this point.
I live on a tight budget and I'm worried about what will happen if prices rise, or any emergency.
That's all I can do. I'm sorry that it's not enough.
Why don't you ask Maddie? She's always really good at solving your problems.
Yours faithfully
Dear mother,
I won't be coming home for Christmas this year. I'll be staying with Maddie.
Why didn't you tell me that you were living off father's pension, and that you had massive savings? Why did I have to find out this from Maddie? You didn't need any of the money that I had sent you.
You've lived without working a single day in your life, and what you get weekly doesn't even compare to what I can send.
Besides, if you're that desperate for money, you can sell of all my belongings. You can sell my bed, furniture, books, clothes, games and consoles. Do what you like with my stuff.
I'll keep sending you letters, but I'm not sending you anymore money.
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Collins
Dear mother,
It hailstoned on Tuesday.
It only happened for about ten minutes, but it was really, really strong and came out of nowhere. If Father is there, yell at him for not believing in climate change, because this is it. It's October, and there's enough hailstone to turn everything white. That's freak weather that wouldn't have happened ten years ago.
Now that I know that you don't need the weekly money that I kept sending you, I bought myself an electronic heater for later on in the season.
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Collins
Dear mother,
I got a voucher for a new takeaway around the corner and decided to use it and test out the food. It's alright, but it's nowhere near as good as Angel Boys Pizza. I won't be going there for more food.
The weather was alright this week. It was mostly cloudy with a bit of drizzle. One of the new neighbours put up some windchimes. to dangle outside her window. They sound nice, but it's only a matter of time until she has to take them away because of complaints.
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Collins
Dear mother,
I'm sorry again. Just blame me.
I know that you feel lonely because none of your children are visiting you, but I can't leave university and work to say hello. I've been sending you letters for a reason, and before I blocked your phone, you called and texted at every single hour of the day, and you kept screaming and swearing at me down the line.
You threatened to kill me, mother.
Through writing, you have to think your words through and can have multiple drafts.
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Collins
Dear mother,
You are not visiting me on university grounds. I will come to you when I can be absolutely certain that the entire visit will be conducted without me being harmed in some way.
I will be going to Maddie's for Christmas. If you want to see me, then you have to go to Maddie's home too, and deal with her security guard partner, and their adopted son. If you don't want to physically go there, video call, then ask for me.
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Collins
Mother, I hope you understand that what you wrote in your last letter was completely inappropriate. Maddie is in a loving and fulfilling relationship, and is very happy with her adopted child.
I am sorry that you will not receive any biological grandchildren, however, what you claimed about Lucas is completely unacceptable. Lucas is Maddie's child, and he will be treated as such.
Mother, this is why I left to study at University further away. This is why Maddie moved out just as she could barely afford it. You make extremely hurtful comments all the time, and commit extremely painful actions with lasting consequences. My right arm never healed properly, and hurts me every single day.
We did not contact the police, because we did not want you to suffer in prison. Please cease and desist your behaviour, or I will end communications.
Samantha Collins
Dear Mother,
Halloween was certainly an experience. And so was the crossover into Christmas. As soon as November the first hit, all the oranges and purples were taken down, and replaced with greens and reds.
There's no Christmas music yet, but as soon as December hits, it's going to be blaring non-stop.
Please don't buy me a birthday present after last year.
Samantha Collins
Dear mother,
What did I end the last letter with: Do not buy me a birthday present.
Yet you did.
It's a very nice rock, but I'm afraid that I will just lose it, even by placing it on my windowsill and not touching it.
Samantha Collins
Dear mother,
I will not be visiting you for Christmas.
Samantha Collins
Mother, please stop calling the university. Please stop reporting me missing. Please stop all of this.
I will not be coming home, and now, I have no plans to ever again.
Consider this mother-daughter relationship finished.
It's exams week and I'm really stressed out. And YOU ARE NOT HELPING.
Yours Sincerely Samantha
Help me Maddie...
Please help me...