Chereads / Pokemon: insect trainer / Chapter 14 - Preparations

Chapter 14 - Preparations

Another month goes by and we have big changes, Beedrill has some hair growing on his back, near the base of his wings, he hasn't grown any more, but it seems more impressive he has mastered his various techniques, Butterfree has some hair coming out of the tip of his antennas for now only have 4 hairs, but I am closely monitoring their progress, Scyther grew another 5 cm reaching the 1.70 mark and his blades grew another 3 cm in size proportional to his body, Burmy is now the height equivalent to 2.5 times his species and Nincada is 3 times the height of normal Nincada.No, only I trained but also took them to the Viridian forest to collect materials for evolution, Nincada is the simplest, all he has to do is to use all the nutrients and the experience he had to evolve thanks to that I took him to experience great battles against swarms of various types for him to grow from life and death battles so to speak he had a very prepared team for For the rescue, but everything went well and he faced it with mastery. As for Schyter and Burmy they will face the forge.

I released all my pokemons in the pokemon center's exclusive training room and call Scyther and Burmy.

Jim: `` Are you sure you are determined to go through the forge? Before I answer think about it, I know you already asked Beedrill and Butterfree and they told you it was hell.

They don't even have to think about agreeing with flames in their eyes they've spent the last few months preparing for it.

Jim: ´´All right, first Scyther the most sloppy way to make you evolve is by giving you a metalcoat and using a swap machine, I don't understand every idea, but in a simple way the swap machine makes the brain pokemon reacts by releasing a form of energy that makes them evolve, some as a lineage of abras only need this little energy to evolve, others like you scyther need to hold an item and the energy that your brain releases mixes with the energy of the metalcoat and starts to evolution, In nature Scyther evolve while training with materials with a great power of the steel type, but this is practically impossible and a percentage of a little less than 2% can achieve the form of Scizor, you must be wondering what this has to do with the forge method I told you about? ''

The scyther tries to absorb everything I said and shakes his head, not knowing the connection between the methods.

Jim: ´´Well, do you remember that I made you learn iron defense? ``

Scyther: `` scy scy``

Scyther says in confirmation.

Jim: ´´Last month I made you learn to use Swords Dance, Safeguard and iron defense together, and this is how we are going to carry out the forge, I found out that a gym leader in the johto region uses Swords Dance to deal with Flamethrower, so I thought this could help you against elemental attacks, in the meantime we will use iron defense to improve your defense and constantly use the metalcoat energy to continue strengthening you, while I use the machines in this room to forge you like a sword and Safeguard so you do not have status conditions. ''

Scyther contemplates my crazy plan for a second and starts to fill with determination, he understands the risks, but he also understands how far he can go with this.

Jim: ´´As for Burmy, although you heard about the forge with others who had the ability to `` Shed Skin`` they and you are very different: ´´

Burmy: buur burr

He talks like he wants to say 'how is it?'

Jim: ´´Well, when they changed their skin they lost a little bit of their cocoons, while you don´t do it, you kind of change clothes thinking about it I collected it´´. I take out of the backpack 3 large containers, the one with many leaves, the second a rich soil type and the third one with several pieces of metal.

Jim: ´´these are not common materials, these leaves are from the oldest and tallest tree in the Viridian Forest, they are overflowing with grass-type energy, in the meantime to make sure I left them in a large sealed tub with ´´Fresh Water It is a leaf stone, the second is a type of super-fertile soil with a large amount of soil-type energy that usually gives itself to the Earth type and the third and not least are those small iron stones that are corrected with This type of steel energy should be more or less the same amount of energy of a metalcoat. You will be forged and will be changing `` clothes '' if everything goes well I will use these three materials to improve your body, the energy The plant type will improve its vitality, the soil type its strength and resistance and as a metal type its hardness.``

Jim: ´´All ready? The hellish training starts now.``