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transported to another world as a book!

chs / week
I was reincarnated as a book! not as some legendary hero, but as the tool that allows the hero to become such a legendary figure, but unfortunately for him im quite picky ;)

Chapter 1 - chapter 1 (my artwork is beautiful!)

I ended my school day just as any other walking back home slowly trudging my way past fellow students embarking upon the great odyssey known as using your legs.

I'm a fellow shut-in neet who just turned 16! But I don't really appear that way to most other people, I stand at around 6ft one inches tall, making me quite bigger than most of my fellow students my shoulders are also quite broad, my grandma says I take after my great granddad (a bareknuckle boxer) more than anyone even my hair style, a kind of sweeping combover, was in imitation of albeit with more hair gel/wax depending on the day. Sometimes I even blow dry.

I am also currently in a relation ship, sort of? Currently on a break? I let out an audible sigh while thinking about my girlfriend she was absolutely wonderful, beautiful, kind but short like, wayyyyyy shorter than me at around 4 foot 10! Which caused some shock and much teasing about how the ancient mating rituals of humans would be impeded by such a feature.

Anyway enough about that so you know my basic info, you're probably wondering why don't you take advantage of the fact your gifted on the biological, simple really. I'm lazy but not in the way like I don't like going outside and doing sports i still got he gym most days your boy has got biceps for dayyyssss. Its just I cant be bothered to deal with people, because I suffer from extreme amounts of social anxiety and really just dislike talking to new people in general where i have to put on some mask and pretend I'm interested in whatever babble they're talking about next.

It really bloody sucks.

I'm also, once you get to know me, a very nice guy but with an extremely sarcastic and snarky attitude, I'm more of a Josuke than a Jonathan.

Also if you couldn't tell I'm British! A quarter Irish but mainly I'm from the good old literally most historically significant country in the world, the good old UK well that is mainly due to us being absolute cunts for like 1 thousand years but whatever.

I continued my daily routine home sometimes occasionally stopping and swinging my legs trying to find some amusement in the world, when i see it.

I watched anime a lot but i started growing out of it and prefer reading manga mainly because I'm a fast reader. So i could recognise it when i see it. Personally my favourite manga is Kerbres (its an anagram of the greatest manga ever)

Its isekai Truck-san!

I began to scour to streets looking for some time of small animal, elderly person, fit bird in need of saving but nah no one is there! I guess it isn't isekai truck-san i guess its time to go home and rip and tear until the game is done(best fps ever btw) so I can finally get started on personality 5 my piss4 is my single player station!

Suddenly the most wonderful women that I've ever met waltzed in front of the truck greatly unaware of the peril she just placed herself in. She was of course was my girlfriend. She was short as previously stated, possessing dark brown hair that blended into blond as you go down, her face possessed no spots or marks quite an achievement considering we were in high school, and i could get into a more erotic description but no lookin' at my bird lets just say her face is blank for now, try getting off to that cuck!

Anyway so of course id sacrifice myself for my girlfriend I have a lot to thank her for in truth and honesty, she was there for me, i went through a lot of shit during high school so it was nice for some one to be there who, you know, was there to support you, other than your family and close friends. a woman has the power to make a man stupid but in the best possible way, well that depends upon the woman.

I dived forwards. Colliding with her I forced her out of the way of the on-coming truck gratefully she was launched out of way so at least i kept her safe for the last time I could, is it weird to find someone in high school you really love, like want to marry love? I think it is and I accept myself as that kind of weirdo!

But just, just as the truck is about to, kill me another car enters my field of vision, one from the left, where she lies down after I shoved her.


I guess my efforts were in vain. Well that's shit, time almost seemed the slow. The car was going noticeably faster than the truck which gave me ample time to take in the scene around me, 30 seconds turned into an hour. An hour of screaming my heart out despite me being unable to speak, seeing the one who's supported me for the 16 months we've been together, dying.

Seeing her flawless skin being ripped and teared. The front bumper of the car colliding with her midsection; the noises of collision were just as loud but slowed, the shattering of glass, the breaking of bones, the siren noises being erupted from the car witch began to deafen me but they couldn't blind me to what i was seeing.

Dur to her small stature her body began to go under the car, which guaranteed her inevitable death, the faint hope she would survive this ordeal vanished underneath that car. I watched. The effect of time slowing down not allowing me to turn away or even close my eyes. Bones were visible. Blood frozen in mid air and splattering the asphalt that became her and my graves.

After being forced to watch it i reigned myself to my and her fate, with my life i guess i bought her a couple more seconds..? All I'm worth to be perfectly honest.

He then exited my sight but not before i caught a glimpse of her open, pain filled brown eyes. Now it was my turn, my turn to die. Just before that a bright light engulfed my vision and I was in some form of blank space, an empty void, maybe my prayers have been answered I can sort out my thoughts here as soon as the thought crossed my mind i began to bawl, whine as if i was trying to get back at fate for laying its hand against me in such a manner.

"that settles it" I whisper to myself.

"I'm going to get back at whoever or whatever did this jus watch me you gigantic prick" I muttered as a crazed smile of sorts graced my features my normally deep voice not being used to being so quite.

Calming myself down i began to search my surroundings as a light suddenly burst forth intruding upon my place of rest and relaxation.

"quite an interesting proposition you have there..." the voice came form the ensuing light it still blinded me forcing me to close my eyes as i refuse to divert my eyes from the thing that has made me suffer.

"your refusal to look at me scars me deeply after all I'm doing this to liven up your life my boy shouldn't you be grovelling at my feet begging to be reincarnated or saved, sent to heaven? After all you had no future in that land I'm giving you a better fate where you can actually be useful to someone" a clear mocking tone in his voice.

With a sudden nervous gulp.

"explain... Please" I spoke, my casual sarcastic tone had been shattered by this devilish deity, seeing me with such a reserved attitude he smiled

"she was already with another guy you know... The words "we need a break" are kind of greatly implies that you stupid ass ..." as he spoke i kept up this mask that i had perfected of absolute boredom and nothing-ness, while on the inside i mentally smirked 'she isn't with him anymore ass hat she now has a rather intimate relationship with the front of a car and the asphalt imagine being double teamed by such large and imposing people...' the god then adopted a rather disgusted expression.

"Your a sick motherfucker do you know that... Fine ill provide you your isekai wonderland and in a form that accurately describes your deceitful and disgusting nature suddenly everything faded away the light gone and I was by myself.

Then suddenly colours and lines began to fill in my surroundings. The sun beaming down upon my still body, I felt warm like way too warm, and dry. I could feel nothing i controlled my facial features just fine but my extremities seemed to be non existent.


I don't have a...

Its gone tears streaming down my face, i lost my favourite zucchini shaped object!

Then i doubt I'm even human now what kind of animal possesses no kind of limbs but a face, a worm? A slug? Maybe im a plant? Maybe I've become to Zucchini!

I suddenly hear another persons voice...

"Gabriel! Come on!" a light soft voice attempting to sound demanding, and failing miserably.

"I'm coming! There's this book on the floor! Its got a face on it" as he spoke childlike laughter masquerading the horror I was feeling once I realised he was talking to me.

'i was transported to another world as a bloody book! Certainly that can't be all i am though right?' as I was mentally duelling with my own mind the child picked me up and began stroking along my spine, trying to smack off any dirt that lay upon my cover.

"HEY YA LITTLE TWIT THAT HURTS" I exclaimed before reeling in shock that i actually possessed a voice. The boy was probably in shock seeing a book have facial features and then they actually move probably wasn't common place in these parts.

"I-I-I'm sorry?" the boy didn't put me down and instead held onto me even tighter while keeping me at an arms length as a safety precaution. Probably believing me to be some sort of important artefact. After glancing around the area in which the boy lived it didn't surprise me. A heavily impoverished area, quite a common set piece in fantasy, but now back to the boy.

He possessed light blond hair and quite naĂŻve and innocent eyes, large, round and quite adorable if I have to be perfectly honest. He did seem rather skinny and his pale complexion seemed more to be a product of malnourishment, rather than any lack of sunlight.

'hmm a desperate boy in a desperate situation, perhaps i could use this to my advantage' alright then here it goes. Time for my acting skills to come into play.

I spoke in a deep, sombre voice trying to imitate something ancient and powerful in an attempt to manipulate the child "do you wish for power?" while in my head i couldn't stop laughing at myself sounding so goddamned stupid.

"um yeahhhh but what's it to you? Mr book?" He spoke with such child like innocence and a voice which i,d roughly equate to an Essex accent from earth albeit a bit more soft.

"well i can give it to you in return for you taking me out of the pouring rain and into that lovely house over there" i tried to sound as sincere and nice as possible in front of the young child in an attempt to win him over, ill worry about the power later.

"will this power helped my mum? I'm already a big enough problem as it is for her so I don't want to make anymore trouble" again the sincerity in his voice was heart breaking, he really is a nice kid, id almost feel bad for manipulating him but i guess i stick with him. After all if I spend enough time with him who would be a better partner, certainly not some stuck up noble, but having maids dust him off every now and then does sound quite... Exquisite.

"we can discuss the details of your powers once I'm inside the house" I declared in a huff, just trying to stall for time until I actually know what i can give him.

"they better be useful Mr book..." the ominous tone in the child's voice scared me mainly due to me being a book in a child's hands, completely unable to defend myself.

"if they aren't... I'm sure you'd be more useful as a bargaining chip then anything else..." he did a low evil cackle causing sweat to fall down my booky façade, can books even sweat? Am i made out of human skin? I have no idea, its magic, magic sweat! Hopefully mine doesn't blow up.

Now inside the house the state of the street, did indeed tell me all I needed to know about this place.

"Hi mum I'm back!" He said with endless enthusiasm causing his mother to crack a small smile filled with love for her only son.