Chereads / Our Lazy and Idiotic but Abnormal Life / Chapter 153 - Ian David McCullum.

Chapter 153 - Ian David McCullum.

"Do you guys really have to tie me up like this!?" Ian said making a weary smile.

"Guys please, this is stupid! Why do I have to be tied up like this in my underwear!?"

"Sabastian, I swear to God, I will make you pay for it later! Delete that picture right NOW!!!"

"Come on guys! We can talk in a civilized manner, drinking beverages, having a barbecue or playing poker. Anything works, why tie me up???"

At the new clubhouse, the misfit gang tied Ian to a chair.

They were standing in front of him in a semi-circle.

"You probably will try to run away, it took us 8 hours to hunt you down. We are not going to let you run away anymore, Ian!" Erisviel said rubbing her forehead. The idiot who is tied up in front of her managed to be off the grid for 8 hours!

Ever since he ran out of the restaurant, he avoided the misfit gang.

Today, when they decided to confront Ian about what happened yesterday?

Ian was nowhere to be found.

They were worried about him.

It took Erisviel 8 hours to finally catch this idiot friend of hers.

"Okay, okay! I promise I won't run away, but let me out of these zips, please? My hands hurt!" Ian complained feeling uncomfortable from the zip-tie handcuffs.

"No, that'z your punizhment." Ana replied to Ian, she was writing up a bondage scene for her new book. Ian's current situation inspired a great scenario, she doesn't want to let that idea scatter so she started writing right away.

"Bro, just shut up! You made me go run in this cold weather for 8 hours. At least, you could have picked up our calls!" Zulkernyn was feeling a bit grumpy because he was worried for this idiot friend of him. He was the one who ran around the city for hours trying to look for Ian.

"Ian, we knew something was up with you. We never meddled in your affairs because we trust you. We thought one day, you will surely share the weights in your heart with us. You, know? No one in their sane mind decides to risk their lives and agrees to join a shady organisation without thinking for some time. Even Erisviel took some time to decide whether should she join Nameless or not. But you? You, my friend, agreed without a thought! I still remember that day when you agreed to join Nameless. I lived in a world where I had to be vigilant every single moment. I'm too sensitive to violent intents and same goes for my sister. When you said, you want to join Nameless? I felt a murderous intent from you, not directed to us but someone else. At that time, I trusted my friend, you! I didn't look up your past or anything, we all waited for the day for you to come forward and tell us. But that time never came, until yesterday! Instead of opening up to us, YOU IGNORED US!!!" Aaron raised his voice feeling emotional, he turned his back on Ian.

Sabastian stopped taking pictures.

He also feels the same as Aaron.

The others to an extent feel the same too.

Aurora sighed after Aaron finished in a bad note.

Among the misfits, he is the most emotional.

"You probably know that I asked Erisviel or others to look into your past, right? Ian, we know everything now. But we still want to listen to you! Just tell us, Ian. It might lessen your grievance... We will always be by your side, no matter what!" Aurora finished speaking and waited for Ian to open up.

Ian felt ashamed of himself a bit.

His friends, these people are like a second family to him.

How stupid of him to think, they too will judge and critic him like the others.

It was already stifling living in guilt and self-blame, from what happened back then.

The others judged him and criticised him.

He didn't want to feel the same from these people in front of him.

So he never confided his past to them, fear of history repeating itself.

Ian was hesitating, to speak. He felt a huge pressure on his mind.

Seeing Ian hesitating, Sabastian snapped at Ian.

"Hey! Just spill it out, no point holding it in!!! If you don't speak then I will put this thing on my hand up your ass! Spill it!!!" Waving a beady vibrator on his hand, Sabastian threatened.

The others were startled but seeing the thing on Sabastian's hand made their face contorted in disgust!

"F**k you! Sabastian!!!" A vein popped in Ian's head seeing the thing in Sabastian's hand. He was being emotional and freaking sad.

But the fool was threatening him with a f**king vibrator!

Ana was disgusted at first but a sudden idea dawned upon her, she started scribbling on her note pad.

Zulkernyn almost tripped. He is always the most stable one among the misfit gang but this joke by Sabastian really took him by surprise.

Aaron and Nyx facepalmed themselves.

It's a classic of Sabastian, in serious moments he does stupid things and makes a fool out of himself.

Most of the time it doesn't go well, like the current situation.

"The atmosphere, bro!" Aaron.

"Feel the atmosphere, the atmosphere!" Nyx.

Erisviel who was beside Sabastian had a neutral face.

But the others can tell that she was storming inside.

Erisviel put her left hand on Sabastian's neck.

"Sabastian, my friend. If you do anything like this in the future, I promise you I will give you hell! Do you understand what I mean? Sabastian?" Erisviel said with an innocent smile.

Sabastian was confused by Erisviel's behaviour.

It's completely out of character from what he knows of her.

Suddenly, Sabastian felt an intense shock on his neck.

It travelled from his neck to everywhere in his body.

Sabastian plopped down on to the floor and had a horrified look in his face.

His left side of the face was twitching uncontrollably, his whole body was trembling.

"Well, Ian you can continue now!" Erisviel turning to Ian announced in a monotone voice.

Her expression returned to her normal indifferent self.

"..." Aaron and Nyx.

It was Aaron who made the shocker device for Erisviel. The appearance of the device looks like a harmless ring.

"..." Aurora.

"..." Zulkernyn.

"..." Ana.

"..." Ian.

All six of them thought staring at Erisviel.


Ian shook his head and started telling his story.

"Eleanor was my childhood friend. We grew up together and started going out from our 2nd year in middle school. We were very close, she was my soul mate! I always got bullied by others, so she learned martial arts for me. She always saved me from the bullies. I didn't want to be bullied anymore and also wanted to protect her too, so we joined our middle school martial art club together. She was very talented, I know you guys think I'm some kind of monster with my battle sense. But she? She was much better than me!"

Ian smiled remembering his precious memories of him and Eleonor.

"I don't want to bore you guys with my fluffy stories, also I don't have the heart to remember all the memories and feel s*it today! I might do something stupid, so I will go straight to that incident!" Ian clenched his jaws, trying to compose himself.

"We joined the martial art club in high school. She immediately got everyone's attention, the coach, the captain and the other members. She was a prodigy, there were many eyes of admiration and jealousy in the club. We thought it's a new beginning we would shine on the stage, the martial art competition was in a few years too. People had high expectation from us. We made some new friends in the club, the captain and some other members. There was this guy, who is said to be the strongest! He issued a challenge to Eleanor and lost. After the match he congratulated her. We thought he is a muscle head like us, you know. We became friends but we couldn't have imagined that the guy we become friends with is a *beeep beeep beep beeeeeeep* son of a *beep*!!! One day, we caught him doing drugs at the gym! We confronted him and tried to knock some sense into him. He convinced us that he will not do it anymore and will seek help, made us promise to not tell the teacher and his guardians. We didn't know much about his background, we only knew he came from a rich family. You know, we shouldn't have listened to him that day!!! A month later, we found him again doing a vile act! This time it was not drugs. We found him and his lackeys ra*ing two fourth-year upperclassmen! We beat the s*it out him that day and reported to the police. Later, we found out that he fled the country but we knew that it was his family that sent him overseas somewhere."

Aurora, Sabastian, Aaron and Nyx felt hatred mixed with murderous intent from Ian.

While Ian was telling his history, Zulkernyn already had uncuffed Ian without him knowing.

"A few months later, after school on our way home. Someone told us that the club was holding a meeting at the gym and told us to quickly go to the gym. It's usual for the club to hold a meeting from time to time, so we didn't think much of it. Arriving at the gym, we didn't see anyone from the club but that ba**ard *beep* was there waiting for us with some of his lackeys. He tortured us for an hour, be-befor-before he~" Ian was interrupted Aurora.

Aurora hugged Ian who's eyes were tearing up.

The others could feel deep sadness, sorrow and despair from Ian.

"You don't have to go on, Ian." Erisviel spoke up hugging Ian from behind.

"It's not your fault, Ian! Don't blame yourself, my brother..." Zulkernyn placed a hand on Ian's shoulder.

The others one by one surrounded Ian.

"HE KILLED HER!!!" Ian cried out in anguish.

The others hold on Ian tightened.

They felt a dreadful pain as if something was being torn inside their heart, hearing Ian crying out in anguish.

After 10 minutes or so, Ian stopped crying.

Raising his head, he looked into Aurora's dark green eyes.

"I will kill him! I will kill him myself, with my own hands! No, death will not be a punishment for him. I will make sure he will suffer for a long time! He took the person I loved, my best friend, my soul mate away from me!!! I will torture him for years until his life naturally gives in. I WILL MAKE HIM PAY FOR HIS SINS!!!"

Aurora nodded replying to Ian.

"Yes, I will help you achieve that! We will help you achieve that, Ian."