Chapter 69 - Chapter 67

We finish eating, and make our way back to the carriage. "Oh yeah nice coat Touya, suits you." I say with a smile. She just blushed, and looked away. We leave the capital, when a familiar feeling and pulling. "Um Touya, you lot go ahead, me and Ruby have something to take care of." I say, grabbing Ruby's hand and jumping off the carriage. As we start walking towards it. "Ruby there is another distortion, and I really don't want Touya involved, just in case." I say, still pulling her along.

"It might just be nothing." Ruby said with a bit of hope. "We won't know until we get there, but hopefully it won't be too bad. Oh damn that's a flag." I say, facepalming. Why did I have to say that, now it's going to be something monstrous. While lamenting, we arrive at the distortion. "Let's see how long the wait is this time." I say, walking towards it, as it starts to crack. "No time at all." Ruby said, getting in battle position.

The distortion opens, and tons of different metals pour out. "Don't let your guard down, it might be a golem." I say, getting my weapon from my storage space. After a veritable mountain of metal came out, a single piece of paper fell out, then the distortion faded away. I walk towards the mountain of metal and nudge it with my foot. Once I'm sure it won't come to life, I pick up the piece of paper. It read 'I saw you needed metal, so I sent you some. Make me something too, love mum.' So mother sent it.

I pass the note to Ruby. "Wow, your mother really is something." She said, not able to stop herself from laughing. I just sigh. "I don't see why she had to do it this way." I say confused, but happy. "But, thank you mother." I say aloud. I open my storage space underneath the mountain and watched as it started to disappeared. "Well at least I won't be short on metal in the future." I said with a smile.

Once it's all in, we use Gate to get back. We walk into town and head to our inn. Once there we see Touya and the gang sitting down talking. "Yo your back, grab a seat and join us." Touya shouts as we enter. "We haven't turned in the quest yet, we thought to wait for you." She said with a smile. "Shall we go now, or tomorrow?" I ask, thinking it maybe better to get over and done with.

"It's still early, might as well get it over with, then we can find a workspace for hire, right babe?" Ruby asked looking at me. "Sure." I said smiling at her. We all get and make our way to the guild. "Oh right, Yae you need to register as well, right?." I ask, looking towards her. She nods her head, and is silent again. "What's up Yae, you seem down?" I ask, looking at a downtrodden Yae.

"I was just thinking back on the duel I had with Viscount Swordrick. He said, my swordsmanship lacks a dark side. I still don't understand what he means." She said with a confused expression. "It basically means you are too based in honour, you need a little edge. I'll teach you how to feint and when to back away, you just try and adapt it to your style, ok?" I ask, looking at her with a smile. She looks at me and her eyes widen.

"You'll really teach me?" She said with a bit of hope. "I will, but my training is a lot harder then your normal training." I warn, looking at her with a serious expression. She nods her head vigorously. "Ok so I'll need to see how you fight." I say, thinking of asking Ruby to help. "Touya has a... eh what did she call it. Oh a video I think?" She said, with her tilted a bit. "Oi Touya, Yae said you've got a video of her fighting. Send it to me, I need it." I say to Touya, who just nods.