Chapter 76 - Chapter 74

I start with Yang, because I've got the perfect evil piece in mind. I tell her to lay down, I then place a rook piece on her chest as it glowed and entered her body. "You are now my family, you will always have a place by my side. We shall grow together and never let anyone put us down. In the name of Gremory I name you my Rook." I finish, and just wait. I hear laughing and see Sera on the floor.

"What's so funny?" I ask, kinda annoyed. I see Ruby, who was recording it. "Well babe, it's just that it's a very silly thing you say." She said, trying not to laugh. "And why are you recording?" I asked, knowing ether Rias or Sirzechs put her up to it. "Just for prosperity, we can all look back at when the servants were made." She said unconvincingly. I just shake my head, then turn to Sera, who was still on the floor. "So what piece will you be?" I say to myself, looking at her.

"Hm what about pawn? Well does it even matter, you'll be a goddess after all? Does the evil pieces even matter at this point?" I mutter to myself, thinking about everything. Ah well pawn it is. "Ok lay down." I say, looking at Sera. She nods and lays on the sofa opposite the one Yang is on. I place the pawn piece on her chest, and watch as it glows and enters her body. I look over to see Ruby recording again, I just sigh and do my chant anyway.

After about an hour, they wake up. "So how does it feel, you two?" I ask, standing between the sofas. "I feel the same?" Sera said, looking at me. "So do I, wait maybe I do feel a bit stronger." Yang said, with a strange face. "Well you still need to train, so me and Ruby have drawn up a training regime for you two." I say, passing each a sheet. "After about two months training, I'll review you. And if you impress me and Ruby, I'll take you to a special place for your goddess transformation."

Both looked hyped and started to train straight away. "Looks like we've got some time to ourselves." Ruby said, grabbing my hand and dragging me somewhere. We leave Sera's and Ruby looked at me. "Follow me if you can." She said, letting go and using Petal Burst. I smile and use Petal Burst too. We reach a mountain range, and I see steps carved into the side of a mountain. Ruby stopped at the bottom step and smiled. "Come on follow me." She said, grabbing my hand yet again, not that I mind of course.

These stairs seem to last to the peak. We continue, and as we near the peak, I see a door in the mountain. I look at Ruby and she just smiles back, and continues. We reach the door, and Ruby uses a magic formula, to open the door. Before I get to say anything, she pulls me inside. Wow it's beautiful, it's a fully furnished house, that's carved into the peak. "How did you have the time to do this?" I ask, looking around the stunningly beautiful house. "Well you're a heavy sleeper, so I snuck out at night." She said nonchalantly, as if everyone does it.

"But we've only been here for a short time?" I ask, looking out a window overlooking a forest. "Well I'm a goddess of creation, it wasn't that difficult. Plus I wanted a place for me and you to call home." She said, hugging my arm and looking out the window. After about ten minutes, she gives me the grand tour. We are in the living room, it's huge and has a TV and other things. "How did you get..." I try to say, but got cut off. "Goddess of creation." Is all she said.

Then she dragged me to a spiral stairs case and we go up. There is two doors on ether side of the hall and a door in front of us. "These two." She said, pointing to the doors ether side. "Are for guests, and that one is ours." She continued, pointing to the door in front of us. She opens the door and I'm stunned. Most of the walls are windows, and the view is breathtaking. With a large bed in the middle of the room, I smile.

"Oh and nothing can see us. If anyone looks from the outside, it just looks like the side of the mountain. So what do you think?" She said with a smile. "I love it, and you." I said, giving her a kiss. "So do you think this is the right place?" She ask, with a radiant smile. I kinda get flustered. "You mean here, tonight? I thought you wanted to wait until we were married?" I said, my heart beating like mad. "I just want you, right now." She said, pushing me onto the bed.

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