Chereads / Eternity Foxx: The rise to eternal knowledge / Chapter 32 - CH 32: From the bleachers

Chapter 32 - CH 32: From the bleachers

It's been about two weeks since I talked to either one of them. Mikhail is probably mad at me, and Lil is taking care of her ceremonial duties.

I have been writing a book on my studies of the books that I have. It's my outlook on life, and how view points can be a source of potential infinities.

Expressing that the more freedom sentient beings are given the further their view point is. This freedom blinds one from the grand reality, and therefore it changes reality.

If their view point can remain with in the grand reality. While maintaining the highest possible freedoms. Their potential to create an infinite future with in their ream. Will be greatly increased, and bring a never ending environment.

We already have such structure, but the placement of souls to one side of the wall, or the other. Creates a barrier to the possibilities one can create.

Not allowing one to choose which side they want from the beginning of their creation. Can cause the progression of fallen Angels.

Knowing that there is another way, and being told that way is not in your grasp. Will cause one to aggressively pursue that which is not allowed.

It was a philosophy book, but it had my point of view on how things are done here. I'm not challenging The King, but I do want someone to look at the possibility of a new way.

If more of us had a choice in things. Then less of us would have fallen, and more of Heavens inhabitants would have earned their pleasures.

I even signed it "The Morning Star" since I'm sure Lil will place it in her library. Today is the day for her ceremony as well. So I hope she will accept my gifts, and this book.

I guess Mikhail will come tell me when I'm supposed to go on my first patrol. That's if he isn't still pissed at me. I've been thinking about what I was saying about The King.

It doesn't bother me much anymore. I'm on The King's side in this. I know He has a plan that will work itself out. I just have to wait to see what it is.

"You're going to be late..."

That was The King just now!

"Thank you! I apologize for my ignorance, and I will find a way to make it up to you."

"Time to go see my queen recieve her crown!"

I grabbed her gifts, placed them in my bag, and headed straight up the wall. When I reached the top of the wall, my eyes had been stollen.

I have never seen such a beautiful sight in my life. Heaven is a wonderful place. I can only see such a small piece of it, but it's something I don't want to turn away from.

Her school building was huge compared to the structures I see out here. There was a field surrounding it, and a golden fence.

So many Angel's where gathered around in the field. I'm not allowed to go down there. I bet they are all surprised to see her grow so much.

Today is the day she is becoming a queen in Heaven. I was being selfish to think I could go one day without seeing such a sight. I think I'm going to like watching over her, and her students.

I hope she has time to come up here after the festivities. I want to give her the gifts today.

I still can't believe it sometimes, she actually has my poems in that school. I wonder if she will teach the students about my poems.

Horns began to blare, and drums had starting beating. The crowd took seats in front of the school.

It looks like things are getting ready to start. I don't see Mikhail anywhere though. Maybe he is with her, and they will come out together.

They have been working hard on this. She deserves it, and Mikhail has made sure she had a way to get it. Angels do answer other Angels prayers afterall.

Then again, I get the feeling that they are just doing it out of kindness. So that could mean they aren't answering prayers, but they are being friendly.

"Today is a very special day inside the walls of Heaven. We are here to unveil a new university!"

That sounds like my brothers voice.

"Today is the day that our bright scholar Lilith. Will become a queen in Heaven!"

That's when she walked out. She was beautiful, and so prestigious looking. In a dress made from Angelic silk, and it was emerald green. She looked up to my corner, and smiled.

I can't wait to see her later. If she has that dress on, she might be mad at me. I'm going to take her out of it.

Fitted to her frame, blown out at the bottom, and nothing from the shoulders on. It looked as if it was flowing from under her hair right down to her ankles.

The only thing holding it up was her breast. That dress was for my eyes I can tell. It's definitely getting the job done.

"I don't like to hold anyone up from enjoying a good party. So let us hear from the new queen!"

The crowd was roaring, and so was I.

"Thank you everyone. Thank you for coming here to help me celebrate an accomplishment."

"I have been collecting books, and studying them hard. I have even collected more books then some of the kings here."

They all laughed.

"However if it was not for our King, and his kings. Some of us wouldn't have the information to become anything more."

"The King, and his faithful believers make it possible for us to expand their teachings."

"So that new, and stronger teachings can grow. We are only kings, and queens because we give birth to new paths."

"These paths take hold in reality, and then they create new paths on their own."

She just playing all cool like she isn't nervous right now.

"When looking for guidance, new stars look to the old stars to shine a little light. Any light that will point us in the right direction."

"That's why I decided to name this building "The University of Mornings Light!" For I hope that it is the first light to guide the new minds threw their day!"

Did she really just name a who damn building after me?! What is she thinking? Wait was this one of the things she was talking about them two doing?

"I hope that morning star shines it light upon the young ones who enter its doors! Thank you for accepting me as a queen."

I was confused about this building. What should I do now? I cant stop patrolling a building that is kind of named after me.

I know that name was just a pseudonym for me, but it's still me. How do I thank her? Should i be thanking her?

The ceremony continued, and as it did Lil kept looking up at me. She was making sure my ass stayed put until this was all over. I'm sure that was why, being as though I wasn't too friendly last we spoke.

As things were coming to an end. I had an awesome idea of how to show my appreciation. Also one that I was 99% certain would make up for being a jerk.

As everyone stood up to finish the ceremony. I stood up too, but I had a trick up my sleeve.

I dropped the cloth from around my shoulders. I got myself mentally prepared for the outcome of my actions. Then I released the cloak from around my wings. Letting go of all my light, and holding none of it back.

Since I don't ever do that. I didn't realize how much my light has grown. I'm always hiding behind my darkness to survive.

When I did release it the entire corner of the wall was engulfed in light. I think I might have blocked out all the other light that was close by.

The crowd all looked up to me, but it was Lil that I did it for. She was crying, and smiling at the same time. She had her hand over her mouth as if she was trying to stop herself from calling to me.

I could hear all the others chatting about me. So I turned around, blocked out my light, and dropped down to my cave.

Probably best if I don't get bothered on the wall. They will ask too many questions. I dont care for questions, and other bothersome things.

About three hours later. I was smoking and thinking about that dress. She wore my favorite color and all. She wanted me to go crazy!

She had to have known I would want nothing, but her after seeing it. She may not have time to see me today. That's ok with me as long as she doesn't make me wait too long.

I was taking a puff, and feeling like going to sleep. Then I heard the voice of a goddess.

"Who said you could smoke with out me. Is there someone else I need to know about?"

She knows damn well I'm alone.

"You just missed her. She already took care of the heavy load. You might not have an..."

I was speechless. She had the dress on, no shoes, and her hair tied up. Earlier it was let down, but she had thick curly hair.

Not too thick that you couldn't move your fingers threw. Yet thick enough to get caught every so often. Eyes that inspired you, and lips that begged to be kissed.

Well begged me to be kissed. If someone else tries it they wont have lips anymore. I would kill them, but reincarnation might give them another chance to try.

"So my spell worked I see. You shouldn't talk back to your master."

She walked right up to my face. My nose was touching her stomach. I grabbed her waist, and kissed her stomach. Then looked up to her.

"I apologize my sorceress, I won't disrespect you again my lady."

She sat down, and kissed me.

"You can make it up to me before we go to sleep. Just make sure to clear your plate before you stop eating."

Smiling, and kissing me at the same time.

"If that is your desire my queen. Then I will devour the delicious, and delicate meal you prepare for me."

Her body is so soft right now. Her eyes have so much passion in them. I think I want to give her the gifts another time.

"It is a very delicate meal indeed. Do you think you can sink you fangs in it without causing pain?"

Her smell is intoxicating, and it's filling the air so heavily.

"I can try not to let my fangs get too deep my queen. If they do I hope you can bare the pain."

The way her lips feel right now. Pain will not be avoided at all. I'm going to ravage her womanhood the way she likes it. I have no plans to stop for awhile. Tonight might be a night to play in the abyss.

"Thank you my love! I saw your light, and it was a most brilliant sight."

"Will you show me it again someday?"

What kind of question was that? She is my love, my heart, and my conscience.

"Yes I will. I will always have light to shine for you."

She pulled up her dress, and gave me a look that made it feel like I was taking too long. She does like to be on top, so I think I'm going to let her have her way today.