As jack gets ready to enter his home he stops to notice that the door is oh so slightly ajar with a bloody handprint on the handle. jack pulls out his glock and yells Johann are you there?!(silence) Hello, Johann are you in there jack whispering now. As he proceeds to sneak his way into the living room the cloying smell of blood thick in air almost making him gag as he starts to look around he is shocked to see five of the Dark ones feasting on what looks like his wife and child at this moment many different things are going through Jack's mind he drops to his knees in a daze he lifts the gun up as he kills the dark ones one by one untill he is all alone he crawls forward despair settling in as he sees his wife with her throat torn out start to move with a low guttural sound like that of a starving animal. Jack starts scrambling to get away and steals his nerves aims at his wife as he fires something in his mind snapped he turned the gun on himself and fires one round ending his journey before it began.