Chereads / Pokemon: insect trainer / Chapter 4 - Start of work

Chapter 4 - Start of work

It's been 14 days and I have to start my life as a bug catcher, I have 30 days to challenge 10 trainers and I feel very confident my training with weedle couldn't be more rewarding a normal weedle evolved with enough regular food to nourish and train their cocoon, in nature they live in large groups so it's not so easy and they evolve a little malnourished and the trainers they most often offer regular pokemart food which is more or less, but I see the cocoon shape as one of the main forms of an insect pokemon and a lot of nutrition is needed in this infant stage I think this is the main reason for the fame of the most useless pokemon type, so when weedle was ready to evolve on the second day of training so I barred it and said for him to wait for me to tell him and as he is very loyal he listened and didn't evolve, and I couldn't get it right anymore the training progressed very well, at the end of the 14 days weedle grew 10 cm his body is very muscular and flexible and the shine that his skin looks like it was polished, his horn grew 2 cm and his tail 3 cm and it looks like he can tear anything, really very sharp, Nurse Joy was almost half an hour praising he, and his movements, his poison sting was like little poison needles, now they look as missile as James' cacnea in Sinnoh and his poison I had to search the forest for several rare poisonous fruits in the forest it was not so difficult in the end this forest didn't it is the paradise of insects for nothing it is very easy to find things that benefit insects and many insects are poisonous, your String Shot can easily arrest a group leader Beedrill, I know why we face some, Bug Bite can easily take a piece of wood is very scary and finally Electroweb this one has enough charge to make the young pikachus feel ashamed.

Well now it's time to go into the viridian forest to look for newbies to battle it is the beginning of the season and there are many out there I take the map made available by the league and I will hunt some better than sitting around all day waiting, the map is the same of the game the forest is gigantic and this is not a game, there are no invisible barriers there is something after them, and this map is the routes that beginners must go through. After half an hour using the tracking skills I learned in survival training I I find a coach.

Jim: `` Hey, wanna fight? ''

Trainer: `` Hm, another bug catcher, but one of those useless ones for me to destroy. ''

Jim: `` Whatever ''

We launched our pokemons, he launched a charmander and I launched my trusted Weedle.

Trainer: `` Just a weedle, no big deal! Chamander use Ember``

Jim: `` Quickly use string shot and tie your mouth and your limbs.

The charmander takes several seconds to make an ember, it seems like not long ago that he learned, meanwhile the weedle is very fast almost immediately a silk rope covers the jaw preventing the mouth from opening and quickly its members curling in a way that your tail gets hard and you can't move to burn the silk rope.

Jim: "low power Poison sting."

Several small needles easily penetrate the charmander's skin and immediately poison.

Jim: `` Are you going to surrender or should I do more damage? ''

Trainer: `` You won this one, return charmander, but don't think the next one is so easy, go Pidgeotto``

Jim: `` weedle electroweb``

Trainer: `` eletrWHAAAAAAT? ''

A grid of electricity immediately covers the Pidgeotto and is a KO the coach's mouth forms a gigantic `` O``. He pays me, I'm not satisfied with just that so I'm going to hunt more coaches and finally get the 10 monthly in 1 day record 10 victories in a row and I won 4000 pokedolar today.