After almost two hours of walking in near silence, Xander pauses to rest on a felled tree. Foster, who isn't even the slightest bit tired, simply stands and waits. Over the course of the two silent hours, Xander took time to notice little things about Foster. He'd only ever heard about the Fae in stories that Bluebie had told him. From what he'd heard, they were a beautiful and elegant race that were not to be trusted. Xander could definitely see why people thought they were beautiful. Foster was extremely aesthetically pleasing and Xander found it hard to look away. He'd noticed that, though both of them were walking on the same ground, Foster stepped softly and did not make a single sound. Xander's boots crunched leaves and twigs while Foster seemed to be almost floating above the earth. He also noticed that animals did not concern themselves with him. On Xander's side of the path, squirrels and other small animals would quickly move away from him; however, on Foster's side, it was as if he wasn't there at all. These things, combined, made Xander wonder if Foster was really even there at all, or if he was just a figment of his imagination.
"Are you ready to keep going yet?" Foster asks impatiently. Xander had not realized how long he'd been there. Nodding, he stands and falls in step with Foster as they continue on through the forest.
"Have you ever been to Nympharum?" Asks Xander. Scoffing, Foster replies,
"Of course; all fae are born there and many of us live there our whole lives."
"If so many of you live there forever then what were you doing in Pineholly?" Foster scowls sideways at Xander.
"I never said I lived there my whole life, just that many Fae do. I was near Pineholly because I like to wander and that's where I happen to have ended up. There's nothing special about your minuscule village," he says, poison edging into his voice. Xander knows that Foster is growing steadily impatient, but instead of backing off it only motivates him to question the faerie further.
"So, how long have you been wandering? Do you wander all by yourself? It must get lonely with no one to talk to," Xander says, struggling to keep a smirk off his face. He knows he's nearing the edge of Foster's patience.
"I do not get lonely. Not only do I find little comfort in the company of others but when I would like to speak, I speak to the trees, the ground, the wind, and the gods. They are the only company," he says, then pauses for a moment. "I seem to recall telling you that I don't like small talk or questioning. Stop at once." Xander smiles to himself.
"You did say that, yes, but you have also responded and answered all of my questions. So you must not 'detest' it that much." At that, Foster buffs and walks faster. Xander grins and jogs to keep up.