Chapter 23 - How did it go?

The sound of volleyball being smashed on the wall was being heard the moment Kevin, Noah, Mark, and Andrew came in on the big gymnasium. Three good-looking guys saw them and stopped warming up and greeted them with a bro fist which is their own way to greet each other since college.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Haruto Watanabe.

"Traffic!" said Kevin and walked over to the bench.

"So those guys are the ones who asked for a match?" said Mark and smirked.

"Yup, they even said that we shouldn't go easy on them even though they are younger and us," said Yuta Nakamoto.

"Hey, grandpas! Are you guys ready? We have warmed up for a while now," said a guy from the other team.

"Looks like we have to teach some little kids what respect is," said Andrew and cracked his neck.

Everyone got up and stretched to make sure that they wouldn't get any injury afterward. Mark was glaring at the guy while he was stretching. "Hoho grandpa gonna fuck you up,"

Noah chuckled as he ran up to the net and did a vertical jump. Which made everyone on the other team stop with what they were doing when they saw how high he jumped. "Oh sorry go on," said Noah to the other team who was shocked.

The two teams stood in a straight line on each side while the captain from both teams walked over to the judge. The captains did a handshake before the judge did a coin toss and the other team got to start first.

"Eyy captain, what happened? Did you just get unlucky?" asked Yuta and chuckled.

"Nah they will lose anyways might as well let them start first. Alright let's play 10 points and then you guys can do whatever you want," said Kevin.

"Ehh why not 5 points?" said Mark annoyingly.

"We always play like this," said Andrew and rolled his eyes.

The sound of the whistle could be heard and the game began. The other team was laughing and smirked once they scored 9 points while Kevin's team only scored 5 points.

"Hey, grandpas you should retire! We are too good," said the guy from early and laughed so hard.

"Oh just laugh all you want kiddo, the game has just begun," said Mark and smiled.

Once the other team scored 10 points the vibe suddenly changed as everyone looked more serious. The Libero which was Andrew received the ball and the setter Yuta gave a nice set for Kevin to spike. This spike was so hard that the person who tried to receive it fell backward.

"Nice spike!" said Yuta.

Haruto started the serve, and gave them this beautiful jump serve and made the ball touch the net before it fell down. He served five times before one from the other team was finally able to receive it.

"Tchh, he's lucky. I was having so much fun," said Haruto annoyingly while he massaged his right shoulder.

"You did a great job!" said Kevin.

This time Kevin received the ball and setter Yuta gave the set to Noah and Noah did the vertical jump once again but this time in the game and spiked so fast that the opponent didn't have the time to react. "Sorry grandpa was too fast," said Noah and smiled innocently.

"Nice spike grandpa Noah!" said Mark and smirked.

"You turn grandpa Mark," said Noah.

"Of course, grandpa Mark is gonna make them cry so hard today," said Mark and smiled evilly which made the other team from the other side shiver especially the guy that commented earlier.

Noah received this time and setter Yuta jumped up and gave the set high up before Mark suddenly jumped behind and gave them this hard spike. "Take this motherfucker!" yelled Mark evilly.

"Oh, I'm sorry kids! Don't use that word okay? That's a bad word, grandpa is gonna buy you guys some lollipops later okay?" said Mark.

No one from the other team didn't dare to say anything and only nodded.

"pfft, you are scaring them," said Yuta and laughed out loud.

The game ended up with Kevin's team scoring 25 points while the other team only scored 10 points. The captains from each team did the handshake again and the game was over, the loser team had to take down the volleyball net and everyone started to stretch once again before they went to shower.

Mark, Andrew, Haruto, and Yuta were happily talking together with their little reunion since last time and soon went to shower first when they felt they were done stretching out. While Kevin and Noah were still stretching.

"What happened?" asked Kevin while stretching his left leg.

"Nothing," said Noah stretching his right arm.

"You don't usually spike that much and I heard that Scarface and the others were making trouble yesterday," said Kevin and looked at him suspecially.

Noah sighed and told him what happened yesterday and that Scarface and the rest didn't actually make any trouble.

"oh!" said Kevin and smirked.

"What?" asked Noah and turned suddenly red.

"Looks like someone likes Miss Zhou," Kevin said, raising his eyebrows.

*Cough cough*

" what about you and Miss Shen hm? How did it go?" asked Noah.

"Man I was so close to ask her out but then one of her best friends, Jennifer Collins, took a background check on me and somehow got every information about me. Not just only me but my whole family and even you guys too. I think Francesca is ignoring me now because she will only reply to my messages once in a while and her assistants will always come with excuses that she is not available every time I come over. She even gave the project to her Vice president to handle it." said Kevin and sighed.

"What? I thought you guys were a thing now," said Noah.

"Sadly not yet," said Kevin.

"Bro, ask her out again and talk about yourself and maybe about our gang to make her feel comfortable around you. She might have been scared of knowing that you are related to the underworld," said Noah.

"Who said that I'm giving up? Of course, I will ask her out again," said Kevin.