Chereads / An Adventure in the One Piece World. / Chapter 9 - Claiming a bounty

Chapter 9 - Claiming a bounty

After taking a minute to sit down and catch my breath. I began searching around for something I could use to bind Joe. I decided to use his groupies shirt. After ripping it into strips and braiding it, it should be strong enough to hold him long enough for me to knock him out again, if need be.

Removing the metallic spiked gloves he was wearing and searching the smouldering remains of his hut, I found a few thousand berries tucked away about afoot underground. Only reason I noticed was because it looked like they were in the middle of digging it up when I started the fire. The rest of his things were too burnt to be of any good, so I kicked some dirt on the coals and lifted Joe onto my shoulders, fireman style.

I'm glad I didn't have to use the pistol on my first target. That wouldn't have boded well for my future as a martial artist.

The forest is almost always damp, so the fire didn't spread far before fizzling out. If it wasn't so wet around here I wouldn't have used such extreme methods, but it had also been awhile since I had seen such a nice bon fire so in the end I went with torching the place and ambushing them.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm more crazy than I am sane, but then again does it really matter? Pushing these thoughts to the back of my mind I began to meditate on the battle. I spent the time it took to recover my energy on reviewing what I did right and contemplating my mistakes, as well as how I could have won easier while using less effort. True combat really is the best way to improve. But only as long as one learns from their mistakes and grows

"Yeah I definitely shouldn't have thrown away my weapon before the fight. Oh well, no harm no foul. And I have to admit I really enjoyed the feeling of a straight up brawl." I began to whistle as I swung my metal pipe around in my hand. Unconscious Joe, the former mountain ape was draped over my shoulders, like a towel. As I strolled into the bounty hunters den.

I immediately felt the silence as all eyes rounded on me. Then loud talking coming from the back as everyone went back to their own business. "Damn! I was sure he would bite the dust. A scrawny kid like that beat the mountain ape? Nine times out of ten I would win that bet." Yelled a drunk older gentleman with a white goatee. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a light blue bow tie and seemed to struggle while passing a wad of cash over to a beautiful woman with long curly brown hair. After passing it to her he downed his glass of wine and reached for hers to down it as well.

She looked to be in her mid thirties and was noticeably muscular. Not so much as to ruin her figure though. She was wearing a sleek white pantsuit, contrast to her dark complexion, with a frilled neck piece that only just covered her cleavage. While not exactly having measurements to write home about she was clearly the most attractive woman here, and the air of sophistication coming from her made me pause before our eyes met. "Well Arthur, that just means I have instincts that you don't. Maybe you really are getting old." Chimed the woman as she looked down to count her winnings.

"Don't even start Lenora! You know Im still 29! I have No idea why my hair keeps turning white. No matter what I do I can't stop it. Not even dyes work!" Pouted the man as he downed another glass of wine.

I was shocked, that man looks at least 50, his hair had far more white than grey and even less black that that. He had a small scar on his left eyebrow and a series of bedazzled rings could be seen on his fingers, but no matter how you looked, he definitely didn't look 29. On top of that they seemed to have made a bet wether or not I would survive. I mean they're not even trying to hide the fact they were betting on me.

At least let me in on that, I could make some easy money. Wait. Can a person even place a bet on themselves? I really should have paid more attention to gambling while I was on earth. Oh well, guess I'll just have to learn eventually. The thought of all the new things I could learn and do in this world was astonishing.

Ignoring them for a second I got lost in my own thoughts. I then turned to the counter, but before I could address the barkeep I heard her soft voice ring out.

"Joe the mountain Ape, worth 70,000 berries. How would you like to be paid?"

"Food first, I'd like one of everything on your menu and an equal amount of ale. You can give me the remainder In cash." I spoke quietly, hoping no one would overhear how I was being paid, but I quickly came to a realization that she wouldn't have asked so openly if it was that easy to rob bounty hunters in this place.

"Bring him to the back and come out for your meal."

I heaved the unconscious lug on the cold wood floor and untied him after seeing the 2 men who worked in the back readying proper handcuffs.

"Not too many scratches on you. Must of been an easy fight, eh?" Came the slightly high pitched voice of the guard cuffing Joe.

"Not at all. Dudes tough as an ape. He really did earn that name. I just got lucky after pissing him off a little. If he had hit me even once, I probably wouldn't be standing here right now. But honestly he should really learn not to telegraph his punches so much, they were way too predictable."

The guards were taken aback, they had expected boasting, embellishing maybe even the recounting the story of how he had subdued Joe. They were all too used to bounty hunters acting as if they were they greatest thing since sliced bread. And they had to admit hearing their stories was enjoyable whether they were true or not. But it was rare to find a hunter with humility, especially out here where one's reputation means everything.

"Alright take it easy fellas. And pass on that little tidbit to Joe when he wakes up. Might help him improve slightly."

After leaving Joe with the 2 guards. I looked to the barkeep. She pointed to a table to my left. There I found my feast waiting. Everything from chicken wings and steamed vegetables, corn on the cob to potato salad along with some type of fish. There was even apple pie and custard tarts. Not to mention my 6 mugs of ale. I drooled at the sight.

The barkeep was a woman of few words, but they always got right to the point. I like that about her. I wonder if she'd join my crew? Might make for one hell of a cook. I can always come back here and ask once I've got my own ship. Thoughts for later.

I couldn't wait to dig in, but first I calmed my mind. I began to breath in an irregular manner and work my stomach muscles together. I was going to try utilizing the nutrient absorbing technique while eating. I wanted to see how it would effect the amount I could eat and how long I could go between meals.

And so I started. Stuffing my face with food from a dozen different plates and bowls. Only coming up to drain half a mug of ale at a time. I could feel my stomach working overtime as every corner of my body began to build with excess energy. When I finally cleaned my last plate, and swallowed my last drop of ale, the entire bar was quietly starring at me. Arthur passed Lenora another wad of cash while grumbling under his breath. They were betting on me again.

I began to focus even further, drowning out the stares around me. And looking deep within myself. The strength of my soul taught me one important thing during the past week, it was the fact that I could control my body, cell by cell, to reduce fatigue by channeling my souls strength through my veins. Doing this allowed me to go beyond even what the great guru could. I was able to redirect nutrients and protein in my body to help rebuild damaged tissue. Though at a snails pace, it was still enough to ignore most minor wounds.

Controlling that excess build up of energy, coming from deep within and diverting it towards my injuries. Minor though most of them they may be, without treatment they could still get infected. The bruising on my back from where I slammed into the tree is the most painful, yet also the least concerning.

As the excess energy within each cell began to dissipate, my wounds slowly closed themselves and my bruises began to fade. I opened my eyes and marvelled at how quickly it had worked. The marks could still be seen, and my skin still sore, but even the deeper cuts were no more than small scratches now.

The remainder of the energy from all that food was now evenly spread throughout my body and I could feel my exhaustion disappearing.

I got up and went back toward the back room, ignoring the murmurs and laughter about me not being human coming from around the bar, where I collected what remained of my bounty.