Chereads / The World of NocTare / Chapter 3 - 3- What is a Friend?

Chapter 3 - 3- What is a Friend?

After Killing the Boar Leader the small party traveled through "The Rocky Grassy Plains" Leveling up and boosting their skill set along the way.



It's been a good 3 hours of Hunting and Gathering materials.

*You are now Level 10*

They both looked at each other with a blissful feeling of fear and Ohh Sh*t so guess what they did...

2-Hours Ago(After There Hunt)

ESTA!! watch out was shouted from Deep to the center of the named Evoc Forrest a swarm of Modoom dragons five-level above them(Four-legged creatures with red dagger-like scales and a harden) four of them dashed out the bushes beneath a tree and 2 latched onto each of her feet and the bleeding kicked in.

Titan forgot his sword and Activated "Black Wolfs's Claws" and Dashed off towards her as her HP dropped the following 2 Modoom dragons darted at him the first one jumped and slashed at his neck (+10 Bleed) he staggered back falling to one knee placing both hands to the ground feeling one Modoom behind him and the other looking him straight into his eye's and opened it's mouth and snapped it at him.

(F*ck he thought as he saw his HP dropping 5 seconds Left till it stopped) the one that slashed his necked jumped at him as the other stood guard and the other two kept bitting down one Esta's leg.

What to do he thought as it all slowed down he clutched his sword and fell to the ground impaling the Modoom with blood dripping on the side of his face and flung it into the bushes and kicked up launching himself at the one who was standing guard ding his nails into her and tearing it apart from the mouth where the soft tissue laid.

"Warriors Heat" a golden Aura sprung forth before he noticed a flush of two burnt scaled ashes were on the ground next to Esta's feet.

With Warriors Heat active something Bigger came tumbling out the bushes a Pitch Black Spider with a Demonic Aura.


-Level: N/A Affect: Silk Steel, Paralyzing Bite, Nocturnal Senses


It blasted out stunning Titan and Esta there were stunned for a few seconds then snapped out of it and darted towards Esta and grabbing her and bolting for the exit of the Forrest with the Spider on there Heel spewing Webs all over the Forrest blocking off visible running route's.

The spider spat the sticky wed blocking off there path completely closing them into a trap and both of them ran right into it. "Stuck" to the wed and They both looked at each other with a blissful feeling of fear and Ohh Sh*t (let's go explore she said Titan looked over at her it'll be fun she said) For a dark elf she's not Dark one bit he thought As he looked back at the spider with a pissed off look in his eye's and then a window popped up.

*Friend Request From Esta*

(Yes) (No)

All this time They've been traveling together for a couple of hours and forgot to Add each out. Titan looked at Esta with a Big Disbelief as two thick bone legs pierced His Chest and Esta's too.


**You've been Killed**(Death Penalty 5 hour)**You've been Logged Out**

-Kai's Room-

Ahh, sh*t is what came out his mouth and his eye's opened slowly. What time is it he looked around the room look at his window and seen it was Light and Darker out than usual, he stood up and was a little unbalance he tipped over grabbing the bedside table and sitting back.

Ahh, my body is still not used to the Nexus Helmet so he gathered himself and stood up and opened his door and headed downstairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge pulled a slice of cake and sat there and thought on his past, never knowing his parents and only knowing his Grandma he sat there and smile on his face feeling that it's enough having his grandma in his life since he was little.

He Looked over at the clock on the wall and it said "7" ah I been sitting here for a while, huh It's time to get ready to head out Ryan will be waiting for me in about hour good thing I got Killed huh he laughed out loud.

He headed back upstairs and hoped in the shower and got himself together and headed out. He came out and stood up and watched the sunrise upon the town then turned around and Hopped on his bike started it up and as the roar felt through his body he felt the vibration through his bones and he pulled off cursing throughout the town.

" Bruhh, You're late like aways he shouted slightly as I came in and sat down at the table I looked at him with an eyebrow cocked, I took the scenic route.

I was in NTO I responded nonchalantly; huh since when did you play NTO, G ma got it for me yesterday when we celebrating my birthday he said. Ohh sh*t did I forget his voice shot up and stared right at him looking for the answered in his face.

I looked at him and said in a sarcastic tone with narrowed eye's to match "YEP"

"I'm SOOOOO sorry" shot out his mouth a hand came up and I stopped him I don't want to hear it I say shaking my hand. the waitress came over and placed two glass of ice tea and asked if we would like anything else we waved her off with a no.

They ate in silence and Ryan looked at Kai with a puzzling look on his face; he took a minute and remembered when they both where in jr High and High school and how he would choose other things and people over him but for some reason, Kai never decided to stopped being his friend.


Kai looked up and Ryan was getting ready to leave. Ahh, it was good seeing you, btw what's your name in NTO maybe we can link up in there it'll be easier than traveling an hour and a half to see each other Huh?

He asked looking down at Kai and Kai replied with a shake of his head not now next time I'll tell you then. Kai sat there for a while and as the time and the air shifted he pulled his phone out and check the time.

-3 pm-

Grandma would be getting worried about me he thought so he got up from the table and left his change on the table pulled the door and hopped on his bike.

The Waitress whipped around to see Kai's back leaving the store and she watched as he picked up his helmet and put it on hopped on his bike and turned on to the road and pulled off.

He slowly let up off his acceleration as he came upon his home and parked his bike in the yard hopped off and headed in shouted I'm Home Grandma! He went into the kitchen opened the fridge and pulled out some apple juice poured it out and went upstairs while seeing his grandma sitting waving Hello to him while watching her Shows; he smiled and Said I love you grandma and went into his room and sat down and looked at the Nexus Gear and slowly put it on and laid back.

**Your Penalty has been Lifted*

*Welcome Back to NocTare Online**