The rain became heavier and heavier, pouring down Nathan's body, who was lying on the ground without anyone knowing it because the road was very quiet.
Alea and Hanung's car, which had just passed by, suddenly stopped seeing someone who was lying crushed under the motorbike.
"Alea looks like someone fell from the motorbike, we have to help him." Hanung said as he got out of the car and braved the still heavy rain.
Hanung was very surprised when he saw Nathan collapsed under his motorbike. Hanung quickly got back to his car and told Alea.
"What Hanung !! Is it true that person Nathan?" asked Alea with a pale face rushing out of the car to see him.
"Nathan! Nathan!" Called Alea repeatedly after knowing that Nathan was lying, unconscious.
"Alea, help me get Nathan to the car." said Hanung, who picked up Nathan's motorbike first and pulled it aside under a tree and locked the steering wheel.