I don't know what happened, but I've been absent-mindedly walking for a day already. I never felt hunger, even before inside the kingdom. I never felt tired, but when I did sit, blisters started forming on my toes and heels. So far, I have not yet met someone who'd want to kill me.
I felt the skies and the Gods' sadness. It's been raining, non-stop. The river bed is slowly rising, I've been following this path. I took out the map my mother gave me.
I don't feel like going to them. I feel ashamed and don't think I can show this face to anyone I know.
It's probably best to die here, right now.
I do not care whether they thought of me as a useless prince, an easy kill for the rogues. All those prince training does not matter anymore it's of no use.
Tch. If I could share my knowledge with rogues to make them 'noble' how cool would that be?