A long time ago, a war broke out between two godesses, Vita and Orcusa. They came to a draw, and Vita proposed a solution. The solution was to create a being with their power, and have them fight it out. Vita created the plants, animals, and humans. She taught the humans how to cultivate and live. Orcusa created the monsters and his heir, the dragons. All of their creations fought hard, and none of them appeared to be winning. During the war, Orcusa made a mistake and was forced to kill her heir, the Dragons. In the end, Vita won, but she could not destroy Orcusa, because then the balance of Life and Death would be destroyed. Orcusa is the goddess of death, and loved death, but she knew she had to back off. She proposed that the two godesses withdraw from the planet, and secluded themselves. Vita agreed, since they've caused enough trouble, but she didn't fully trust Orcusa so she left a Life Seed, who would grant the fated one immense power over Life. The Fated One would become the Life Source, the only guardian of Life, 10000 years later.