Chereads / The Secret Switch / Chapter 96 - Watchful Eyes

Chapter 96 - Watchful Eyes

After getting my parents settled and speaking with Fern and Hunter, I finally make my way to my room. The sun had long gone down but when I open the door, I find Thane standing under the glass windchime that I made a while back.

The small, soft glow from the lamp catches the glass pieces and shoots it all over the room in small miniature rainbows. He doesn't turn from the windchime as he says "It's beautiful." I feel a small smile stretch across my face as I walk into the room and close the door behind me.

"I'm sorry it took so long," I say walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist. He slips his hands over my arms and stops on my hands as he says "It's fine. I can hear everything in this house anyway."

He pulls my arms away and slowly spins around before pulling me back to him. He reaches up and softly tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear as he says "I'm glad you've found them. Never apologize for being with them."

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