Chereads / Shadow Emperor in Another World / Chapter 62 - [Chapter 62] The Cube

Chapter 62 - [Chapter 62] The Cube

'It can speak! That means it has some form of intelligence!' I think as I watch the giant cat and the flesh being charge at eachother, each one leaving dirt upturned from their path. And as the clash, a loud noise resounds from their collision as the cat grabs the creature's arm that holds the blade and begins to to bite down on it. At first with resistance, but as the cat breaks the bone armor, it splinters and the flesh beast screams in pain as it wraps it's arms around the cat and begins to bear hug it, causing the cat's eyes to open wide as it starts to be squeezed.

I suddenly see the creature shrink and eventually Dreag drops down, blood flowing from his forehead, and then he suddenly grows into the giant metal cat again and rams his head into it, causing it to go flying.

As the fight continues, I start to get curious about the creature's lair and after dismissing the dome and a lot of walking, reach the massive hole it created when it came out.

'It looks like Dreag can handle this creature, I am more curious of what it is though.' I think as I unfurl my wings and jump into the darkness. I seem to fall endlessly but then suddenly, I feel solid ground under me and I look around, thinking that I just reached the bottom.

I wait for a moment before my reptilian eyes eventually adjust to the darkness and I can see, but what I see makes my mind spin. It's a box, a giant metal cube, covered in dents and scratches. It is so large that I'm surprised it hadn't been discovered sooner.

I search around for a giant hole but instead find a human sized door. It is barely noticeable except for the rust around the edges. I walk over and grab the handle, trying to pull and push before I realize, it's locked. I am tempted to try and punch the door in but this thing can survive a black hole, I doubt my punch can deal any damage to it.

I start to look around a bit before eventually finding a keypad. "I am sure as hell not guessing because I don't know if this will explode with the wrong password or something. Never underestimate America's love for explosions."

I put my hand on it before speaking, "Identify."


"A keypad made for a door and the keypad has a password that changes every day! The current password is 127672568368396."



"Come on, you got to make the password at least seven times larger for it to be a challenge now!" I say sarcastically as I put in the numbers, the door releases a massive amount of steam and with some grinding gears, eventually opens by itself. I enter the room to see a blue glow from the ceiling and a click as the door behind me closes. I here a wrrrrr and look over to see a round circle with a blue light and a cylinder bouncing up and down with the simple on and off switch to the side. "Don't know what that does, but not touching it."

I continue walking as I see the inside completely fine. 'Hard to believe this came from a black hole.' I think as I look at the clean inside and continue to walk forward. Until....I see a little furry creature run past the end of the hall, followed by a pale little kid floating behind it.

I stop moving and freeze, 'Life!' I think as I turn into a full Dragonborn and fold my wings into my skin. 'Now I look like a wingless dragonborn but I need to be careful, I don't know what type of defenses are in here.' I think as I continue to walk forward.

I eventually reach the end of the hall and hear an uproar of voices that could put a kindergarten cafeteria to shame. I warily approach till I eventually reach a large doorway. I peak in and see mess hall, with a few hundred people in it.

'How big is this fucking cube?! And how are people still alive in here?!' I think as I see many groups of species.

I see many different types of people of all ages. Some are pale, others have scales on their faces, while some have wolf ears or tails, and some are just simple people. The groups are gathered together and are eating meat, fruits, and vegetables happily.

'Ok, this must mean they have a food source somewhere. And I am assuming that these are vampires, wolves, mermaids, and humans.' I slowly back away and continue to look around the cube.

'I don't think it's smart to let them know of my presence yet.' I think as I try to quietly walk down the hall. While walking, I pass many rooms, but what catches my eye is a room with desks and a hologram board.

'This is obviously a classroom.'

I slowly walk in and see the room is very colorful, sayings on the walls, pictures, and motivational posters. I see a shelf with many books and immediately walk over there, looking for a history book. After much searching, I find none, which makes me slightly sad. 'I was hoping to learn more about the past of the United States since I don't remember much. I might of had a few flashbacks.'

'Wait....I should probably take a human form so I can at least try to talk my way out if something happens. And seeing how I haven't been blasted out of existence yet, I don't think they have security.' I shrink slightly and turn back into my human form, now with a new idea. 'Why would they keep paper copies of the books when they have holograms, they must have a database, which means they have something to access the database with!'

I immediately walk over to a desk and look inside, and luckily, I wasn't disappointed. I see a blue glass with metal in the corners and a power button in the corner. I press the power button while using inspect.


This is an Energy Tablet. They were invented in the late 2900 and have evolved a lot since then. These are school models and are used for teaching about various subjects, and they are wirelessly connected to a database inside Project Homeworld.


'So this cube is called project homeworld, I wonder why.' As I finish reading that, I hear a Ping and see that the tablet is up and active, I watch as it's corners glow and the glow slowly spreads throughout the glass, causing it to slowly form a screen with a blinking cursor and a keyboard on the bottom. 'It still has everything that the regular alphabet had so that's good to know.' I think as I type something random into the screen and press enter.

It soundlessly disappears and I see an "Incorrect username." Pop up at the top. 'Crap, I say as I go to put back the tablet, but I stop, something telling me to keep it, before it hits me.

'I can try and directly reset it, then download the information straight onto it.' My ring glows and the tablet disappears. I go to walk out but suddenly hear voices from the other side. 'Fuck.' I think as I look around the room in a panic before seeing there is nothing to hide behind, besides the teachers desk in the back corner which isn't the smartest choice.

'I just gotta hope enough bullshit can get me out of here, or else I don't know how they are going to react.' I think as I mentally prepare myself, before suddenly hearing the voices on the other side slowly pass and leave.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and immediately walk out, beginning my journey to find the servers. I walk around, avoiding groups of people, till I see another room which catches my eye. It's a room with the first locked door I have seen, there is a key pad to the side which looks identical to outside.

I hover over it before backing my hand away. 'I don't know what is behind this door, and I don't want to walk into an aberration.' I continue to walk forward while until I realize something. 'I'm lost.' I am broken from my bubble when I hear voices from one end of the hall, I slowly and quietly begin to back up before I suddenly hear voices on the other end. 'Crap, my exit points are covered.' I think while I look around. I contemplate which room to enter when I suddenly hear the voices get closer. "Screw it!" I whisper as I run into a random room.