Chapter 50 - Buy A Basket Chapter 49

Seeing her father leave, Miriam looked up at Beatrice who still looked rather crestfallen about her blunder this morning.

Its not like Beatrice knew those two shrews were lying.

Forget it. Miriam decided she needed to stop worrying so much about other people. This habit from her old life kept rearing itself.

Still tired Miriam rubbed her eyes with her one free hand rather blearily.

She was getting tired.

Why was she still so little?

Looking towards Beatrice again, Miriam instructed her.

"I need bird cage Beatrice, or a large and strong basket. Go buy it, also buy me some new stockings. Oh and some freshly slaughtered meat. Make sure it hasnt been sitting around. Blood needs to still be dripping off it."

As Miriam instructed Beatrice, she didn't notice the maid flinch at the mention of meat dripping with blood.

Looking at the direction Henry had left to, she decided to wait for the beloved violin to just fall into her hands.

About two minutes later, Henry reappeared with small instrument case in his hand.

A bright smile appeared on Miriams tiny face as she looked at the violin case and tried her hardest not too drool upon seeing it enter her field of vision.

Henry looked at the little girl as he approached her with his violin case in hand.

Miriam was getting more excited the closer Henry got. When he stopped infront of her, he a small grin appeared on his face.

'Time to hear total failure...' Henry thought to himself as he steeled his nerves to prepare for the oncoming onslaught of wretched violin strings wailing.

Walking further over to a table in the drawing room, Henry set the instrument case down.

Looking at Mririam for a brief second, Henry turned back to focus his attention on his instrument.

In a rather relaxed manner he un- latched the clasps that held the case tightly together.

Raising the lid of the case, he then used both his hands to lift the violin out.

It was at this peaceful moment that Miriam quickly snatched the violin bow from its snug slumber in its specified compartment of the case, and began to look it over carefully in her small hands.

Itmedaitely Miriam noticed a... big problem.

This bow was abit too big for her....

Swiveling her head to look at the violin, Miriam once again just now noticed how large the violin was comparatively to her body.

This...would prove to be a challenge to her grand plans to stand on a giant stage someday.

The little girls face looked up to Henry.

"Uh, does your violin happen to have it's child accompanying you both on this trip?" Asking it in such an adorable and round about way, Miriam totally confused Henry.

His violin's child? Wouldn't music perhaps be considered the child of a violin? Since it makes music... and all..

As if seeing the perverbial hamster wheel in Henry's head about to catch on fire, Miriam decided to just explain what she meant outright. It couldn't be helped, she guessed.

He was still only in his early teens afterall...

If Henry knew that the little four year old girl that stood in front of him right now, was looking down on him even though she barely came up to his waist in height, he would surely feel the urge to burst into tears of frustration on the spot.

Gazing up to Henry, Miriam said with a rather perfunctory tone of voice, "What I am saying is, do you happen to have a violin that is smaller? This one will be difficult for me to get the correct poster on the handling of the bow. I'd rather not practice with a improper grip. It could breed bad habits afterall."

Henry just blinked at Miriam a few times befpre he could properly register what she was saying to him.

So she knew that she was too small for this violin...

Then why not just admit defeat and wait until she grew bigger to buy one perhaps.

Observing that Henry clearly was too preoccupied with himself in his mind right now, Miriam decided to just relent for now and play with an improper posture.

It was best too not be too picky.

Eyeballing the way Henry was holding the violin, Miriam decided it should be safe to play 'take away'.

Hopping up into the air a little bit, Miriam swiped the violin from Henrys held out hands, and started to look it over closely. of the strings seemed a little worse for wear than the others.

She began to wonder if Henry even knew how to play the violin.

Having his instrument snatched from his hand by Miriam, definitely did not make him feel better about the girl.

Of course, not that Miriam would care. This summer was probably the last time she'd ever see him.~

"Be careful, these instruments are much more delicate than a piano or a harpischord..." Henry said as he watched the little female gremlin put her hands all over his wooden string instrument.

Looking at the bridge, Miriam noticed abit of wear and tear on it.

"Why is there some damage on your violin's bridge? I would not suggest letting someone play on this unless you want the violins situation to deteriorate further." She said as she used her pointer finger of her left hand to point to the sma damaged part of the bridge.

"What! Impossible! I'm extremely careful with my instruments!" Henry exclaimed as he bent foward and snatched the violin from Miriams hands.

'Wow. Hmmm... it doesn't feel good to get something snatched from your hands. I should refrain from doing it in the future if possible.' Miriam concluded inside her head.

"Well, since your instrument is not in peak physical condition for playing, I will change the condition of the bet. Is that okay? Of course it will be up to you of you like these new terms." Miriam spoke to Henry while looking him in the eyes.

Henrys dark brown eyes widened, and then narrowed as he nodded his head in assent.

"What do you have in mind?" Henry asked in a somewhat slower than normal tone.

"You can tell me about yourself. As I am bored and you can entertain me..." Miriam said while looking at Henry out of the corner of her eye, as she was bo longer pointing her head in his direction.

Also, Miriam had put the violin bow softly back into its compartment.

"Okay..." said Henry.