Chereads / Tigress / Chapter 1 - Dangershawdow


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Chapter 1 - Dangershawdow

sun light kissed my skin warming me, I slowly opened my eyes with a big yawn. stretching my arms above my head a hear a whispered voice came from another room. "would you like some breakfast?" gazing towards the door a bright blue eyes peared into my room, a girl walked into my room, her skin was fair and gourguse brown hair long and shiny, her green eyes sparkle as she smiles. " sure I spoke as I raised up to embrace the food, the freshed cook bacon and eggs sizzling on a plate and sweet Citric drink poured in a glass tickled my nose. I recklind back against the head board as the tray is placed infront of me, my eyes was scanning the tray noticing how each food was cooked and a single flower in a vaise in front of my plate. I slowly started to eat my breakfast as I was eating an older women entered the room with folded clothes she placed them on a chair and went over and opened the blinds more, lating more of the sun shine in, then walked over to me I could see this woman gray hair was twisted in a bun with a hair pin holding it in place, she had some wrinkles around her eyes and her smile was very pretty her soft voice spoke "miss are you done"? yes I replied back to her, she smiled and took my tray away, as she was walking out the door, she stopped and talked to the young girl that brought the food in before exiting the room. "come time to get dressed. I will show you around the house"

my name is Bethany I will be taking care of you while you are here.

"thank you" i replied back

as she helped me dress she held up a beautiful gown. it was a plum color with white lace around the bottom of the dress and the sleeves, the middle had a laced bealt. i let Bethany put the dress over my head and she tied the belt around my waist then she held out some white heels for me to wear . I couldn't help wonder why I was getting this much treatment. I hardly could remember last night my head was foggy, I dont know if I was out with friends or not it was all blank. besides that I was injoying a little pampering I hardly took time for my self so this was a nice treat to wake up to. after she did my hair up in a Braid we started walking out the room the hallway was an elegant style , a couple of large windows aline the walls the floor was a beautiful marble color we headed down towards the right, walking past some more rooms and large windows leating the sun shine in. soon we came across a unique stairs it had an elegant wood railings as I started to run my hand down it I noticed the texture was unique and beautiful as though a snake has been place on top of it. as we came down to the end i could see a snake head has been carved at the end i couldn't help but wonder why this particular carving for the banister. Bethany proceeded to talke about what was required of me. while my gaze met a large Foyer with a shandlear dagaling in the high ceiling two large iced doors infront of me. towered that door on the right was an office and "you do not have right to wonder in to that room" Bethany spoke. towards the left the dinner room was there she slowly showed me around the place then she asked me what my name was since no one new. I stopped and looked up at her with a confused look I sundly realize I couldn't rember my own name and anything about last night. I shook my head my expression was clear I was trying to remember something. "I dont rember" I replied.

last thing I do rember was I was supposed to do something with friends but thats it. a heavy sigh left my voice.

"its ok were just hoping to get an idea of who you were, and who to contact. she possed for a moment chosing her words carefully. since you can't remember then we might as well make the most of it while you are hear." Bethany said.

my mind had so many questions and now I didn't know my name. what was I doing that I just forgot my own Identity? aggg I whispered as we keep walking, my mind just blank.

"Bethany ? "do you know how I got hear "? I asked.

"our master brought you home in the night" she replied and told us not to wake you and let you sleep as long as you wanted." that is all I know.

we walked out to a beautiful garden colorful Rowes of flowers making path ways to the middle of the garden we keep walking in-between the gourguse colorful rows of fragrance flowers soon we came to the middle of the garden there were table and chairs

"wow!" I spoke as I was mesmerize how beautiful the garden was.

" come" Bethany replied.

I blinked for couple minutes then started following her, as we reached the middle I could see someone setting in a chair reading the paper as we approached Bethany announced our presents and then whispered in his ear letting him know i was there.

"I see" the man said in a rough soft tone. as he folded the paper and set it down. he asked her to go get some tea for us. I couldn't help but wonder why I was here and how he found me, nothing made since he slowly stood up and pulled out my chair for me as I set down a smile was slowly creeping up on my face . he then went back and sat down in his chair. we sat in silence for a while just staring at the beautiful flowers. after a while he soon spoke.

"how did you sleep"? he asked

"very well, I think that's the fist time I slept good." "thank you for taking me in." I replied

he looked up at me with a smile. "do you know what happened?" he asked

I shook my head

"no idea" I replied

finely I looked up at him I noticed his brown eyes how they shine in the light his blackish red hair was slicked back his strong arms resting on his chair, he was very good looking. I couldn't help wonder why he looked so familiar. so with out another delay I asked.

"do you know me" ? I quickly looked away in worried and blushed as I spoke the words.

he just watched me a bet and then said "no"." I just happened bye and saw you needed help. so here you are." he said

I still had a feeling I new him but he wasn't going to tell me. so I just stopped asking for one I wasn't sure my self at the time.

Bethany had brought us some tea and served the man then she served me as she sat the tea down he jestered she can leave. as I slowly picked up the tea to sip I felt his glazes from across the table at me I looked up and our eyes met it felt different and flicker of warm fire crossed his eyes "did I see that right or not? I asked my self who is this man?

after a bit he stood up he looked at me and offered his hand out. Names, Sable he spoke I took his hand trying to remember my name a sighed shaking my head, im sorry I don't remember mine. my words were confused I looking down at my feet in sadness.

why can't I rember my own name this man found me took me in and at list I could do is remember my name.

"its ok" Sable said. I fuger as much, come you need your rest.

I looked at him why is he concerned for me. as we walked down the hallway up the stairs back towards my room i couldn't help but wonder how he found me and how caring he was being towards me he hardly knows me and yet his treating me as if I was someone worthy. we came to my room and before I went in. I couldn't help but need some answers from him.

"Sable? can you at least tell me were you found me and how bad was it? I asked

he paused and looked at me and sigh "your not ready he said but I can tell you you were pretty brused up been out for a couple off weeks" get some rest ill check later," he said with that he left.

wow that bad? i wonder over to the vanaty and sat down staring at my reflection in the mear seeing any marks or bruises that might still be visible, of course I have been healing for two weeks, but I was just hoping I can figure it all out if I can see something. to no surprise nothing as I keep checking my self I started to notice a mark on the right side of my neck, dropping down my shoulder blad and just stop in a rather unusual way. I couldn't tell what it was since it was faded. but an out line was visible sembs to be an animal like fuger. after staring at my self for a long while I decided to get some rest. I went back to bed and fell asleep.