Caleb freed Alaric and hung a blanket over his shoulders, covering his thin frame as he led him off the stage. Alaric barely reached the man's shoulders and was unsteady on his feet. Caleb led the youngster out of the room and through a maze of corridors and stairs, passing many soulders along the way who all stopped to offer Caleb a salute.
Alaric silently observed, letting the man lead him to the surface. The second Alaric was met with sunlight he let out a gasp and shielded his eyes. He squinted, trying to get used to the sun and barely got the chance to look around as Caleb led him through the gates of what seemed to be a large estate and right into a carriage.
"Take me home," Caleb issued the order to the coachman and they were off.
Alaric struggled to stay awake, wondering where they were going, but his body and mind were tired. He felt Caleb pull him gently to his chest and adjust the blanket around his body. Too tired to protest, Alaric fell asleep...
"A high elf?! Aren't they rare?!" Claeb instantly regretted his outburst, glancing nervously at the teen laying peacefully on the bed. He sighed in relief as the teen simply groaned slightly and shifted to his side.
"Yes. Very rare. They never leave their villages. High Elves are Elven royalty. Having one here is very dangerous. If the elves catch wind of one in a human settlement, especially considering the circumstances, it could cause a war. We have to return him."
Caleb ran his fingers through his hair, undoing his ponytail. He frowned deeply as he listened to his friend, "Alex, he isn't even sure about his own name. How can I return him when I don't know where he's from?"
"Does he have any markings anywhere on his body?"
"Not that I could see."
The two men observed the beautiful, ticking timebomb resting peacefully on the bed. He was visibly underfed and his malnutrition was emphasized by his small body. His skin was pale and smooth without blemishes. His hair was a brilliant white blonde and was currently fanned across his pillow forming a beautiful halo beneath his head. His ears were longer than most elves and if he were awake, his blue green eyes would be on full display. Caleb walked towards the boy and absentmindedly brushed his hair away from his face, brining his plump pink lips into view. Caleb adjusted the sheets covering the boy's body and motioned for Alex to follow him out of the room.