Knowing you have nothing to fear, you decide to do better research on the Mushroom that saved your life. Shrek tells you that the cows invited you to their library, so you follow them. To your delight, there are history texts as far as the eye can see. One points to a small book, which Shrek tells you is labelled "The Introductory Holy Funguru". Opening it, Shrek reads to you:
In the beginning, the Tall Mushroom created the mycelium and the sky.
Now the world was formless and empty, evil and corruption covered the surface of the chaotic land, and the Spirit of the Tall Mushroom was still of the sky. Then the Tall Mushroom said "Let there be light", and there was light. The Tall Mushroom saw that the light was good, and the Tall Mushroom separated the light from the evil and from the corruption. The Tall Mushroom called the light "Fungus" and the evil he called "Life". There was an evening, and there was a morning: The Tall Mushroom called this cycle "day".
Then the Tall Mushroom said "Let there be a division between the Fungus and the Life, separating good from evil". So the Tall Mushroom created the oceans - separating the Life and the Fungus. And it was so. Evening came and then morning: the second day.
Then The Tall Mushroom said "Let the life move, as their chaos consumes them". And so it was. The Tall Mushroom saw that the life was bad, and so He said "Let there be a mushroom, and let it be solitary and everlasting in its good". And that was the Second Mushroom - the brother of the Tall Mushroom. And so ended the third day.
Then the Tall Mushroom said "Let there be a companion to the Second Mushroom" - and so he created the Red Mushroom. Together, the Brown and Red Mushrooms created the Earth. But the Red Mushroom was not a true Fungus. During the night, the Red Mushroom went to the Life, and brought them to the Earth. And when the fourth day started, the Tall Mushroom saw what had happened to the Earth. And he cried. His tears made the rain, and filled the space between the Life and the Fungus, creating the first ocean. When the Tall Mushroom looked again, he saw that he was away from Life. And so he slept.
The Brown Mushroom could never forgive the Red Mushroom, but He could tolerate Her. The Red Mushroom moved to live with the Brown, and together they bridged their two worlds - creating the first Mooshroom.
Many eons later, two Mooshrooms came together and had a child. Children were a natural part of life, but this one was different. Its pure love awakened the Tall Mushroom, and so He blessed the child, calling it "Furngsus". Furngsus lived a life of greatness, and when he finally died, the Tall Mushroom wept. The Brown Mushroom saw the Tall Mushroom weeping, and so he said "Let life be pure". But the Brown Mushroom was not the creator, and so could not change what was. Instead, a new form of Life was created - the Player. The Player could travel between the Life and the Fungus, and knew of the Tall Mushroom. But there was a Player who was corrupted by the Evil - his name is Matt. Matt went to the Red Mushroom, and asked for the power to create Grass and Seagrass. With his Seagrass, he created the Bad Ocean, to trap the birthplace of the Tall Mushroom in evil. And when he saw what he had done, he saw that it was Evil. And this made him happy.
As the Tall Mushroom was awakened by the Child, he saw what Matt had done and banished him to a distant land called "FurLand". When He saw that his Brother had created Matt, he did not see the Good. And He slew His brother, passing the evil and grief onto himself instead of on the Player. In return, the Player taught themselves of the Tall Mushroom, and created the Gamer Girl to continue their race and worship the Tall Mushroom. And so is the world, with the evil of life and the pureness of Fungus.
After reading the Funguru, you have a better understanding of the Mooshrooms around you, and realize that they are direct descendants of the Holy Tall Mushroom Himself. However, you're worried by the Bad Ocean. You don't plan to stay for long, but it seems unfortunate that the Mooshrooms are all trapped on one island. With this in mind, you have a new goal: Freeing the fungites.