Chapter 24 - Richmond Chapter 23

Richmond Virginia was alot bigger than Miriam had expected for this day and age.

Grand flour mills sat beside the James River harnessing and using the water of the river to grind wheat into flour.

Many coachs went up and down the streets which still were covered in feces from only god knows what species.

Miriam kept a close eye out for any store that night catch her fancy. A few did but upon asking her father if they had time to go shopping he simply replied "No.".

They arrived at a hotel to stay at for the night.

Miriam once again stole away her older brother for "bonding time".

Forced to work his brain every night thus far of this journey, Bannon wanted to cry sometimes.

Learning wasn't that fun! Why did mum say it was a important privilege?

After working for a few hours on Bannons penmanship Miriam decided to have them go to bed finally.

Early the next morning, she got up and proceeded to wash the little snakes cloth free of snake poopies.

Letting it dry she put a new cloth underneath Samantha.

Their party set out about 2 hours later and boarded the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad.

Bannon was mesmerized by the train, it was the first one he had ever seen in his whole life, afterall.

Mr. Stuart was expecting Miriam to freak out like her brother but she just calmly stood in the line for boarding with the rest of the party.

After getting on the train Miriam let Bannon get a window seat next to her, afterall she had flown on airplanes before, a trainside view was surely not more interesting than that.

She started to sketch in her sketchbook.

She decided to draw her father who sat opposite of her.

Noticing her drawing him, a small smole appeared on Mr.Stuarts face.

'Ah, even my daughter even thinks I'm handsome..' He thought to himself.

Even Moriam knew what her father was thinking she would probably have the urge to chuck her book out the train window.

As of late, Miriam noticed her temper was much worse in this life than her previous one.

Was she more hateful? Hmm, probably...

Anyway, after finishing her sketch of her father she decided to start sketching out a rough draft of a children's picture book about birds.

Miriam needed more money. And a alias could be used in literature...

She started first with the Macaws, went onto the Tanagers, and finally some Conures and lastly Parakeets.

By the time Bannon lost interest out the window of the train and looked over at what his sister was doing his eyes nearly bulged out of his little head.

What kind of strange birds was his sister drawing?

When the train reached Washington, DC, Miriam was running out of space in her sketchbook.

Looking up she asked her father, "Father I need more paper to draw on."


Waving his hand, Mr. Stuart reassured her that he'd get her more paper to 'play around' on.

Miriam was determined to make as much money as possible. That's the only way she would have any power.

They traveled abit through the capital, stopping to get some snacks and paper.

Miriam proceeded to take a whole armful of drawing supplies at the store and put it on the counter, then looked expectantly at her father to pay for it all.

Afterall, drawing was a ladylike thing. Why should she pay for it out of her own pocket?

After Mr.Stuart footed the bill, Bannon helped Miriam make an escape out the establishments front door with the loot.

They then proceeded to board a train that went all the way to New York.

After drawing for another half hour, Miriam got bored by the tedious task. Her poor little hand also hurt. Afterall, her hand was only as big a three year olds at most.

Wondering something, Miriam decided to ask her father.

"Father, why am I still so small, surely I should be abit taller by now. Its really an inconvenience of the highest calliber to sometimes have difficulty opening ones own door."

Mr. Stuart put down the Newspaper he was reading and stared at his daughter.

Indeed, she was abit tiny.

But that was okay. This just meant some of those extremely short men would be attracted to her more.

Afterall, who doesn't like to feel tall?

Mr.Stuart was constantly trying to think of how to use his children as pawns.

Abigail was already planned to marry one of three men by him.

Perhaps he should get his daughters photo taken a few times while in New York, so he could show it to some of his friends...

Waiting patiently for a reply from her father, Miriam reached her hand over to the top of her brothers head and started patting it. Gently twisting her semi-curly auburn hair into ringlets.

"You know, if we grow your hair out a little longer I could style it very pretty." Miriam remarked rather casually to her brother who was say beside her.

Bannons whole face went beet red and he said rather loudly in response, "Boys don't do their hair like girls!".

Miriam withdrew her hand, keeping it to herself again.Teasing children was indeed fun, Miriam thought to herself.

"Maybe you need too eat more, Miriam." Mr. Stuart said in reply to her earlier asked question.

'Oh how I wish I could eat more, but who knows if there's arsenic in something...'

Knowing what she knew about victorian era willy nilly application of harmful chemicals, Miriam was always fearful of coming into contact with them.

Why do you think she avoided whitened bread, and many sweets and confectionaries?

Fear! Thus poor Miriam ate vegetables which she actually didn't find very palatable to begin with like a rabbit with vigor.

Unless she could absolutely make sure something hadn't been altered, she wouldn't touch it even if it meant not eating for a few days.

Usually though, she would sneak out into the vegetable garden to sneak a few veggies into her pockets.

Looking straight into her fathers eyes, she replied, "I like all natural food. Who knows what sand or dirt people put into flour nowadays to sell less for more."

Ah, his daughter was very perceptive. If only she was a son, sigh.

Bannon didnt understand the trajectory of their conversation, and just continued looking out the train window as it was better than listening to his younger sister grown up talk with others.

"Unless I'm sure I'm not being shorted, or endangered, I'd rather eat grass with the cows in the field. At least it's fresh and wouldnt make me insane or bedridden, or God forbid cease to breath." Miriam ranted abit more, just for good measure of her stance.

Mr. Stuart decided he could get a aervant to mill their own flour and make bread, but that would be a pain. If he could get some more benefits from his daughter he wouldn't mind pampering her abit.

Thus, he said "I look forward to spending some quality bonding time with you in New York. Perhaps we could even buy a vacation house up here for you if we can get enough funds to upkeep it."

Raising her brows, Miriam knew what her father wanted. Some 'divine' knowledge heh.

Fine she could tell him some locations of a few mines she supposed.

Maybe one for now. Since she couldnt own land she needed to find some trust worthy people to become her devote followers.

She needed men who would support her decisions in the future.

Looking up at her father, Miriam just replied, "I think I can help father feel happier while here in New York... I think it'd be nice to have a family in the mining business..."

The last half of her sentence was said much softer so only those in their little area would be capable of hearing it.

Mr. Stuarts eyebrows raised and a very handsome manly smile graced his face with its presence.

Tsk! Now Miriam knew why so many ladies fell for her father, if she ignored his ugly mustache he was quite a goodlooking man.