Not all our hopes and dreams will come true; certainly not in regards with what's transpiring right before my eyes but ever since I was a mere eight-year-old child, I've dreamt of nothing more than a future with Khadija.
My tormented heart has desired her for nearly 2 decades and I was convinced that whatever problematic difficulty or threat she's facing; or was about to face, the bond we once shared will undoubtedly overcome it.
At lap 25, I half hoisted myself out the pool and positioned myself on the edge to allow my feet to continue soaking in the coolness of the fresh water, while my drenched body soaked in the early rays of the sun and water beaded eyelashes mixed with teardrops, flowed down my cheeks like a river.
"Why Khadija? Why did you carelessly go off with that bloke? Why did you have to hurt me and fall for someone like him?" my inner thoughts cried out.