Chereads / Infatuation of Darkness / Chapter 15 - Chapter Fifteen

Chapter 15 - Chapter Fifteen

There was something brewing in between Angelo and her second unwelcomed guest. She was cooking very leisurely, knowing she could avoid them by this way for some time but Angelo in no time told her to hurry up and come out.

She threw in some salad and chicken since she did not know what was their choice. She took her cutlery out and laid it on the table; she then proceeded to give Diesel his food.

"Hey Alexis," Silvano called her,

"Yes," she replied looking at him and Angelo but was greeted by his absence on the seat he previously sat in.

"Could you give Ares food as well? Raw meat would be fine." He smiled.

'Raw meat?' Did he eat that? She hid her shock and nodded at that. He had talked to her nicely at least. 

Alexis desperately wanted to ask him a question but did not want to test her luck. One could never know when someone could flip, especially brother. So, in the end, she decided against it.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: