Chereads / What? A Group Chat? / Chapter 53 - Unwelcome Reunion

Chapter 53 - Unwelcome Reunion

Yesterday night,

Like they silently agreed upon, Jaune wasted himself, even though it was his first time drinking, he drank like a jar of sake at least, it's way more than what Blake drank in total.

But no one can blame him after all, he was the most affected of them all, he was the person who had a bleeding heart in the group.

He drank to ease the pain in his heart, if this was a normal occasion, without the death part, he would have no doubt flirted with anyone in his drunk state, but this wasn't normal he only spoke about his regret and pain to the person next to him.

Makugo, all night she accompanied her not so secret crush, she listened to his story intently, however despite that she couldn't really sympathize with him at all, just a month ago, she was just a heartless demon, plus she doesn't really know who Akane is, so she doesn't really have an impression of that person.

But she did her best to give advice, hoping that it was helping him.

Even before becoming a demon Makugo, she was the type of person that doesn't really care about anyone who isn't close to her, for all she cared they could die.

But Jaune was different, so far he was the only person that managed to worm inside her heart, to her he is special.

As he's probably the most important person in her life at the moment.

Then suddenly he stopped talking about his grief and changed to a different subject that was centered around her.

"You, you know….I never noticed this before but…you're really beautiful Makugo." Jaune's drunken voice echoed inside her head.

She literally didn't mind the drunken tone, what mattered was he admitted that she was beautiful!

Makugo almost squealed in delight at his undisguised price! At this moment her heart grew thrice in size.

"I-is that so?!" Makugo tried so hard not to sound too happy but failed miserably.

"Mhm…yeah and…and…I realized that you have fee….." Jaune suddenly dozed off before he could finish the entire sentence.

"You realize that I have….?!" Makugo became desperate, inside her mind she begged for him to finish, however it never happened.

As Jaune's face suddenly fell into the table and completely knocked him off, then the snoring came after.

After realizing that her crush fell asleep before, she could confess, her mood instantly darkened.

"Hehe…of course…it's too good to be true…" She let out a dark chuckle.

Though the logical part of her thinks that even if she confesses her feelings right now, it would never register in Jaune's brain in the morning.

It would have been for naught, honestly, it made her feel relieved and disappointed at the same time.

Although she was glad to know that he was at least attractive to her, after all, he wouldn't call her beautiful for nothing right?

Drunk people tend to be honest most of the time, so she readily accepted it as the truth.

Time passed, Makugo helped Jaune go to his room as she knew well that he was completely wasted, there was no way he could walk by himself.

Before they arrived at his room, Makugo was thinking hard about whether to take advantage of Jaune while he was drunk or she'll just let him sleep peacefully.

Makugo was torn about what to do, a darker part of her says that she might never have the chance to do this again.

Which she agrees, who knows when will she get another chance, but a good part of her says that if she did what her evil part told her to do.

Jaune might hate her if he knew what she had done when he was drunk.

But all of her thoughts temporarily stopped as they arrived at Jaune's room, she saw someone she never thought she'd see again.

Even after Echidna cut off her connection to this person, she was still terrified after all before Jaune and his group arrived, this person was the strongest being that she knew of.

Kibutsuji Muzan.

"Well, well I'd never thought we'd meet again this way Makugo." Muzan smiled widely enough to show her fangs.

"M-muzan-sama…" Makugo started trembling at the sight of her former boss, even though she lost her demon form, all of the memories as a demon were still there.

She would never forget how much of a monster Muzan could be, her instinct didn't tell her to run, as it knew that it would be pointless at the being in front of her.

She was frozen from her spot while trembling.

She saw Muzan frown seeing that she immediately thought she was a goner, but what her former boss said caught her off guard.

"You, stop trembling, you might drop MY husband." Muzan specifically said the last two words of her sentence more loudly.


Makugo felt like her brain stopped working for a moment, before rebooting and registering what her former boss said.

"Uhmmm, d-did I really hear what I said…?" Makugo said it to herself rather than Muzan.

But her former boss heard her anyway.

"You didn't hear me wrong, he's my groom-to-be and future husband," Muzan spoke in conviction.

"But Muzan-sama aren't you supposed to be a ma-" Before she could finish her sentence Muzan's sharp voice echoed throughout the room.


Makugo became pale at her former boss' angry expression, she quickly bowed her head and apologized.

"F-forgive me Muzan-sama!"

Her former boss glared at her for a moment, before huffing in annoyance.

"Do not mention it again, listen carefully. I was always a woman, and I was never a man."

"Y-yes…of course…" Sweat started to appear on her face, at this point she didn't know what was happening.

"Good." Then Muzan's face softened as she stared at Jaune's sleeping form and said. "Come closer, give me my groom."

Makugo hesitated, which made Muzan frown once more, but after a moment she had a look of understanding on her face.

"I see, do not worry about Jaune, I would never hurt the man that I considered my husband."

"R-really?" Makugo couldn't help but feel skeptical at her claim.

Muzan let out an annoyed huff, "Yes, so give him to me! Or are you perhaps that I'll slaughter you if you come closer? Trust me if I want to, you won't even notice."

And just like that the last of her resistance broke down and she went closer to Muzan and gave her Jaune reluctantly.

Makugo sighs in relief that her former boss stayed true to her words, she didn't kill her or harm Jaune.

What she saw was her former boss creasing Jaune's hair gently in delight. Honestly, if someone told her this happened she would never have believed them.

But seeing it happen before her eyes, she still has a hard time believing it.

"Hm…as I thought…you look handsome enough my dear…" Muzan said with affection.

Okay, she never imagined that she would hear those words coming out of her former boss' mouth.

It was certainly a weird picture in Makugo's mind, she had never thought, and not only Jaune managed to steal her heart, but also her former boss who the demon thought had no heart.

Jokes on you, she literally has 7 hearts.

Outside the room window, neither Makugo nor Muzan knew that Archer was watching and listening to their conversation the entire time.

If Muzan were going to attack both of them, Archer would have shot her down, not only that he'll hunt her down and kill her slowly and painfully as possible.

He's that confident of killing her, with several immortal killing weapons inside his reality marble, he had no reason to fear Muzan.

Though just to be safe, he shall stay here for the rest of the night, as he didn't fully trust Muzan not harming Jaune.



It was early in the morning and I already had a problem, not to mention the killer headache that the alcohol was giving me.

"Alright, first…I need to calm down, after that, I need to remember what happened yesterday…"

Okay, now that I'm calm. I need to remember what happened last night….

Fuck, there's nothing at all!

I can't remember jack shit about what happened yesterday night!

Suddenly Lucifer's eyelids were slowly opening and as they fully opened. I couldn't help but stare at it.

This was perhaps the first time I've seen it this closely, they were like rubies that were shining, and her eyes were beautiful, captivating even.

"Blake, are you going to keep staring at my eyes, or are you going to do something different?"

Her voice made me lose my concentration.

"Oh, ah yeah….. good morning?"

Lucifer smirked and replied, "Good morning indeed, you were wonderful last night, easily one of the best moments in my life."

I let out an awkward laugh at her comment.

Seriously? What happened yesterday?

No one knows what happened yesterday, it's up to you guys to think of the context.

It was a crazy night indeed.

Also, support me on Pa.treon I've started putting advanced chapters here.
