After talking Romo and Julie both decide to go to school. When they walk out the door they start to see posters, and posters say "Romo and Julies Wedding in a month." Romo now thinking really mom and dad. Next Romo and Julie are spotted by people and they start to ask questions like why are you getting married and what is the reason for this. Romo grabs Julies hand and starts running.
Julie ask "Where are we going?"
Romo replying "Some where no one will find us entering the school!"
Romo takes Julie to an area where they could get in to the school with out being notice.
Julie ask "How did you know of this?"
Romo says "Some time last year this would happen to me and I need to get to class."
When Romo made it in the school he got a message saying that he and Julie would have more classes together.