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When We Lived

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Belladonna just turned 21 and isn't expecting anything different this birthday then spending the day with her live in nanny who is more like a mother due to her parents never being there. she had no idea how wrong she was until she went to get coffee and stumbled across a dark and mysterious man in a top hat. His words forever changed her world and what came next has her falling out

Chapter 1 - What You Think You Know

Everyone looks at the world like this is it. What you see is what you get. There is nothing more to it and nothing less, right? What if I told you that you were wrong, that there's a whole different world out there that most people can't see simply because they weren't invited? You would think I was crazy. It sounds crazy to me and I was invited. People say seeing is believing but honestly when you're told for so long what's real and what isn't then even seeing it is hard to believe. Let me put it this way, everything is real. Yes your heard me correctly, everything is real. It may not be exactly as you know it but it's real. Every fictional, fantasy, and mythology book you have ever read is all real. Vampires, werewolves, lycins, ghosts, ghools, goblins, monsters, pixies, fairies, Zeus and Odin; contrary to popular belief they aren't the same God with different takes on them, they are completely different. So I guess you're wondering who I am, telling you all of this amazing unbelievable stuff? That one's simple enough.

Hello, my name is Trixie Belladonna Merchant the ninth... Or first, depends on who you ask I suppose. Don't worry I will explain that shortly. I'm fairly attractive I guess. I'm of average build for a woman, five foot even with voluptuous curves. Skin the color of porcelain like a doll with bright red lips. I'm pretty average and usually over looked, all except my hair. The thing is I can't give you a specific color because it changes depending on what faction I am near. the doctors could never explain it and I didn't find out why myself until I turned 21. But again that will be explained shortly. Now as for the tall tail you think I have spun I'm going to have to start at my beginning to their world so you will understand.

It all started on November 1st, my birthday. Yeah I know, I always had the most amazing Halloween parties because of it. So on this particular birthday being as it was my 21st I was extremely hung over when I rolled out of bed at 12 that afternoon. I got up and threw on my favorite pair of skinny jeans and my tightest I.C.P shirt and my vans. Grabbed my keys and threw my (for the moment) flaming blue hair in a messy bun and started to headed out the door to the local coffee shop Haddies' for a mocha whatever. I live in a really old but still well kept and gorgeous, might I add, plantation home in North Port, Louisiana. Before you ask, no my family weren't slave owners, we hail from Romania and actually only settled hear from my understanding about three generations ago. I never dug much past that but I should have.

My family was well known and I always assumed it was because of where we lived. I was always told my parents were insurance salesmen but when you're as spoon fed as I was you don't really care. I rarely saw my parents and always had Antoinette as my live in nanny, I call her Nanette. Because of my parents guilt from their absence I suppose you could say I was spoiled in a way but don't think that ment I had everything. Luckily I had my Nanette to keep me from being such a terrible little wretch like most rich kids were. As I was leaving I was stopped by her, "Chile where you head to, it's your birthday?" Nanette said in her slight Cajun drawl.

"I'm headed for a coffee, would you like me to bring you one? I know you have special plans for me tonight like always so I won't be home any later then 7. If that is ok with you, that is?" I said as I kissed her on the cheek and started to head out again when the look on her face had me concerned.

"Nanette what's wrong? Has something happened?" I inquired.

"Now Cher what could be wrong? It is your birthday after all. Ni not a ting wrong, I justa need you home right after your coffee today is more portant then the others." she quipped and turned on her heels to head her own way.

I was puzzled, "Why is it more important then the others."

"Hurry after that coffee, you know which ones I like Tix. You will see when you return." and with that she tossed her hand turned the corner and left my line of vision. She isn't my mother by birth but she has always been here for me and more then just a nanny so in turn I respected her and would come straight home. As I closed the door behind me I was still wondering about the face she had made. Once I was in the car almost at Haddies' , it hit me. Had Nanette just called me Tix? Granted that was her nickname for me but she hadn't used it since I was 16. Now I was worried. I grabbed our coffees but when I got back to my powder blue 2020 Cadillac CTS-V (courtesy of the absentee parentals) some odd looking guy with a top hat was leaning on it.

I coughed to clear my throat since he had his head down. "Excuse me," I said cautiously when he didn't look up. " You're propped on my car and I need you to move." It wasn't the way he looked that had me creeped out, I mean I do live in Louisiana so I have see all kind of crazy things a people dressed differently. Being home of the Mar-di-gras I didn't think there was anything I hadn't seen. This guy just put off a vibe that made me uncomfortable in my own skin for some reason. Then he did it. He looked up straight into my eyes and it was as if he were digging a hole straight into my soul. what was even worse was his eyes were red. Not like bloodshot from drinking to much red but the color of his eyes were red. Now I can't say much my eyes are such a deep blue they look purple and most people thought I wore contacts but come on. His eyes were freaking RED. To top it off I knew him. Don't ask me how because I have never seen this man before in my life but deep in my core I knew him.

He tilted his head looking me up and down. Usually this would make me uncomfortable because even though I have had my fun I am still a virgin. Somehow along with me feeling like I knew him this also felt normal. "Bonjour, Madam Belladonna, we are once again in need of your assistance." He said sounding french.

"Umm. Excuse me but do I know you? I feel like I have met you before but I don't believe I have." I said finally peeling my eyes from his to return a glance over myself. At that moment he stood and I took in his height. He was well over six foot tall and lean but muscular build in a black suit. I noticed his shirt was unbuttoned revealing his beautiful bare caramel coloured skin covered in vivid tattoos that almost looked as if they were moving. I looked back at his face so as not to get lost in their dance and noticed how incredibly perfect he looked. From his mid length stringy bouncy black n red streaked curls to his centered button nose and gorgeous high cheek bones to his full plump dull red lips and strong jawbone. Perfectly symmetrical almost like a doll, I stared in awe. He was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen but in the same breathe also the creepiest. I couldn't catch my breath and he stepped towards me.

"Wait stop," I almost screamed," Did you just call me by my name? H-How do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me Mon Cher. Ah I wouldn't think so it has been over five hundred years. Give or take a few. So no," He said seamingly lost in thought." I don't guess we know each other but once upon a time as mortals say we knew each other."

My head felt like it was swimming. Obviously this man was crazy but I felt truth in his words. That thought alone was crazy. How could I feel truth but yet I did.

"I am Damien Lamar Jones and it's very nice to meet you, again." He said before taking my hand and kissing.

I pulled my hand away, not because it felt wrong but because people were walking past. Then I heard his 'again' and faultered.

"I am sorry I am so confused," I began but he cut me off, "No time to explain Mon Cher. I must do this now for they are coming." He snapped his eyes to the sides and behind me as if seeing something I couldn't. Then in a thundering voice that sent shivers down my spine," By the tides and waves, the bonds that bind shall be broken. Open your eyes Queen of the damned, demented, and forgotten. Lady of the white stands in the night to love all of those creatures unloved and despised. Let the veil once shrouding your vision clear away before it's too late. I, thy oldest servant that stands, Shaman King Lamar command you to remember who you are. We the Elders of Old invite you to return to the ways that once were and the time you rained high by our sides. Lady Trixie Belladonna Merchant you are invited to the Factions of life." With that's he held out a vile of rainbow coloured essence. "Drink this and you will understand, I promise." Then he was gone. Literally vanished into thin air. I now stood holding my cup holder of coffee in one hand and a vile of rainbow essence in the other. So I pocketed the latter and got in my car. The whole drive home all I could hear was Damien Lamar Jones telling me to remember who I am. What did that mean?

The drive was almost robotic. I don't even remember getting out and going in but as soon as I shut the door I heard Nanette's voice in my head, "Chile did you drink the vile?" This startled me and I almost dropped the coffee but something wouldn't let me. I realized I was frozen in place maybe by fear? No I wouldn't say that and I heard Nanette again," You can come no farther Tix until you drink the vile, for you have been invited." There she was my Antoinette standing in front of me but her mouth wasn't moving and she looked pained. I tried to reach out to her but couldn't, I tried to speak but couldn't. Ok now I was freaked. I guess she could see this and again whispered into my mind,"Calm bebe, Nanette is her my sweet Tix. I am not hurt, not yet, justa holding the barrier for your protection. I can not let it go until you have drink the essentia. You must hurry chile, I will protect you with all of my life force this I have promised but I can tell you still need me and if it isn't done soon I feel I may fade."

Not even frozen in place could stop the tears from spilling over. So I tried and to my surprise I could move to take the vile out of my pocket and bring it to my lips. I paused,"Nanette I am scared and I don't know what is going on," I somehow managed to whisper into her mind. She smiled then.

"Ni my Tix you know I dare never hurt you ever and always on the path of right I walked. Please bebe trust your Nanette for both our safetys." she pleaded in my head and with that I downed the whole thing with ease.

Fire shot through my eyes and I crumpled on the floor at the same time a blue hue dispersed through the house and Nanette came over and laid over my body truely whispering into my ear, "What you think you know of the world is but a small sliver of the truth, sleep now bebe my own Tix. You need time to heal and remember. When you wake I will be here waiting watching and protecting as I always have. Even more I shall finally explain to you your importance in this world. Sleep and dream of the old times," and with that I gave way to the pain and the deep black depth that called me and slept.