It's 6 am, Zulkernyn was sleeping in peace.
Suddenly, he was jolted awake by a certain animal.
The animal is a fluffy cat, a ragdoll.
Don't be fool by its appearance!
The cat may look innocent, adorable and cute that people might want to cuddle and play with.
But this cat is special.
This cat is capable of understanding humans and can communicate with humans in some way.
The behaviour of the cat is much very like humans.
But that's not why one should be wary of this cat.
This cat is the companion of the deadliest assassin of Nameless.
The cat is the companion of Zulkernyn Hassan.
The last of the Hassan.
But that's not the reason why one should be wary of the cat either.
Why one should be wary of this cat, is because this cat is an assassin cat.
This cat is capable of killing humans, cats and dogs alike.
But one can't deny that Shaved Wolf is one adorable fluffy cat.
Shaved Wolf just woke up and feels hungry, so he went to look for his best friend Zulkernyn.
When Shaved wolf made his way to Zulkernyn's room and arrived there with his fluffy cute paws.
He saw his best friend is sleeping with a peaceful expression on his face.
He was also drooling.
Shaved wolf is always the one to wake up late but Zulkernyn today seems like is sleeping late.
Shaved wolf is hungry but what should he do?
Should he wake up Zulkernyn or should he go find some snacks for himself?
Shared wolf contemplated for a few minutes before he dashed towards the bed.
He climbed up the bed and went near Zulkernyn's face.
Shaved wolf has claws, so he can't paw Zuljernym's pretty face right?
So he started to meowing and tapping Zulkernyn's face with his head.
"Meoow meeooow!"
"..." Zulkernyn still asleep.
"Meow meow meeeooooowwwww!!!"
Seeing that Zulkernyn isn't waking up no matter how much Shaved Wolf tries to call Zulkernyn.
Shaved wolf got angry and started head butting Zulkernyn with a bit of force.
Shaved Wolf also started calling out to Zulkernyn as loud as he can.
Finally, Zulkernyn woke up. He was still a bit groggy and sleepy.
Zulkernyn stared at Shaved wolf for a minute before he asked.
"Hungry? So early?" Yawning and half-asleep Zulkernyn said staring at his little companion.
"But it's so early!"
"Meow meow!"
"I want to sleep more though."
"Okay, okay! I'm getting up, wolfie. So no need to scream anymore."
Zulkernyn got up from his bed and took Shaved wolf in his arms before he started to walk towards the bathroom.
Seeing that Zulkernyn is walking towards the bathroom, Shaved wolf felt a chill and all of his furs stood up.
'He is not thinking of bathing me, right?' Shaved Wolf thought.
Shaved wolf turned his face to Zulkernyn and said.
"Meoow ow ow meeow wow?" (A/N: To break the language barrier, this Author will translate. Shaved Wolf said and I quote "You are not thinking of bathing me right?" end quote. LOL)
Understanding what his little companion meant, Zulkernyn nodded.
"Yes, we are bathing first. After bathing we eat breakfast."
"No, you have to take a bath first."
"No matter how much you say no, I won't listen. So you have to take a bath first before you think about any food!"
"Meeeeooow!" Shared wolf drooped his head and acted cutely.
"I'm not falling for that, it was adorable and cute when you were a kitten but not now. So that won't work, you are taking a bath and that's final!"
"Meooooooow!" Shaved wolf started sulking after hearing Zulkernyn.
Inside the bathroom, Zulkernyn checked the temperature of the water first.
Feeling it's the right temperature, Zulkernyn threw Shaved wolf into the tub.
A shrilling 'meeooow' reverberated all over the house.
After the shower, at the kitchen.
Zulkernyn saw there's no milk, bread and butter on the fridge.
"Looks like we have to eat breakfast outside." Said Zulkernyn turning to Shaved wolf.
"Meow meow meeooow."
"I know, still we can't do much with what's here. All we have is leftovers from last night, which I don't want to eat again."
"Meow!" Shaved wolf made an expression of can't be helped!
Getting ready to have breakfast outside, Zulkernyn and Shaved wolf left the apartment building.
They had breakfast at a nearby restaurant owned by Zulkernyn.
After leaving the restaurant, on their way home Shaved wolf saw a injured cat at the side of the road.
Shaved wolf called out to Zulkernyn.
Seeing the injured cat, Zulkernyn ignored it and started walking.
"Meooow meeow meow!"
Stopping on his track, Zulkernyn turned back and saw Shaved wolf pleading to him to save the cat.
"Bro, please we saw these kinds of scenes many times in the past. So why now? Don't tell me you fell in love at first sight?"
"..." Shaved wolf.
"My God! You really did? Wolfie, you and I know these kinds of scenarios well. You save the cat and we take the cat home after that we nursed it back to health. Later, you confess she turns you down. You get your heart broken but you say she is the 'One' and you never fall in love with another cat and stay single till your death."
"..." Shaved wolf.
"Meow mew mew meow meow?" (Aren't you being a bit too dramatic?l
"Don't tell me that, you and I both know how much we watch and read novels."
"Meow meow mew mow!" (But that won't happen!)
"How sure are you?"
"Meow% mew!" (100% sure!)
"Okay, but in one condition!"
"Meow?" (What?)
"Starting from tomorrow morning, you will work out with me and get that fat belly of yours off from yourself."
"Meow? Mew mow mewww!!!" (Seriously? I'm not fat!!!)
"...You are."
Zulkernyn and Shaved wolf has a special bond that they can understand each other even though they are of different species.
Since young, Zulkernyn didn't have any friends. Only friends he had were animals. Such as birds, cats, dogs etc etc.
It was after meeting the Blood siblings and Nyx he finally had human friends
Shaved wolf has been with Zulkernyn for years.
From, the moment Zulkernyn found him in an alley, a newborn kitten abandoned by its mother.
Since that day, Shaved wolf has always been with Zulkernyn.
The little cat and the little boy had no one but each other.
So slowly they started to bond a special bond between them.
The cat started to understand human language and Zulkernyn understanding Shaved Wolf.
However, Zulkernyn understanding Shaved Wolf doesn't mean he understand all cats!
Zulkernyn only understands Shaved Wolf.
"Meow mew mao!" (I'm not fat!)
Shaved wolf seeing a broken mirror in a corner, ran towards it.
Seeing the reflection of his body on the mirror, Shaved wolf started to sulk.
Shaved wolf turned to Zulkernyn and said.
"Meow mew, meowww mew?" (Am I, really fat?)
"Meow mew mew meow mao?" (Will she like me even if I'm fat?)
"Meow mew mao mao?" (Do I really have to?
"Meow!" (Alright!)
Zulkernyn then gently took the injured Cat on his arms and started walking towards his home.
"Meow mew mew meooow!" (I got a girlfriend!)
"It's still not decided yet, just because you saved her doesn't mean she will fall in love with you. You have to work hard, buddy!" Said Zulkernyn to Shaved wolf.
"Mewww meowww!!!" (I know!!!)
Then they went home and started nursing the new member of their family to health.