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Chapter 1 - How it all began!

Today was the day I was gonna start on my own, I was very sheltered all my life and freedom was never truly an option until I packed my things and moved away from Richmond over to Kansas City.

I hopped into my friend joshes truck with all my things thrown into the bed and we were off to my new start. Josh was a family friend and I hadn't seen him in years. I thought this was a good idea becoming roommate but I was terribly mistaken.

We drove and he kept grabbing my hand to hold in his but I kept pulling away, we had gotten to his place and his very first action once we were inside was to kiss me... I pushed him away from and quickly said "josh I'm not into you like that" I became anxious real quick "I just want to be friends and help each other out".

Josh had just gotten divorce recently and was now in some money issues and problems keeping his house so he had invited me to come rent a bedroom I don't understand where he got the idea that I wanted to bang him.

The following day he took me to o'Reillys where he talk to the manager that he was friends with about getting me a job, I quickly became a merchandiser where I organize the store and made it look nice but I was also really slow at it for I am legally blind in my left eye and had became so recently due to medical stuff. If you weeks have passed and Josh had brought another woman home and she acted like she liked me but behind closed doors she was bitching about me all the time so I just became distant with everyone there and did my own thing.

One day this lady showed up at my work named Melba, she had asked me for a cigarette and was in tears. I asked my boss if I can step out with her for just one moment and I went out front and smoke a cigarette with her she had told me about her daughter who seem to be trapped in her own little world. I didn't realize that I had already met her daughter and she was off-the-wall.

Melba and Her daughter would come in and out of the store in just talk to me one day her daughter had invited me over to her mothers house,now at this time I still did not know I knew her daughter. I went over after I had gotten off work and there was Melba sitting there in her chair and invited me to take a puff or two Off Her joint that she had lit up so I hit it again and again. This became a daily thing, so often that I realized that there was more to this place than just a couple of friends and some weed.

One day I had came over unannounced because my phone had died they knew I was gonna come over sometime that day but whenever I came over and walked in there was white powder stuff in lines on the table. There was also a few extra people they all looked at me and Melba looked at me also and said Nervously as she looked around at the same time" hey Kels, Come do a line with me" she gave me a very stern look and something told me deep down that if I didn't do this something bad is going to happen.

now I have no idea what the stuff was never seen it before I know what weed was I knew what alcohol was but that was it but I have seen white stuff in movies so I automatically assumed and responded with " yeah sure only if you're offering"

A burning sensation had filled my nose the worst taste had fell into the back of my throat, it was so hard not to gag and want to throw up my eyes started to water and I had showed my friends Dr Pepper. I heard laughter around me everywhere but I couldn't even focus on that all I could focus on is the pill taste in the back of my throat but think of that times 10.

"First time" One of the guys that were sit on the couch said to me laughing.

" no man it's just been a while, I was getting clean for the longest time but relapsed" A grinned over at him real big Trying to play it off. I felt a huge rush all the sudden help me it was like I had just drank 100 cups of coffee and had ADHD on top of it I couldn't stop moving so what did us girls do once everybody was done doing mines we started to dance, blaring music singing and having a good time.I was always told that drugs are bad and everything is bad but this felt amazing and this is where my life begin to flip upside down.