"We were being watched by wolves. We all stood there in fear my one friend started to run...and...Of you are not comfortable with saying what happen we do not have to talk about it. No I am fine. She ran and the wolves chased her and caught her and ate her. We were all stunned we all stood there in fear thinking that we would be next. Or at lest I was. My other friend Karen saw them run away has I did. But I wondered why they ran away form a delicious meal. But then I saw it. A huge bear started charging at u… Or at Karen. The bear grabbed her and was trying to swat for me and Ellen but I had heard if you start to try to look Tough in front of the bear it will go away. But it's swatted at me and knocked me out. I remember seeing Ellen run. Then she woke me up saying the bear was gone. I asked her where was the others. Then I remembered they were dead. Me and Ellen just came to realize we froze with fear just knowing our friends were dead I thought that maybe we were going to die too. I got up and there were scratches all over me we needed help when we heard this noise. We thought the bear or wolves came back. But it sounded like laughter. We followed it to a campsite. Me and Ellen walked in crying. A woman named rose looked at us and came running at us. She said are you two OK! We told her what happened and she called the ambulance but on the ride there Ellen died.