Chereads / The Guildless / Chapter 13 - Hasteria [Chapter 13]

Chapter 13 - Hasteria [Chapter 13]

As we continue walking for several hours, we eventually arrive at the town Azeroth told us about. As we approach the gates to the larger city, several guards outside watch up.

"Hello adventures! What business do you have in Hasteria?"

One guard asks as I step forward.

"We are looking for someone, heard he came through here."

I say as the guards nod and open the large door. The guards here look very well armored and geared. While we walk through the city, we see several groups of people talking and walking by us. Azeroth laughs slightly before speaking up.

"The prison should be up ahead, but I'd like to know your plan for recruiting him."

Azeroth whispers as I look back and nod.

"I don't have a plan."

I reply with a slight smile as he sighs and keeps walking behind me. After several minutes of walking, we see a large concrete building almost 5 stories tall.

"So that looks like it."

Blankk mumbles as someone bumps into me. An old man man with long white hair and a white beard looks at me for a moment.

"Oh, hello there. Sorry about bumping you."

He says as he laughs and looks over his shoulder at the prison.

"I should really get going."

He mumbles as an alarm sounds in the prison.

"Warren has escaped!?"

I hear a guard yell as he runs out the heavy iron gate to the prison and looks around. I sigh and put my arm around his shoulder.

"Let's talk at a tavern, try to figure this out."

I say as I lead him away from the prison. As we walk around a few buildings, we find a small tavern with a few people inside. Warren quickly takes a seat and orders a strong ale.

"So old man, why are you so wanted?"

I ask quietly while sitting next to him.

"Well: ten accounts of murder, fifty accounts of stealing, twenty-two accounts of breaking out of prison, and one account of harrassment. On the harrassment charge, I missed my targets neck by a thin margin, but I managed to convince him I just tripped with my knife out."

Warren says as he laughs and downs an entire mug of ale. He looks at Azeroth, Blankk, and I.

"So what's your story?"

He asks as I pop my shoulder slightly.

"We're recruiting people into our guild. My personal mission is to kill Wolfpack, they took everything from me."

I growl as he looks at me and laughs.

"I was alive when wolfpack was founded, a guild of criminals and murderers. They took my wife."

He says as he downs another mug of alcohol. I pat his shoulder as I hear the door open.

"I'm sorry for your loss, but would you be interested in getting your revenge?"

I ask as we hear boots clicking against the wooden floor.

"Of course I'm interested. I will join you, but only to kill wolfpack."

He says angrily as someone sits next to me.

"Yo, barkeep! Hit me!"

The stranger says as the bad tender slides him a mug.

"I might've misheard you, but did you say you wanted to take down Wolfpack?"

He says as he takes a sip of the alcohol then immediately spits it back into the mug.

"Bleh, I'm in."

He says confidently as he turns to me and puts his thumb to his chest.

"The names Vex, but my friends used to call me Mercy. Because dying to me is quick and painless."

He says as I look at him from the corner of my eye, he's clearly lying.

"Why are you here? Why would you walk in and sit down immediately after we did. Seems suspicious to me."

I say as his face goes slightly pale.

"W-well, I was following you when you entered town and then I saw you allying yourself with a notorious criminal."

He says, obviously intimidated. Warren speaks up.

"Listen, kid, I know it seems cool to try to join a guild and hunt down others. But you could die, you have your whole life ahead of you."

Warren says as I look at him.

He cares more than he leads on too it seems.

I think as Vex sighs.

"So I guess you don't want to hear where the Wolfpack soldier in this city is right now?"

He says as I quickly turn towards him and put my right hand on the collar of his shirt.

"Listen, Vex? You take me to him, I'll let you join our guild. I'll let you join us to hunt down Wolfpack."

I say as he smiles and quickly stands up. As he tries to pull my hand off, he can't. His face turns to concern as he struggles to pull my hand away.

"Vex, you better not be lying."

I say as he smiles nervously. I let go of his shirt as he puts a few coins on the bar to pay for all our drinks. As he walks out, we follow him.

"Thanks for the drinks!"

Warren says as he chuckles. We follow Vex outside and down an alleyway leading back towards the city center. As he reaches the opening he freezes. As we walk up to him, we see several guards standing in front of us. In the middle of all the guards is one man with leather armor and a fur collar. A large wolf laying by his side.

"Well if it isn't the Class-F in the flesh. Could've sworn Maldu had sent all his wolves after you. I know I have a bone to pick with you from what you did to my wolf."

He says with his short sword drawn as his wolf looks at me. It's right eye has a patch over it. I remember the wolf I stabbed in the eye and can't help but smile.

"So, Maldu is who killed my village? Good, after I massacre you, I'll go him next."

I growl as I feel my heart start racing with anger.

"That's Yela, the third strongest in Wolfpack. A Class, score Eight hundred and fifty."

Azeroth says quietly as I smile.

If I'm doing the math right, my current score should be 970. I think I can take him.