"Well if you aren't the avatar then how in the world did you just water bend?!" he yelled. "I said I don't know, it just happened!" I yelled back. He let out a sigh then let go of my arms. I gotten up and faced him. "So what now?" I had asked. "You stay here i'm going to go fight your friends off" he said. "I cant let you do that!!" I said while grabbing his arm. He shot a fireball at me and said "Remember who the prisoner is." For some reason I thought that him knowing I was the next avatar was gonna change him. But it clearly didn't. He had walked out the door and slammed it behind him. I sad back down on the bed and began to cry. How was I going to save them? I thought, I have no way of saving them. For once I had no clue what I could do or what would happen next. Then I suddenly heard someone running on the hard metal. I quickly whipped away my tears and ran to the door. It was Katara!! She was running from some fire benders, she was all burnt up. I banged on the door hoping she would hear me and luckily she did! Out of nowhere Toph came through the metal and busted the door down. If she hadn't come then I would have been stuck in there for ages! We ran down the halls, fighting everyone who comes in our path. "Wait!" I gasped while stopping. "What?" Katara stopped and turned. "Wheres Zuko?" I asked. "He told Toph what had happened so he's on Appa." Katara stated. "Quit your yapping and lets go!!" Toph whined. We rushed our way near the exit. We then saw some of the fire and earth benders. Katara and Toph soon fell leaving me to fight the rest of them. "Get to Appa I got them!" I shouted. "Fine but be quick." Toph yelled back. "No we are not leaving you!" Katara screamed. I started to fight them but they kept blocking. As I almost fell, I went into the Avatar state. Everyone stopped to stare as I took them down. They were all in shock, not knowing that I was the Avatar. Soon enough they were all on the ground. I got out of the Avatar state and passed out from all the power that was rushing through my blood. Katara carried me as Toph finished off the last two. We got on Appa and flew away as Jet came out in defeat. We had went to Zuko's castle so they could put me in a nice warm bed to rest in. Zuko had some of his guards help me to a spare room. I had finally woken up. It was a nice castle, and unbelievable that I had went in there. Sure I was Zuko's childhood friend but he had grown up with a great destiny, for I was not as fortunate. But i'm not going to make this a sob story. I wish I had met the last Avatar, Aang I believe his name was. But as every person knows, when the last Avatar dies the next Avatar is born. Fire, Water, Earth, and last Air. It continues only in that pattern, Aang was a Air Nomad. The last one in fact but when Katara and him had kids, some of them were Air Nomads. So the Air Nomads will live on.