Yellow and Mikey made their way through the labyrinth of corridors, gaining pace as they attempted to find where the others were potentially held.
"For all we know, Tylo and the others could be dead by now", Mikey had already lost hope by this point.
Yellow ignored him and kept running, with Mikey trying to catch up with her pace.
Yellow then suddenly stopped in her tracks. She was almost certain that she could sense someone right around the next corner, waiting. Instinctively, she produced her bladed staff and swiftly swung it in front.
Her blade was unexpectedly met with a block from another blade.
Yellow was now suddenly face-to-face with Tylo, who's aggressive expression made it clear that he was not pleased to see her. He then kicked her through the block, and Yellow felt the strong force make contact with her stomach and was pushed against a wall.
"You're with her, aren't you?", Tylo pointed his blade at Yellow, who then turned to Mikey. "Both of you."
"It was a ploy, asshole! I ain't gonna be with that lunatic, even if my life depended on it", Yellow snapped back, clearly distressed with her leader's reaction. "And I would prefer to explain if you put that blade of yours away."
Tylo then slowly sheathed his weapon cautiously and backed away, and what little facial details were visible behind his snood still displayed a sense of doubt.
"Go on."
"We probably need to talk about this somewhere a little less open as well. A Guardsman can show up at any minute.", Mikey added.
"What are we waiting for?", Vince then appeared from behind Tylo, clearly in a state of desperation.
"You brought Vince along with you?"
Then, streaks of bullets started flying past the group as they were talking. The Guardsmen have already shown up.
"Quick, lets go!", Tylo rushed in a direction down a corridor, with the others following ducking underneath all the crossfire.
David looked at the cameras through his computer and could keep track of where everyone was and what they were up to.
Tylo, Yellow and Pickle were being chased down by a group of five Guardsmen, relentlessly in pursuit of them. Cwa and Rishi were guarding the server room. Everything was going as he had planned.
Josh fiddled with his pistol, looking outside the room to see if anyone was approaching from either side of the corridor.
"So are you going to call the scientists?"
"As soon as the network is back up then yes. I will also call to see if we can get back up here", David responded as he was still looking at his monitor.
"You know, I was wondering why you can't turn it off yourself. You're the head of The Scientists, right? Don't you have access to all that stuff?"
"I made sure to split the passkey between us, that way it's safe"
David felt Josh's glare out through his helmet as he intensely looked in his general direction.
"Right.", Josh did not intend to elaborate further.
Of course I have the power to do that. David thought to himself smugly. I've had that kind of power for a very long time, all without any of you morons knowing
"A traitor?!", Vince exclaimed.
Pickle shushed to warm him to keep the noise down. Yellow solemnly nodded next to him.
The group were now hiding in a dim storage room, somewhere in the west wing of the base. The room was relatively cramped, but much a better alternative than standing anywhere else as the main areas of the base, much of which was now compromised.
"I overheard Cwa and Rishi making contact with someone. I don't know who though, but I assume they're the ones behind all of this."
Tylo stood in silence, leaning against a wall with crossed arms. The group then turned their focus on him.
"Well? Don't you have anything to add leader ?", sarcastically commented Pickle. "We're probably all going to be dead by the end of today, and you're just standing there doing nothing. Maybe you're behind this ... Maybe you are the traitor!"
Tylo's head instantly turned towards Pickle. His polytron began glowing ominously, probably warning for Pickle not to expand upon his flawed assumption.
"Guys, now's not the fucking time to fight. The last thing we should do is blame each other.", Yellow put herself in between them. She continued, "We can't worry about the traitor now. All we can do now is figure out a plan to survive this."
"But what are we going to do?", Vince began tearing up, as the reality of death is finally dawning upon him.
Tylo finally made some sent of movement, although it seemed too lax and sluggish considering the current situation they were in.
"We make it to the server room to reboot the network so the Scientists are able to shut down the Guardsmen. I'll need a diversion."
"Well how are we going to do that with a bunch of them roaming around?", asked Mikey, having little hope in this plan.
Tylo then threw a pistol at him, in which Mikey fumbled in his hands not expecting such a lethal weapon to appear.
"That's your part to worry about", responded Tylo as Mikey simply stared at him with disbelief. "Yellow will also accompany you."
"Hey wait I didn't agree-"
"Vince will come with me to the server room." Tylo continued, ignoring Yellow's remark. "David had already told me the instructions to be able to start the network up again. We should then be able to call for backup as well".
"And if this plan doesn't work?", asked Vince nervously.
The room was silent.
Tylo, followed by Mikey and Yellow who knew what they were meant to do made their way to the door.
"Didn't you hear me the first time?"
The leader looked over his shoulder and responded to his cousin's question.
"Then we die."
"You're looking a bit pale. Are you sure you're alright?"
Shaun already had five empty bottles lying on the table. Ollie, being opposite to him, was still on his first. Shaun could barely keep his head up, instead resting it on his arm, looking like he could throw up at any moment.
"Yeah... I'm fiiinee", his words slurred.
"We should probably take you to bed."
The music played by the live band was soothing, some sort of a mix of cha-cha and jazz? Shaun wasn't really all that interested in music and its genres, but he liked listening to it.
"I said I'm fine. I'm probably going to have ... one more."
"Uhm I don't think so. You've had enough for one night", Ollie then got up his chair, making his way to help his colleague. He then assisted him in standing up, lifting him arm up on his shoulder.
"I said I'm alright...", Shaun then began sobbing, barely able to get a word out. "It wasn't my fault. It wasn't..."
The music slowly faded out and a loud ringing was in his ear.