Chereads / Don’t you remember / Chapter 41 - Stalker

Chapter 41 - Stalker

Just last week I had an encounter that still has me feeling very unsettled. Last Thursday I decided to make a trip to Walmart to grab a few things for a 4th of July bonfire that would be happening over the weekend. Before I even left my house I had a weird feeling like I shouldn't go. But I just attributed it to my anxiety and took off anyway.

I ran in and grabbed almost everything I needed and headed toward the front of the store to check out gift cards. While I was looking there was a man who was also looking. I didn't think anything of it at first. I moved around to the side he was on in search of a gift card and glanced at the guy and he looked at me. He smiled and said hello. Being from Iowa in the US, we are generally pretty friendly people. So I smiled back and said hello and went back to looking. The guy wasn't moving and stood there watching me and finally asked me,"Do you know where I can find an actual Walmart gift card?"

This was a major red flag to me. He was not an elderly man, he wasn't disabled. He was a young college looking guy who looked to be in his mid 20s. I stopped and got a good look at him at this point when he asked me such a bizarre question in Walmart. His hair was all messy and strewn about, he looked very dirty like he hadn't showered for a while. This happened at 8:30 in the morning so there's no way he had just gotten off work at a construction job. But he looked somewhat familiar to me, yet I couldn't place where I had seen him before.

I told him where the gift cards were probably located but I was not going to go show him myself, so I just pointed out to where they were. I quickly grabbed the card I needed and proceeded to the self check out. I kept my eye on the guy and he went to the area I pointed at and continued to watch me. I realized he was then watching my movements as I was checking out. When I was down to only a few items left in my basket he quickly hopped into the self check out at the register behind me.

I wanted this guy to know I was onto him and turned around to make sure I made direct eye contact with him. When I did so he was staring directly back into my eyes, not breaking the gaze and still watching my every move. The look in his eyes was extremely chilling. I've never seen such bad intent written all over someone's face before. It's that same look a predator gives their prey before attacking.

What I did next was not the smartest move and I realize now I should have just called the police. The reason I didn't was because I was afraid that they wouldn't be able to do anything for someone just following me. After the incident happened though, I talked to a friend who is a police officer in another state and he told me that I can call them if someone is following me and making me feel uncomfortable. He said that's what they're there for.

I made sure to block this guys view of my PIN number as I entered it. While I was bagging my stuff I was just trying to think of someone I could call and be on the phone with while I walked to my car. I figured the chances of him trying to attack me or harass me while I was on the phone were slim. So I called the only person available which ended up being my grandma. I made sure she was on the phone with me before I grabbed my bags to leave the register. As I started to walk out the guy tailed me. He walked right behind me almost the whole way to my car.

When he was walking beside me I was loudly talking about my metal skewers I bought for roasting Hot Dogs and making s'mores. I did this because I knew if I had to, I could use them as weapons and I wanted this guy to realize that if he tried to attack me. He glanced at the metal skewers out of his peripheral when I mentioned them. Then he angrily walked over to his car.

It was parked right across from mine just a lane over.

I got into my car and quickly read my grandma his license plate number. I couldn't tell what make or model his car was, just that it was gold. He got into his car and waited for a few minutes watching me. I knew he was waiting to see if I would leave first so he could follow me. He eventually pulled out and left. But he did so EXTREMELY slowly. I didn't want to look at him because I didn't want to see if he was making any grotesque gestures at me. So I just watched the wheels of his car slowly pass in front of me. I'm sure he just wanted to let me know he was still watching me.

I watched until he completely left the parking lot and turned down the main road which I would normally use to go home. I didn't take that road this time. I turned the other way and went down back roads to get home, making sure the entire time that he wasn't behind me or following me anywhere. I even pulled into a housing area and parked for 5 minutes to see if he appeared or pulled up anywhere before going home. Luckily he didn't and I safely made my way home. After I got off the phone with my grandma I felt sick to my stomach. I have never been looked at by a man like that before and felt so terrified for my life.

I have had guys follow me before. I've always been with someone when it happened before. This time I was on my own. If I could go back I would have called 911 and told them a guy was following me. I'm not sure if it's too late to call and tell them what happened and give them his license plate number. But I think I'm going to call tomorrow and see if I can. Ever since this incident I've been overly paranoid that somehow this guy managed to follow me home and knows where I live. I think calling them will help get rid of this feeling.

My friend who is a police officer never told me there was a time limit on calling and giving them information. He said it may actually help the police. This man could be wanted for things or he may have been called on before for the same offense. He did also tell me that a lot of times in these situations, these guys just get their jollies off on scaring women. He told me how sick it was but that it was true, it was like a power trip for them.

I still have such an unsettling feeling that I'm going to see this guy again. I've been told several times that I have very good intuition. I wish I would have listened to it that day and waited for my husband to get home before going to the store. If and when I do see this guy again, I know what to do. But I do have to say, let's not meet again Walmart stalker.