[Johan's POV]
"Oh, my god, Couz! Why?!"
Good question! Johan wanted to know, too. But Sean's intentional third-rate drama outburst was hilarious, making the conversation lighter than it's supposed to be. Johan rolled his eyes. "So OA, Couz."
Sean opened his mouth, then closed it again and shrugged his nonchalant shoulders. "Well, I just wanted to do that. Anyway, go on. How did you become a mistress in the making?"
"M-mistress?" Johan stuttered and flashed an exasperated look at the younger man sitting with crossed legs on his computer chair. "Really, Couz?"
"Okay, wait. Um..." Sean drummed his fingers against his computer desk. "Forbidden lover?"
"How did this happen then?" Sean asked. "I need details. Don't leave out anything."