"Gro carried Fenta over to me and laid her down in my lap and Cassa held her head. Gro ran to gather up Alzi off the ground and brought him over to me as well. I ripped through his pack looking for the green crystal. Having found it i held it over Fentas' limp body and it started glowing. "Gro! Put your ear to her nose! Is she breathing?" I spoke in loud tone and he nodded after he followed my instruction.
I moved the green crystal all around her head first then slowly moved it down her neck and upper torso. After her lower torso i moved the glowing orb all over her legs and arms. I had to stop the spell when the glow started to fade. "Now, we wait. I will heal her again after i have rested a little." I leaned back on to my elbows and the crystal rolled out of my hand.
Fortunately for us, the Inn was still intact so we all had our normal rooms again. Every time i felt the least little bit of energy build up i used the healing spell on Fenta. I would have had Alzi completely back to normal by now but he insisted Fenta was a higher priority. I became physically and emotionally drained after the second day of almost non stop healing. I made sure, through the knowledge of the anatomy book, that every possible muscle, tendon, vein, artery, bone, brain and the spinal cord itsef was fully intact inside Fentas body.
"Gro. I have done all that i can. I have been over her entire body twice now and physically, she is perfect. We just have to wait now." I didnt want to tell him that but i couldn't say that she would be alright after all that happened. Alzi finally let me heal him and he felt awful knowing that Fenta was still out cold. Cassa only left her side when Gro fell sleep sitting next to the bed.
"Miss Brinda?" I called out the hostess and she ran up to me, "Oi, Quickshot. You need anything?" She bowed a little out of breath. "Please calm down. I only wanted to ask why the Ogres were here." She did calm down a little at my even and low tone of voice and she just shook her head at me and shrugged her shoulders. "Ay. Quickshot is it? They's here cause them necro-whatsits ran em' out there cave just south a 'ere." The man in the full plate armor spoke up as he when he heard my question to Brinda. "How 'bout a drink, love?" He said to Brinda then winked to her after he took his helmet off.
This man was indeed a Human but his skin was almost as black as a starless night sky and his hair was pulled back in large vine looking tendrills. The hair hung down to between the shoulders of his chest plate. "Cheers mate, Im Gedeon." The dark skinned man held his open hand out towards me and i hesitantly did the same. He gripped my hand and gave a quick shake then sat down, placing his helmet on the table. "The dark one is not all that intelligent." The lady that wore the leather armor sat down beside Gedeon and he grabbed her sides and pulled her close.
She slapped at him to let her go then started giggling as he moved his fingers against her ribs. Cassa heard the laughter and came out of Gro's room. She eyed the two as she climbed into my lap and cuddled against my chest. The lady noticed that a Goblin was among them and she drew her sword standing from the table. Cassa started to move but i held her tight with one hand and made a fist with the other. I slowly opened the fist as it began to glow and a small fireball apeared and i stared dead at the lady, "This has a higher blast then my arrows. Stand down."
Cassa shivered in my grip at the toe of my voice as it oozed with murderous intent. The lady slowly lowered her sword and examined the situation before speaking again. "I may be a Dark Elf by birth but i was raised in a Human tribe." She laid her sword on the table and removed her leather helmet. Her hair was a deep crimson color with yellow ends that hung just to her shoulders and her skin was a deep shade of blackish purple. I wasn't to sure but she had features that resembled my mother but this ladies eyes were blood red and her ears weren't as long as Cassas' but swept back more towards the back of her head. Gedeon poked her in to the ribs, "Oi. Calm yaself woman. They be mates." He laughed when she jumped and she popped him on the head and gave a scowl.
"My apologies. My name is Alru Ebi and i am a Dark Elf." She put her arm over her waist and lightly bowed to me and Cassa. These two seemed to be complete opposites in mannerisms which made them very funny to watch as they interacted. I nodded to her, "My name is Ered 'Quickshot' and this is my mate, Princess Cassa." The little goblin sat up and smiled as i let the glow fade from my hand.
They both gave a confused look to me then to her. Cassa a wry grin on her cute little face when she saw there reaction and she stood up in my lap and kissed my lips. I picked up on what she was doing and i wrapped my arms around her. Alru quickly looked away at such a public show of affection and Gedeon just smiled as he looked towards Alru. I broke the kiss and Cassa sat down again on my thighs and rested her head on the table staring at the two new people.
"So you can understand Goblish then?" The Dark Elf asked as the dark spots on he cheeks faded. "Yes ma'am. And she can understand common speak as well." Cassa quickly nodded when i said that and Alrus' eyes went wide. She was about to say something but was interupted by Brinda, " 'Ere you are then. Mista Quickshot and Miss Hound, I'll have some food brought out in just a bit." She sat four large pitchers down on the table. I thanked her and she quickly bowed and left.
I took one and Gedeon took another as did Alru. "Our other friends are in there, an Orc and a half human Halfling." I said before i took a drink. Gedeon let his pitcher drop to the table when he heard this and Alru coughed on hers. "Master Ered! Come quick! Its Miss Fenta!" Alzi yelled out from Gros' room. I grabbed Cassa and quickly stood up and headed for the room where Fenta was.