Chereads / impossible Love / Chapter 27 - An update

Chapter 27 - An update

John is in his office finishing a meeting with governor of the mars, about the terraforming operation.

As the governor leave john gets aa message from victor

"sir it is about the inter-dimensional race I got more information about them, it seems they visited more dimensions than we first thought, but the good news is that I am also closing down to tracking their original dimension, about the Zang they still have no clue on inter-dimensional travel but the weapons they building from those relics have a potential to destroy planets, I am planning counter measures for those weapons as we speak."

John answer "ok victor keep your work on the weapons, and the inter-dimensional race, now what update me about Eva and if their other presidential stuff needs to be taken care of".

"now for other updates Eva got safely to buffalo, the Orenian council (Oreninas are a race of aliens bordering the Federation) want to have a meeting with you about setting up the borders and discussing about exchanging ambassadors, and also 'the explorer' is ready for use".

"thank you victor", and john opens the new intel about the inter-dimensional race, he sees that they visited at least ten more dimensions, so they were keen with inter-dimensional travel, but it looks like as in Eva's dimension all their outpost where abandoned for at least several thousand years, john closes the file and sets a meeting with the Orenian leader for a week ahead ,in time when he and Eva would be on their galactic tour.

He also starts to plan his trip route for the tour, making a route that will bring them to Orenia and back by passing by a few places of interest.

Then john gets another message from victor, "sir a ship appeared from a dimension portal half a light year away, and it is an Alpha class ship, it isn't registered in the group archive, what to do?", Victor notifies john.

"regular protocol for that kind of visitors, open a secure channel, block all ships from going through that space, and let me give our guest a warm welcome and welcome him to the group, it always nice to have a new face there", John responds and then closes the door to his office and clears his Schedule for the next half hour and opens a channel to the visitor.