Note: there are a lot more races across the dimensions, I only mention those who appear in the book.
Eva's dimension
2031- the UEG forms
2043- the UEG develops FTL
2044- first contact between the UEG to the Larang republic.
2050- the UEG establishes its first colony.
2069- Eva is born.
2080- the beginning of the Zang-UEG conflict.
2080- jane (Eva's mother) is assassinated instead of Neal.
2085- the events of the 'An unplanned adventure' take place.
2090- the events of current book setting.
Governments across the galaxy
The United Earth Government (UEG)
Control span: 50 light years around earth
Capital: earth
Number of planets: 7+20 military outposts
Pop: 12 billion
About: formed in 2031 after the world peace agreement following the discovery of alien civilization, developed an FTL drive in 2043 after combined world effort, made first contact with the Larang in 2044 and after that joined the galactic community, went to war with the Zang after they denied to join as a vassal race to the Zang authority.
The Molcan goverment
Control span: 500 light years around Molc
Capital: Molc
Number of planets: 37
Pop: 50 billion
About: the most ancient race in the galaxy, the peacekeepers of the galaxy, helping negotiate peace between Races, the most powerful race in the galaxy.
The Larang republic
Control span: 200 light years around Larang.
Capital: Larang
Number of planets: 23
Pop: 90 billion
About: the first race that UEG made contact with it, have close alliance with the UEG share a lot of values and has the biggest trade with the UEG, have a large military and a long history fighting with the Zang.
The Zang authority
Control span: 1000 light years around Zang
Capital: Zang
Number of planets: 15 + 7 vassal species planets
Pop: <30 billion
About: a very aggressive race, believes it has the right to claim the galaxy as theirs, known stop aggression only if they see that the enemy is stronger.
The Morn kingdom
Control span: 15 light years around Morn
Capital: Morn
Number of planets: 3+ several small outposts
Pop: 4 billion
About: former ally of the Zang (first contact between them was with each other), still has some relations with them, the race doesn't seek to expand more they need, most time peaceful for outsiders, known to have telepathic abilities by using magnetic fields , some of them even control minds of other Races.
John's dimension
~1350- the Orenian developed FTL.
~1750- the Bliq-Lomonia war
2000- john was born.
2026- Johns company invents FTL.
2026- john creates victor and sets plan to build 'the alpha'.
2027- the federation is formed.
2028- mars outpost is built, reaches to 50,000 by the end of 2028, and is declared as the first self-sufficient colony.
2028- grey-federation encounter and conflict.
2029- establishing relation with the Orenian.
2030- Bernard C outpost reaches 50,000 colonist and declared as earth first interstellar colony.
2039- john and victor discover inter-dimensional travel.
2042- the events of current book setting.
Governments across the galaxy
The United Federation of The Earth and It's colonies
Control span: 150 light year around earth
Capital: Earth
Number of planets: 17+ 30 outposts
Pop: 10 billion
About: formed by john Barin in 2027, the governmental body of humanity and its colonies, an emerging super power in the galaxy, won its control span from the grey in 2028, formed diplomatic relations with the Orenian in 2029.
The Orenian
Control span: 1000 light years around orenia
Capital: orenia
Number of planets: 80
Pop: more than 35 billion
About: a scientific race, observed earth for the last 250 years, after discovery of FTL in earth engaged in relations with earth.
The Grey (Veik)
Control span: at least 2500 light years around Viek prime.
Capital: Veik prime.
Number of planets: <20
Pop: unknown
About: the race that controlled the space around earth until the federation engage with their forcers and ended getting an agreement for the 150 light years around earth, this race was known in having relationships with the old earth superpowers, and for their help in development in science they got permission to abduct humans.
Help develop a lot of space technology but didn't want to give humanity an FTL technology in 2022 an agreement was signed between them and the superpowers, for giving earth all the systems in the near 10 light years in exchange for humanity being their subordinate race.
The Lomonian empire
Control span: 5000 light years around Lomonia
Capital: Lomonia
Number of planets: <150
Pop: more than a trillion
About: the superpower of the galaxy, the oldest race, neutral in the present, but very territorial, don't like non necessary contact with other Races.
The Bliq
Control span: was 100 light years around bliq.
Capital: bliq
Number of planets: 20 at peak
Pop: 0 (was 5 billion before the war with the Lomonian empire).
About: a civilization who was destroyed by the Lomonian 250 years prior to the book events.
*The Andromidiean's
Control span: the andromeda galaxy
Capital: unknown
Number of planets: all known anteromedian systems.
Pop: unknown estimated above a trillion.
About: the most brutal race in the local group, feared among all other races, the only interstellar civilization in its galaxy.
Unknown location
The Inter-dimensional Race (the Perins)
Control span: unknown
Capital: unknown
Number of planets: unknown
Pop: assumed being zero.
About: an ancient race that developed inter-dimensional travel several thousands of years ago, all known outpost is abandoned.
The Group
Control span: the neutral dimension
Capital: the meeting station
Number of planets: unknown
Pop: unknown
About: a group of inter-dimensional travels that forge an alliance to share knowledge and help each other.