* * *
After month of meditation
Amidst the forest thicket, on the mossed stone was sitting Darius. Blended with nature, he was almost unnoticeable.
Suddenly he opened his eyes. Intricate symbol appeared in his mind.
Rune aquired: " Thýr "
Mystical value: rare
Domains: Blood, Sacrifice, Seal
... He put his hand inside beast maw to control it. Blood splashed and hand has gone, but the Noèrich was caught...
'This description are so strange and confusing. Who is the Noèrich?' - perplexed, Darius was trying to figure the effect of "Thýr" rune.
He got up from the stone. 'I should ask Theor about this it'.
That forest was really old. Consisting from Dark oaks, it was really calming for mind. Most people avoided that forest due to fear of falling there sleep forever, but for Darius it was great location for meditation. Black trunks with crimson leaves and vines covering them looked devilish.
Walking through Milein forest(that was it name), Darius felt danger. He turned around and saw group of people in distance.
Hoping to be unnoticed, he quickly hid by the tree.
The group consisted of three people: a high bald man with big brown beard, a beautiful slender woman with a red hair and a young man of Darius age with long straight black hair.
After some time he heard:
"Move faster, leader's time is finite", - hurried the group the bald man.
"How far are we from the place?" - asked young man.
"Not so far from our destination. Linda, what do think about latest painting of Razhanov?" - said the bald man, who obviously was in a good mood.
"Mm, "Blinding Hatred"? Quite nice. So skillfully depicting the hatred, hopelessness and madness of a man driven into corner. As expected of master Razhanov." - the redhaired woman answered.
"Kalot, you like the art of painting?" - the young man asked.
"Apperently. I`m also a bit of painter, you know? It`s me the author of all pictures on our leaflets and posters. Do you want to have your portret drawn by me, Hideon? " - replied the bold man with obvious pride in voice.
"Well, I see, it`s quite shoking. I thought, that your only activity apart of killing, threatening and beating is to f*ck whores in port" - chuckled Hideon.
"Oh, go to hell, young brat" - answered Kalot with a fake anger.
'I should follow them, right? Ordinary people don't like this forest'. As silent as he could, Darius followed the group, hiding by the trees.
After near an hour of walk, group reached the part of forest, which was commonly called White rocks. It was a deposit of marble there, which had led to starting quarry in ancient times. Now it was abandoned, due to the hardship of transportation of the marble blocks through the forest.
"Ok, here we are. Now let's deal with the rat" - suddenly said the Kalot as he quickly turned around and fired from ether pistol, which he deftly got from his coat.
The bullet hit the ground near the Darius' leg. ' I'm fucked up. Sharpshooter, bitch'. - Darius cursed in mind.
"One funny move and you die, understand? Now slooowly make a step from behind the for me to see you" - ordered Kalot and after seeing that Darius complied, he marveled:
"Oh, one more young brat, you see, Hideon. I didn't feel him almost all the way. So, who are you?"