Chapter 53 - Jeremy's Attack! Chapter 52

As Miriam tried to sooth Twinkle and calm him down, she heard a door open down9stairs and slam shut loudly.

Then a thundering ruckus was heard as if a small Buffalo was rampaging through the hallways and then up the stairs in much haste.

Then it turned quiet outside the room for about two minutes before she heard a loud shout of anger and frustration.

"That little witch took my bird! Francine! Nathanial! Mommy! Daddy! Take my bird back for me! I wasn't done making my Indian Feather hat yet!"

Miriam just casually took a fruit from her nearby desk, and walked back over to Twinkle and held it out near Twinkles beak.

Twinkle turned his head the other way, as if saying 'Hmmph' in birdy body language.

Miriam grimaced and her temper which wasn't the best in the lifetime was getting riled up.

What if Twinkle no longer trusted humans to feed him? What of Twinkle died because of Jeremys uncouth and cruel actions taken against little Twinkle today?

At this point Miriam did not know it now, but small tears as started to form on her pale little face and run down her now puffed up in anger and flushed cheeks.

By the time Jeremy had come to the door of her bedroom and opened it with reckless abandon, Miriam was ready to beat this child with her own two little fists until he was declared braindead!

"Give me back whats mine! Girls can't have nice things. I'm a man of this house so you must obey me!" The little tyrant said as he swaggered on into the bedroom and looked at Miriam still holding his bird.

Turning her head to face Jeremy, a creepy smile was now plastered onto her pretty little face.

"Why Hello Jeremy, what brings you to my quarters at this hour of the day, dear?" Miriam spoke in a sickingly sweet tone. One which was almost impossible for a child as young as her to say and act out in such a manner.

Jeremy, although sensing something was different about the little girl in front of him, he thought that perhaps she had finally come to her senses.

"I demand you give me back my bird!" Jeremy demanded of Miriam who was merely minding her own business and bird.

Looking at Jeremy, who had just entered her room, she decided go try out her acting skills abit.

Let's see if she could bag an 19th century Oscar!

Blinkong her large clear blue eyes, Miriam put on a mock frown.

"Oh my, I just found my bird who had been attacked and kidnapped to another part of the house! You must remember to lock your windows dear Jeremy! I just found my poor bird Twinkle, so of course I would be happy to help you find yours. What species is your pet bird? And when did you last see it?"

Asking this to Jeremy, without a doubt made the little twat mad as could be.

His bird was right next to this little witch! Why is she saying she'll help him look for his bird? Clearly, his bird was right next to her!

"My bird is right there, give it back to me! Or you'll be disowned from the family! Mark my words!" Jeremy threatened as he took a few steps towards where Miriam and the bird currently were.

"Whatever are you going on about, Jeremy? I just told you I'd help you find your bird. Yet here you are, trying to steal mine? Please reconsider your words dear Jeremy ah! If you try and assault me again I shall scream for assistance! Why are you being so mean to me? I just merely wanted to help you." Miriam retorted back to Jeremy, a smug little smile twinkling within her eyes, but a small pout was upon her lips.

"Thats it! You asked for it! I'll take back whats mine! Your witchcraft won't work on me this time!" Said Jeremy as he barreled towards Miriams current positon.

As soon as Jeremy finished his sentence, Miriam tried as best she could to cover lilttle Twinkles ear holes before she unleashed the loudest high pitched and girlish scream yet in her life.

Of course, her father heard this commotion and was just about to get past foreplay when he abruptly heard his youngest daughters scream.

Quickly making his way to the scene he already found that spanish boy pulled Jeremy off of his mone- precious daughter.

Miriam has a nasty scratch on her from where Jeremy had dug his finger nails into her arm, trying to get her to relinquish Twinkle to him.

When Miriam had started to scream, she had quickly protected Twinkle by encasing most of her body over the bird but not on the bird.

Jeremy had gotten to her before Otto could even register what was happening in the room.

He had started to punch and scratch her viciously.

Apparently Henry had come upstairs as soon as he heard his youngest cousin's nonsensical tirade.

Upon reaching the room of the apparant ruckus, he saw what looked like Jeremy trying to kill Miriam.

Of course, he couldn't just not step in when it looked like she was going to get seriously injured.

Although he thought the little girl was abit weird and stuck up, that didn't mean he hated her.

Henry, upon seeing this tussle, swiftly went to them and attempted to intervene.

His youngest maternal cousin, apparantly didnt like this.

"I'm getting my bird back even if I have to kill her! Shes just a stupid witch! What right does she have to nice things! I'm a boy!" Spat out Jeremy in anger and not so subtle pride.

Miriam, of course, was about to play her best role yet! Innocent till death!

"Sniff. Please stop... Jeremy...hnnghh, I aweady said I'- sniffle, help you look for your bird. Stamp trying to take miiiinnneee." Miriam said through small sobs and sniffles as her nose began to run and the waterworks were turned up a notch.

Finally, Henry managed to pull Jeremy off Miriam as her father had entered the room.

Upon seeing his daughter like so, Mr. Stuart was of course angered. This was not just petty bullying and demeaning talk, his daughter was physically injured!

What if that brat had scarred her face or features!

Furious, Mr. Stuart quickly stopped next to his daughter.

Seeing her father had come righg next to her, Miriam began to sob even harder.

"Papa, he tried to kill me and Twinkle. I tried to help him find something Papa, but he was mean to me instead. Awaghhhhh!" M8riam said inbetweem her sobs before she turned her water works up another notch.

"Im scared daddy. What if he tries to kill me and Twinkle in our sleep... I wanna go to New York... I'm scared...!" Miriam sobbed to her father.

Mr. Stuart made a decision then and there.He was not going to let her group spend the night at this house.

It would seem Mzia being bedridden for so long had interfered with her child rearing responsibilities. He would have to see to it that a proper enviorment could be arranged for his two young twin daughters that currently lived here.